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IO and Your Thoughts...

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  • #91
    Re: IO and Your Thoughts...

    The rounds are lasting longer. I like that!


    • #92
      Re: IO and Your Thoughts...

      I absolutely love it, especially for Special Forces.

      Ghost Town with no choppers, tanks and mis-used AA vehicles is a beautiful thing. seriously.


      • #93
        Re: IO and Your Thoughts...

        Originally posted by Consultant01
        I absolutely love it, especially for Special Forces.

        Ghost Town with no choppers, tanks and mis-used AA vehicles is a beautiful thing. seriously.
        OMG, I forgot about that.
        How is Armored Fury without the fury?! :laugh:
        Now seriously, we have to give it a try, before complaining about points and whores.


        • #94
          Re: IO and Your Thoughts...

          Originally posted by PlaneWhore
          KoMeT could you stop posting these worthless posts complaining about how long my posts are. Nobody is forcing you to read them.

          I know you did read it though (my long post) and I also know you're probably an infantry only mode point whore. So in that respect I'm glad that I've exposed how lame your mode of choice is and I hope it cuts deep so every time you log in and play every game is so shallow and unrewarding. Every second you spend hiding in an IO server makes you weaker and weaker. You'll never be able to come back to a real game because if and when you ever do you'll get dominated by the most skilled infantry and dominated by the artillery/vehicles you decided to run away from.

          Believe me when I say my posts have absolutely nothing to do with me being a vehicle whore either because fact is I have more time as infantry than in any vehicle. Luckily my favorite server remains unchanged because thankfully the admins understand how cheap, shallow and just plain sad IO mode is and won't switch it over. Thank god for that.

          Ding ding ding. Ohw f'ck wrong answer. !

          I don't often play infantry only since it came out.

          Originally posted by Planewhore
          Believe me when I say my posts have absolutely nothing to do with me being a vehicle whore either because fact is I have more time as infantry than in any vehicle.
          Never said you were..

          Originally posted by Planewhore
          uckily my favorite server remains unchanged because thankfully the admins understand how cheap, shallow and just plain sad IO mode is and won't switch it over. Thank god for that.
          Good for you but that's what I mean we all know you hate infantry only

          Originally posted by Planewhore
          when you ever do you'll get dominated by the most skilled infantry
          It's the other way around mostly I end in top players..

          So could we stop flaming eachother now I also mean me


          • #95
            Re: IO and Your Thoughts...

            Originally posted by Batausu
            OMG, I forgot about that.
            How is Armored Fury without the fury?! :laugh:
            Now seriously, we have to give it a try, before complaining about points and whores.
            I bet that Midnight Sun could actually be fun with no vehicles.

            Harvest is way too big and would be just a bunch of rambo-snipers...

            Road Rage just makes no sense... its a highway... how would 2 armies meet up at a highway with no vehicles.



            • #96
              Re: IO and Your Thoughts...

              IO is awesome!

              The only people that complain about it are those that need "special" help to play the game. These people simply can't survive in IO and now that the've got into arguments on the forums are doomed to hate IO forever because of their stubborn attitudes.

              DICE added IO because it's fun.

              It's funny how people blame everything on DICE and their decisions. Ran into a claymore 10 times in a row? It must DICE's fault, IO's fault or Karkand's fault! How about not running the same way 10 times, turning wide corners and playing carefully? I never have a problem with claymores and neither should you.

              Play smart. Have fun.


              • #97
                Re: IO and Your Thoughts...

                IO is really a huge slug it out slaughter-house fest; I feel for those who get caught up in the fast paced action and just constant ambushes.

                It is intense though which I enjoy and as a former CS player I love those point-blank shootouts. Claymore's are showing up a lot more but I will adjust to the gameplay.That may be some of the problem as with all new maps and stuff it is really just chaos until everybody figures out their paths to safespots.

                I guess let the map settle in a little bit and than I will have a better opinion of it. In beta it was a little different but I will adjust.


                • #98
                  Re: IO and Your Thoughts...

