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Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

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  • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

    Originally posted by PlaneWhore
    Thanks for fortifying my position. Which is exactly why I'm concerned about the impact IO will have on my enjoyment of BF2. You say players are "concerned with points in this game". And I'd agree, you are right. Don't try to sell IO as a quality gameplay mode to me if the only way you can sell it to the BF2 population is to make it a ranked point fest. If IO mode is as great as certain players in this thread are speculating, then DICE could EASILY release it as an unranked option and purely from the quality of the gameplay it'd be a huge success and doesn't need the ranked gimmick.

    Back to the original point I was making, players ARE in fact obsessed with points. So obsessed with points they'll become obsessed with the one gameplay mode that will provide them with the easiest stream of points possible regardless if they find it less fun or linear ect. I find this fact disturbing, and I for one know I could never play like that.

    So let's rehash the basic reasons why IO was and still is a bad idea.
    • 1. DICE Canda DEVS have wasted how many hundreds of man hours working on this mode? What could they've accomplished instead of dicking around with this childish gameplay mode? Oh I don't know, revamp the assault class, rebalance medics, completely rework the airplanes and A2A system.. just to name a few. Fact is, I've already been directly effected by the time DICE has wasted creating this mess
    • 2. This legalized version of point farming will attract a lot of players (mostly for points), it'll split BF2 communities, ruin good servers as frequent players leave to either join IO or leave IO, and this will have a global negative impact on BF2 as a whole. I've seen it in other games, and I know I'll see it in this one too.
    • 3. This IO mode will split the different types of players and create a disturbing balance on vehicle on servers. Because where you had a reasonable 10 out of 64 players trying to get armor, you've now got essentially double that (give or take), and as we all know the end result of having 20 players trying to get a vehicle is a horrible team and a boring round.
    I could go on and on and on, but those are the three big points I can pull right off the top of my head. I'm sure if I put on my thinking cap and thought about it while in the shower or taking a dump I'd come up with a whole slew of other points to highlight the negative aspects of DICEs new undertaking.

    I feel good though, I've done my part to warn the public, and either way I win. Either I get to continue playing an untainted Battlefield 2 as DICE drops the idea, OR I get to come back on these forums a week or two after patch day and flip up my middle finger at certain individuals, and go "Told you so!". Don't say I didn't warn you.

    Finally, to all of those players who really crave an IO mode, I've said it once, and I'll say it again...

    You were doing so well with a reasonably mature arguement, then they you let yourself down so badly with yet another immature, and irrelevant CS comment. I Crave IO, i played CS since its original beta, all the way through to source (the same goes for DoD, TFC). I dont want to play CS, if i did i would install it again and play it. I want to play BF2.

    I've said it once, and I'll say it again...BF2 and CS are two COMPLETELY different styles of game, if you are to blinkered to realise that (or it suits you to see it that way so you can use it as a moronic excuse for an arguement) then i pity you.

    Your pretty up your own arse arent you dude? "I told you so"? Lets say, that in a parralell universe that you are right, and IO is removed. How does that make you any better than all the whiney little turds who got this game so dumbed down a 5 year old could play it? Seriously, how does that make you any different? You whine because your either a) unable, or unwilling to play IO or B) because your to selfish to let those who do actually have the OPTION to do so, which in my book makes you on a equal footing with them.

    I note how you havent argued your case in the Poll thread? Why is that? Because 2 thirds of the poll respondents actually want IO and it wont be such an easy debate as one in this thread, which is aimed at those who DONT want IO?

    Whether you like it or not, its all kind of irrelvant, DICE will appease the majority (as they should) and in this case, the poll is conclusive. Your to paranoid to realise that your warped vision of BF2 armageddon where there are only IO servers and your precious vehicles dont exist is completely unfounded.


    • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

      I agree wiuth the above comment slightly i also want IO to be ingame but admins should have the option of what to take out or leave in. for example on gulf of oman your gonna need jeeps to capture flash or you will be walking for hours this would be boring. There needs to be an option like BFV what the admins take out and leave in.


      • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

        O.M.G...., planewhores post #239

        My god planewhore you have a very high opinion of yourself dont you ... so high it seems others are below you, why do you think 1 crusade against IO mode will change anything when its already here.

        Your totally unrealistic, sensationalist and apocaliyptic view of the future of BF2 has had me in barrels of laughter.

        You really are a case.


        • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

          Originally posted by frazzman
          O.M.G...., planewhores post #239

          My god planewhore you have a very high opinion of yourself dont you ... so high it seems others are below you, why do you think 1 crusade against IO mode will change anything when its already here.

          Your totally unrealistic, sensationalist and apocaliyptic view of the future of BF2 has had me in barrels of laughter.

          You really are a case.
          And your post adds what to the conversation? Stay on topic about the Infantry Only please...there's no point shooting the messenger.


          • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

            Originally posted by Harmor
            And your post adds what to the conversation? Stay on topic about the Infantry Only please...there's no point shooting the messenger.
            Ok fair enough but hey i think ive stayed pretty calm when hes already called me a moron, a stat padder, a noob AND insulted everyone that will like this mode, etc etc .... besides what does Planewhores arguement bring thats constructive to the IO mode?

            Anyway i think the messenger has done a pretty good job of shooting himself.


            • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

              im all for infantry only maps,
              they should make some duplicate maps of some the olds ones with out vechiles to give it some variety.
              then this way it wil stop alot of whiners complaining all the time of jet/tank whores.this way its some thing for every one


              • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

                Originally posted by cyberpoo
                im all for infantry only maps,
                they should make some duplicate maps of some the olds ones with out vechiles to give it some variety.
                then this way it wil stop alot of whiners complaining all the time of jet/tank whores.this way its some thing for every one
                Well thats what its going to be .. as far as i understand, it will be server side options that youll be able to make to exhisting official maps...., maybe lol depends what Dice decide on.


                • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

                  "omg I don't want infantry only cause I suck at it"

                  Classes you CAN use for infantry only and why:

                  AT: the rocket KILLS a guy, he cannot be revived... and if you say the gun is bad then you can't shoot correctly with it.
                  Spec: learn to toss C4 and you won't give it up
                  Support: that thing mows down kids in allys
                  engineer: USMC? Pick up the M11 and RAPE kids with it. OMFG best gun in the game.
                  Sniper: although it is looked down upon you have claymores, nades, and a pistol. Put one shot into a guy and pistol the next shot and he's dead.

                  Now if you tell me that infantry only is pointless I'm going to tell you that tanks are wheelchairs for retards who can't shoot and defend themselves on the ground.

                  learn to pound.


                  • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

                    Originally posted by xbrandomx
                    "omg I don't want infantry only cause I suck at it"

                    Classes you CAN use for infantry only and why:

                    AT: the rocket KILLS a guy, he cannot be revived... and if you say the gun is bad then you can't shoot correctly with it.
                    Spec: learn to toss C4 and you won't give it up
                    Support: that thing mows down kids in allys
                    engineer: USMC? Pick up the M11 and RAPE kids with it. OMFG best gun in the game.
                    Sniper: although it is looked down upon you have claymores, nades, and a pistol. Put one shot into a guy and pistol the next shot and he's dead.

                    Now if you tell me that infantry only is pointless I'm going to tell you that tanks are wheelchairs for retards who can't shoot and defend themselves on the ground.

                    learn to pound.

                    Class post mate and its so true, what ive bieng saying from the start.


                    • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

                      Originally posted by xbrandomx
                      Spec: learn to toss C4 and you won't give it up
                      Sniper: although it is looked down upon you have claymores, nades, and a pistol. Put one shot into a guy and pistol the next shot and he's dead.
                      Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't it take 2x C4/Claymores/Grenades to kill someone?

                      Shooting someone with an sniper rifle will only take them down to 55% health instead of 5% health.

                      I haven't tried the 1.40 patch so my information could be wrong on this. Can anyone verify?


                      • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

                        Originally posted by Harmor
                        Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't it take 2x C4/Claymores/Grenades to kill someone?

                        Shooting someone with an sniper rifle will only take them down to 55% health instead of 5% health.

