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Why do you hate stat padders?

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  • #76
    Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

    This thread is about padding, not ****ing K N P servers.

    Jesus christ.


    • #77
      Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

      Not a opinion. Its the cold hard truth. Its a Fact. Why dont you read my posts first and use your brains before making smartass replies. I think I should know Pistol and Knife Servers better then you. I have more knowledge of them, how they operate and who uses them and why. I dont need links and stuff like you folks do, I have myself. This isnt Wikipedia, I dont need links and I also do not need to go around and ***** and moan over stat padders because "I suck so much, I care about E Ranks and E Medals/Badges more then the fun of the game and I even wonder why I play FPS, cause I suck THAT MUCH". Its a game, if you dont like stat padders, dont become one and shut the hell up, End of Story, and they all bangled happily ever after;

      EDIT: WaffleStomp, Pistol and Knife Servers are stat padding. Control that angry, the force is not strong with u.

      EDIT 2: [01:05] Vash2051: why get worked up over other people padding
      [01:05] Vash2051: just play on good servers
      [01:06] TGL|BFH|Stephen: Like People need to chill
      [01:07] TGL|BFH|Stephen: just enjoy the game and screw everything else
      [01:07] TGL|BFH|Stephen: Go Watch Family guy or porn if you dont like the fellow gamers
      [01:07] Vash2051: yea


      • #78
        Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

        Yeah, who needs evidence and proof? What kind of place is this where you are expected to be able to back up you emotional statements?
        Listen to me, because I am an expert on all things PC gaming. I've been playing PC games since they were text-based RPGs on BBSs, so obviously I know more than everyone here.
        Oh, crap. I forgot to misuse/misspell words to get my point across. WTFOMGBBQLAMESAUCE!!!! I R LEETNESS! U R N00Bs! I R RIGHT!!!!!


        • #79
          Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

          Originally posted by Jimtool655321 View Post
          Yeah, who needs evidence and proof? What kind of place is this where you are expected to be able to back up you emotional statements?
          Listen to me, because I am an expert on all things PC gaming. I've been playing PC games since they were text-based RPGs on BBSs, so obviously I know more than everyone here.
          Oh, crap. I forgot to misuse/misspell words to get my point across. WTFOMGBBQLAMESAUCE!!!! I R LEETNESS! U R N00Bs! I R RIGHT!!!!!
          Steven, I am 33 years old and have to deal with all this stupid ********. Sorry if I sound rude.

          Jimtool, I played those games too. Your no better than anyone else.

          I stat pad, and I have fun. I have a good time killing the dummy or reviving the dummy and chatting with the other players ingame. Whats wrong with that? We're having a load of fun and you're having a load of fun on your regular server... What is the problem? Its a win-win situation.


          • #80
            Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

            Listen to me, because I am an expert on all things PC gaming. I've been playing PC games since they were text-based RPGs on BBSs, so obviously I know more than everyone here
            So you want a cookie or something? I bet I played Games your mommy couldn't tell you about and you'd never heard of. Your not the only one, so don't push your luck.

            if you want evidence and proof, go join a Pistol and Knife Server and you can have first hand evidence and proof. As it stands most of you are making a mountain out of a mole.


            • #81
              Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

              It's mountain out of moleHILL, dammit! Turning a rodent into a geological feature makes no sense at all. And I have been on KP servers. I've seen commanders get nearly 1000 points for sitting there watching people knife and revive each other for an entire round. It's padding if it's ranked, period.

              And no, I don't need cookies when I tell you I've been playing computer games since before there were graphics. I'm just illustrating the fact that no matter what you think of your opinion as an "expert", you're misguided and/or wrong on this one.


              • #82
                Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                Originally posted by Jimtool655321
                It's mountain out of moleHILL, dammit! Turning a rodent into a geological feature makes no sense at all. And I have been on KP servers. I've seen commanders get nearly 1000 points for sitting there watching people knife and revive each other for an entire round. It's padding if it's ranked, period.

                And no, I don't need cookies when I tell you I've been playing computer games since before there were graphics. I'm just illustrating the fact that no matter what you think of your opinion as an "expert", you're misguided and/or wrong on this one.
                How about you shut your mouth. Who the hell are you to tell people how to play a game?


                • #83
                  Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                  Originally posted by WaffleStomp View Post
                  How about you shut your mouth. Who the hell are you to tell people how to play a game?
                  What, no cussing? Obviously you don't care enough. By myself, I'm no one to tell people how to play their lame-*** game. But the community as a whole agrees that sitting there knife-reviving someone's alt account is BS stat padding to cheat your way into more points because you aren't even decent enough to constrain your lameness to killing bots in single player. If you have so much fun padding on a dummy, why don't you do it in unranked servers? You do it on ranked servers to get fake, unearned, lame points that give you unlocks and pretend prestige. If you people really only padded for fun, this conversation would never happen, because padders would be doing their thing in unranked servers.
                  Now shut YOUR mouth.

                  EDIT: wrong guy


                  • #84
                    Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                    Originally posted by TGL|Stephen View Post
                    Al Bamo. Feelings are for nubs. Opinions are feelings, and Opinions are normally wrong.
                    No feelings are for a man who knows what to do with a woman. Opinions are not emotions, and if they are normally wrong then your opinion that k/p is fine is probably wrong.

                    You could have proved your point with a decent player link, not a 3 week old player.