                  DANK you are right, although it all depends on how you want the game to go. There's no reason to hit anyone point blank. Keep your distance and stay on single shot mode. Here are some tips to enjoy IO more:

                  1) If you're a squad leader, make sure you invite people to your squad.
                  2) If you're a squad leader, make sure to flank and sit outside of the flag, letting your team members spawn on you.
                  3) If you're a squad leader and no one spawns on you, make sure you keep drilling it into them with chat until they do.
                  4) If no one joins your squad, create a new one with the name "TEAMWORK" and type in chat "For teamwork join squad 1"
                  5) If you're a squad member and your squad isn't working as a team, leave it and start your own and go to step 1-4.
                  6) Do not sit around, always stay mobile.

                  Sometimes it takes some effort to get your squad working together. Let people know that your intention is to play as a team and I promise that 90% of the time people will go along with you... even if you get 2 people along with you, the rest will stick like glue


                  • #99
                    Re: IO and Your Thoughts...

                    one thing I will say, about BF in general... the up close and personal infantry combat has always exposed some of the weaknesses of the engine. I'm talking way back to BF1942 and forward. It just kinda feels herky-jerky, and IO exposed that in BF2 for me.

                    somebody else mentioned CS, I'll mention CS:Source and games like Quake3/UT2k4. I know they are VERY different games, but I always felt that in a game of UT or CS that I was always in 100% control of my player in those head-on collision encounters. In the BF games, I kinda feel like its a contest of who lags less. Just feels a little "clunky".

                    medium/short and long range fighting is amazing... but when 2 guys meet up with 2 other guys in a closed space like the alley's of Karkand... i feel like Im having an outter-body experience... floating through the game like a passenger, not really in control.

                    My mouse and keyboard give "suggestions" as to what I want my player to do... but it doesnt always come out that way.

                    That isnt IO's fault though... its the engine I think.

                    It's just a feeling I got years ago in 1942 and I get it again now.

                    Originally posted by [MyIS]Spetsnaz
                    DANK you are right, although it all depends on how you want the game to go. There's no reason to hit anyone point blank. Keep your distance and stay on single shot mode. Here are some tips to enjoy IO more:

                    1) If you're a squad leader, make sure you invite people to your squad.
                    2) If you're a squad leader, make sure to flank and sit outside of the flag, letting your team members spawn on you.
                    3) If you're a squad leader and no one spawns on you, make sure you keep drilling it into them with chat until they do.
                    4) If no one joins your squad, create a new one with the name "TEAMWORK" and type in chat "For teamwork join squad 1"
                    5) If you're a squad member and your squad isn't working as a team, leave it and start your own and go to step 1-4.
                    6) Do not sit around, always stay mobile.

                    Sometimes it takes some effort to get your squad working together. Let people know that your intention is to play as a team and I promise that 90% of the time people will go along with you... even if you get 2 people along with you, the rest will stick like glue

                    Dude, couldnt agree with you more. It seems that people always want the work done for them. They want to follow orders, not give them... they want teamwork to magically appear around them...they dont want to initiate it in the ways you've suggested.

                    Be a leader... LEAD.


                    • Re: IO and Your Thoughts...

                      It was fun for me, just play IO maps in SF. (which are basically IO to start with)

                      Ghost town is soooo much fun IO.


                      • Re: IO and Your Thoughts...

                        we're running an IO server at the moment. We played on it last night (had it running a game in <5 minutes thanks to the reduced number of players needed now). We only played Jalallalaalalalalaallabad but had fun none-the-less. Saw a pretty good mix of players although it was heavy on the sniper side. Good fast paced action and no artillery. While I don't want to play it all the time, it's a good change of pace.


                        • Re: IO and Your Thoughts...

                          Iron Gator was a joke, all the USMC were on boats SRAW'ing the MEC as they tried to get on-board.


                          • Re: IO and Your Thoughts...

                            Originally posted by KHAN
                            Iron Gator was a joke, all the USMC were on boats SRAW'ing the MEC as they tried to get on-board.
                            yep, again, DiCE should have released IO only maps with the patch or just added a couple different spawn points in traditional maps.


                            • Re: IO and Your Thoughts...

                              If you played Quake 3, instagib makes sense on some maps, but not on others...

                              Same concept here, server admins just need to adjust map rotation accordingly for IO mode.

                              Overall I love IO mode.


                              • Re: IO and Your Thoughts...

                                IO pwns.

                                In your faces armor whores

