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Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

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  • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

    Originally posted by Deliverance
    Once again, if you dont like it, you dont have to play it. And i can assure you, it IS wanted a a considerable number of people. I too enjoy Bf2 for what it is, vehicles and all, but i would like the OPTION (meaning you can choose) to play infantry only now and again.
    Hmm funny how you keep have to repeating that it was wanted???????


    • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

      Originally posted by SuperDonkey
      Hmm funny how you keep have to repeating that it was wanted???????
      Hmmm funny how the ignorants who cant realise its wanted dont get the point isnt it????????


      • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

        Originally posted by stephensolfo
        delverance wat server is this,i like the sound of it.
        I thjink he means

        that one. great server.

        and here's the good Infa Mode solution
        Originally posted by harmor
        Personally if you really wanted a vehicle-lite option to the game you do the following:
        * Replace Tanks/APCs with Heavy Jeep spawns
        * Replace AA vehicles with Light Jeep spawns
        * Remove jets.
        * Replace Attack helicopters with Transport Helicopters (i.e. USMC carrier would have 3 Blackhawk spawns)


        • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

          Originally posted by pertti_pasanen
          and here's the good Infa Mode solution
          Originally Posted by harmor
          Personally if you really wanted a vehicle-lite option to the game you do the following:
          * Replace Tanks/APCs with Heavy Jeep spawns
          * Replace AA vehicles with Light Jeep spawns
          * Remove jets.
          * Replace Attack helicopters with Transport Helicopters (i.e. USMC carrier would have 3 Blackhawk spawns)
          That sounds fine


          • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

            Originally posted by Deliverance
            I dont want the increased hitpoints or the increased HP, id prefer they leave it as is, remove all the armour/helos/planes and replace with transports instead.

            If you think teamwork doesnt exist in BF2 (in terms of infantry) i invite you to come visit our city maps server sometime. Please, im not saying this as a retort, im seriously asking you to come play on our server, any of them, all 3 are the same in the teamwork they produce, particularly the city maps, sometime and squad up with some of our guys. I can guaruntee you will change your mind about infantry fighting not being condusive of team work (of course we still allow vehicles as we have to)


            That goes for anyone who is sceptical of the fact teamwork DOES exist in Bf2. We are not a clan, we play together because we like playing as a team, and having a laugh. Squad up with anyone with a 50k tag, we nearly all have VOIP and use it all the time.
            Yeah, Ive seen the "Battlefield 2" teamwork in the game. Which basically means- moving towards a flag, squadleader sits down and troops start swarming. Now we get to the ugly part. The teamwork from now on consist of mindless rushing towards a flag, with no tactics, no strategy and no flanking, no maneuvers. Teamwork mainly consists of throwing all your nades at the flag, reviving downed comrades and trying to survive. Theres no "teamWORK", theres "teamRUSH". But this doesnt have much to do with mentality, because thats the rules set by the game. So yeah, Ive seen the so called "higher" level of teamwork, and Im not impressed. I do enjoy being in a good squad and all, playing with people who stick together, but theres no tactical nor strategical immersion in the game. Anyone whos played SWAT4 immediately recognizes the difference in gameplay.

            Now to the point. Infantry Only games are no different. People rushing for personal PTS, just like we have right now. Just because some servers have regulars that stick together, doesnt mean that this is whats really going on.

            Because teamwork a´la BF2 is = stick together, rush together, die together, respawn together. In the direct meaning.

            Im not arguing the use of IO mode here, mind you. Im just saying that there will be no more tactics and teamplay than it is right now. Im even saying that there will be less, because threats that DEMANDED combined counter, are gone.

            Again, I personally think that the efforts put into IO mode, could have gone into bugfixing, or gameplay balance fixing.


            • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

              Don't know if it has been mentioned yet because I haven't read the whole thread but with it taking two C4 charges to kill a person, you can now C4 jump with FF on to places inaccessable normally. Imagine a squad leader launching himself onto a roof top on Karkand (any map for that matter) with no arty or cartillery to clear him off. Rest of his squad spawns up there with a medic and you'll never clear them out with the reduced damage/increased hit points unless the squad leader does something realyl really dumb.


              • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

                Originally posted by Lagadelphia
                Don't know if it has been mentioned yet because I haven't read the whole thread but with it taking two C4 charges to kill a person, you can now C4 jump with FF on to places inaccessable normally. Imagine a squad leader launching himself onto a roof top on Karkand (any map for that matter) with no arty or cartillery to clear him off. Rest of his squad spawns up there with a medic and you'll never clear them out with the reduced damage/increased hit points unless the squad leader does something realyl really dumb.
                This is an excellent point, and yet another reason why the damage/hit points/ health should not be altered from how they stand now.


                • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

                  Originally posted by Deliverance
                  This is an excellent point, and yet another reason why the damage/hit points/ health should not be altered from how they stand now.
                  From my experience one C4 wasnt enough to lift a person up that much. You can access roofs that you could NEARLY access with a jump. But nothing much more than that.


                  • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

                    Originally posted by Chris_Redfield
                    From my experience one C4 wasnt enough to lift a person up that much. You can access roofs that you could NEARLY access with a jump. But nothing much more than that.
                    Roof opposite the hotel on Karkand can be done with a C4 jump (the one above the archway) iirc (never done it myself but read of countless people who have)

                    Cant get up there by jumping.


                    • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

                      Even tho I've been wanting a infantry mode for long now after a quick test i have to say the IO mode as immplemented now seems pretty stupid. 2xsupport 4xmedic ftw. Increased health means bunnyhop / diving is more useable 'tactic' as is the medic-just-does-revives-in-cqb. But maybe i's just that it plays as a different game my opinion might change after becoming used to it. But all the tweaks still make it more like a mod than a mode.


                      • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

                        Originally posted by Deliverance
                        Are u unable to read or what?

                        I told you i played CS since the beta days, therefore i know the difference between the CS and BF series infantry combat. YOU CANNOT compare the two, they are two completely different styles of play.

                        I dont want them to change BF to CS, if i wanted to play CS i would install it again and play it, i dont, i want to play BF, both as it is now, AND with the option of infantry only.
                        Dont want to change it ? So why they are making this change?


                        • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

                          Originally posted by Mr Pmosh
                          Dont want to change it ? So why they are making this change?
                          Jesus H is not being changed. It is a new mode which you CAN play if you want, if you DONT want to play it you can carry on playing it as you do now.


                          • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

                            For someone so overwhelmingly convinced that infantry combat in BF2 sucks (y’all should go play counterstrike) you sure seem worried that it will be extremely popular with the community. Personally, I think you’re over reacting, it’s just another way to play the game just like co-op and even single player, neither of those have killed the core game of playing regular BF2, neither would an Infantry Orientated mode. I look at it as just another option, just like with the new Titan game mode for BF2142 there will be people who love it and there will be people who hate it and will only want to play good old conquest mode.

                            I hate to say it but maybe they should hold off on implementing Infantry Orientated mode for a booster pack, that way they could design in all the balances needed into the maps, include lots of buildings which you could go into, narrow alleys and accessible rooftops, they could add in vehicles which were geared more towards transport than dealing death for example.

                            I applaud DICE’s efforts for at least giving us a chance to try something different.

                            I like this idea the best otherwise, as long as they leave the health and weapon damage as it is in plain battlefield, I don't care for the Infantry++ version.

                            Originally Posted by harmor
                            Personally if you really wanted a vehicle-lite option to the game you do the following:
                            * Replace Tanks/APCs with Heavy Jeep spawns
                            * Replace AA vehicles with Light Jeep spawns
                            * Remove jets.
                            * Replace Attack helicopters with Transport Helicopters (i.e. USMC carrier would have 3 Blackhawk spawns)
                            I also don't see any reason this shouldn't be ranked, there's already maps that are almost 100% infantry focused and they're ranked. It's something I'd enjoy playing but I would go back and forth, just like I do now, sometimes I play Armored Fury servers, sometimes regular BF2 and even Special Forces.

                            Variety is the spice of life.


                            • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

                              Originally posted by AusGroover
                              Of course you whinge about infantry only mode, The majority of people who do whinge about this are the tank/plane/chopper whores that are completely useless without their precious vehicles. Granted some will claim not to be veh whores, but in war and battles there are many different situations when vehicles are not the answer, for logistical, tactical of geographical reasons. Now BF2 will be able to cater for this. I think its a great idea!!!

                              This is a different game mode to cater for the majority of non veh whores to give another element to the game for those who want it. Also stalemates in a battle have happened many times in the past and is a fact of battle. So whichever team employs the better tactics and teamwork will eventually break through and win.

                              Do you people think that there have never been conflicts/battles without the use of armour and aircraft? Think about jungle warfare, close quarter battles etc. You'll find that the majority of BF2 players want this mode. So if you dont like it, go play on another server and enjoy vehicle whoring.
                              You must be a medic whore then?


                              • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

                                It really doesnt bother me I just like stirring up debate....

                                Actually it kind of bothers me since it goes against what has always been Battlefield...The whole focking field of battle...I mean 42 had Armor only maps.....Yeah one could argue that the Armored Furry and Euro Forces maps a very heavy in vehicle combat...

                                Then again I also like playing custom maps and mods so I guess whatevea happens happens...