                    • #85
                      Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                      What you don't realise Stephen is that some people don't realize that K/P servers are stat padding, I have no respect for anyone that earned their awards on knife and pistol servers. I love how most stat padders play knife and pistol, until they get their shiny Expert award, only to come into a real server and get powned so hard that there stats go out the window.

                      K/P is lamme want to knife people, do it on a real server is so much more satisfying to kill someone when they are not paying attention.


                      • #86
                        Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                        Originally posted by evant3k View Post
                        K/P is lamme want to knife people, do it on a real server is so much more satisfying to kill someone when they are not paying attention.
                        Sometimes people just want to have fun.

                        I do, so i play pistol and knife servers. Shoot me.


                        • #87
                          Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                          Honestly Stephen, you're wasting your breath. There are people that feel very passionate about stat padders (i dont). They have the right to feel however they want.

                          Look at it this way..does it bother you that statpadding bothers them so much? If your answer is yes, then thats your problem not theirs.


                          • #88
                            Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                            The argument about just having fun is a bs cover. You can have fun with knives and pistols on any server. You guys are just finding excuses for your lame padding cos you can't play on a real server. You suck so you stats pad to get points and badges you're too incompetent to get by actually playing by the ROE, which you agree to play by every time you join a ranked server (in the fine print).

                            Your excuses are transparent at best.


                            • #89
                              Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                              Originally posted by Jimtool655321
                              What, no cussing? Obviously you don't care enough. By myself, I'm no one to tell people how to play their lame-*** game. But the community as a whole agrees that sitting there knife-reviving someone's alt account is BS stat padding to cheat your way into more points because you aren't even decent enough to constrain your lameness to killing bots in single player. If you have so much fun padding on a dummy, why don't you do it in unranked servers? You do it on ranked servers to get fake, unearned, lame points that give you unlocks and pretend prestige. If you people really only padded for fun, this conversation would never happen, because padders would be doing their thing in unranked servers.
                              Now shut YOUR mouth.

                              EDIT: wrong guy
                              Your a dumb piece of ****.

                              You know how much I give a flying fack what the community cares about? There are people in here with forum Administrator who are saying they do it too... I think this is just your stupid sh!t views...

                              I pad because I am a married surgeon with a wife and kids and do not have the time to play regular to get my awards, I had a colonel with 315000 points that got spoofed and reset.. how would that make you feel?

                              I will own your noob a$$ anyday in regular, as I said I do both, pad and regular.

                              So my friend, shut up and get a life.

                              ALSO NOTE:

                              EA Doesn't give a flying sh!t about stat padding! they don't care! many high level players pad I pad with 3 stars 2 stars 1 stars all the like!

                              I know people who hold one of the top 20 as commander and stat pads all the time!


                              • #90
                                Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                                It's mountain out of moleHILL, dammit! Turning a rodent into a geological feature makes no sense at all. And I have been on KP servers. I've seen commanders get nearly 1000 points for sitting there watching people knife and revive each other for an entire round. It's padding if it's ranked, period.
                                Your one peice of work, you know that?

                                I believe Alex98uk, and you can correct me if Im wrong, that the TotalGamingNetwork Rules says and I quote: • Spelling Police WILL NOT be tolerateYed, period!

                                Members are expected to conduct themselves as civilized individuals here with some level of maturity and decorum. That means showing courtesy to staff, other members and guests. Avoid excessive cursing and absolutely no personal attacks, bashes or bigotry.

                                if you had any brains at all and know anything about other countries that some do say "Make a moutain out of a mole" It depends on what country your in. But I wouldnt expect daft people llike you to know that. I'd love to see some screenshots of the Commanders, BECAUSE I KNOW FOR A GODDAMN FACT THAT THE COMMANDERS ARE ADMINS AND SIT IN TANKS TO ENFORCE THE RULES, SEEING AS I USED TO DO THIS DAILY FOR A LONG, LONG, LONG, TIME.

                                What you don't realise Stephen is that some people don't realize that K/P servers are stat padding, I have no respect for anyone that earned their awards on knife and pistol servers. I love how most stat padders play knife and pistol, until they get their shiny Expert award, only to come into a real server and get powned so hard that there stats go out the window.
                                Incorrect. Thats hearsay and you can't speak for them all. I can own your arse on any Pistol and Knife Server, and I'll be dammed if I can't own you on a normal server. I doubt there is a person who plays on Pistol and Knife who cant kick your arse on a reg server.

                                They have the right to feel however they want.
                                They have that personal right, but they dont have the right to bash players for playing on a different server. Sorry Folks, your Freedom of Speech doesnt cover online or your bashing.

                                The argument about just having fun is a bs cover. You can have fun with knives and pistols on any server. You guys are just finding excuses for your lame padding cos you can't play on a real server. You suck so you stats pad to get points and badges you're too incompetent to get by actually playing by the ROE, which you agree to play by every time you join a ranked server (in the fine print).

                                Your excuses are transparent at best.
                                One Sided, Bias, and plain stupid comment. I would expect that from a kid. Like I said above, I still play on both Pistol and Knife and ROE Servers and I am normally the top medic in every match in kills, heals, etc. I can also take your *** down with a sniper round to your head.

                                You could have proved your point with a decent player link, not a 3 week old player.
                                Idiot, thats a new account, it has 21CW tags.

                                EDIT: As you think we cant pub using ROEs, you want to do a scrim then? The stat padders against you lot in this thread? Or how about we pub tonight? I/O, no bunny hopping, or dolphin diving, that makes you a noob that cant play.