                        I haven't tried the 1.40 patch so my information could be wrong on this. Can anyone verify?
                        well i dont know aout grenades but the L9 sniper rifle does the trick.. i seemed to be one shot killing a lot of the time, but obviously i couldnt tell if they were damaged before hand, i went 10-6 (kills/deaths) in about 10 minutes the other night on jaLOLObad. Clays are still instant kill.


                        • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

                          Originally posted by Deliverance
                          You were doing so well with a reasonably mature arguement, then they you let yourself down so badly with yet another immature, and irrelevant CS comment.
                          You need to stop getting so upset over my CS:S comments. The only reason I bring it up is because it's the perfect rock to your scissors. As a wise poster said earlier, playing BF2 purely for the infantry combat is like buying a Dodge Viper for the air conditioner.

                          As I've said before, CS:S aiming takes skill, not random luck, they have better netcode, a better engine, better hit-detection, and numerous other features that make it far superior for gunplay. It's a fact CS:S is flat out a superior infantry style combat game to BF2 IO in every way. Teamwork is more important in CS:S, choosing an overpowered medic is not. Skill is important in CS:S, spamming grenades over a fence on Karkand is not. Don't get me wrong though, I do enjoy BF2 infantry combat, but it's enjoyed for all the things people keep trying to get rid of.

                          For example,

                          I'm sitting on a ridge with my trusty G36E popping people, I rush up to the flag, and then a tank turns the corner. So I'm forced to sprint my way to a wall or some sandbags and jump to a prone behind them. Then shimmy my way over to a TOW mount and toast him (or be toasted as he catches me in the act). Flag captured, a buddy pulls up in a HMMV, I hop in the 50cal and we cruise off to the next flag while I take shots at a hovering attack chopper. Now, that's the kind of action you flat out can't get in CS:S, and why I consider BF2 a superior infantry game *only* when played in its proper form.

                          Oh, and that little visual aid I stuck in my last post, that's me installing CS:S after my recent format and getting ready for this game to go south. I wish I could say I had supreme confidence in DICE's decision making skills, but unfortunately I do not.

                          Originally posted by Deliverance
                          in a parralell universe
                          Hey, that's odd. I can never seem to spell parrallel correctly either, even though I know I've spelled it incorrectly.

                          *grabs E-dictionary*

                          Spell it three times with me...


                          Congrats, you're cured.

                          P.S. in my expert opinion being a skilled plane whore, helicopter whore and to a lesser extent armor whore in Battlefield takes far more skill than being a medic. When I play as I medic in BF2, as deep as it is I can turn about three quaters of my brain off the majority of the time, but when I'm piloting a helicopter or airplane I'm banging on all cylinders 100% of the time.


                          • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

                            Originally posted by Deliverance
                            How does that make you any better than all the whiney little turds who got this game so dumbed down a 5 year old could play it?
                            Out of curiosity, what part of this game has been so dumbed down that a 5-year-old could play it? Which part are you referring to?

                            Originally posted by Deliverance
                            I note how you havent argued your case in the Poll thread? Why is that? Because 2 thirds of the poll respondents actually want IO and it wont be such an easy debate as one in this thread, which is aimed at those who DONT want IO?
                            The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Usually only people who have something to complain about post rampantly about it. Just look at the customer service portion of any company. Do you ever call up Sony to tell them how much you enjoy their TV, and how reliable it's been, or how good the Super Bowl looked in HD? No, you'd only call them if there was a problem and you were dissatisfied with the product in some way, whether it be that it didn't work, or didn't look good, or made a funny noise, you thought it was too blurry, etc. Same thing here. There are hundreds of thousands of people that enjoy BF2 the way it is right now, so why go to a forum and post as much? They're much more content to sit back and enjoy they game they bought. That's why you don't see those people posting in these types of threads nor responding to polls as such, for the most part. I'm sure there are a lot of people who enjoy infantry combat, yes, but in no way does the poll represent the majority of BF2 players, because again, the people who don't have problems with this game probably don't visit forums and vote on it. Yes, you're right in thinking that the majority rules, but you yourself have termed them the 'whiny little turds who got this game dumbed down', so now that the majority is voting the way you agree with, all of a sudden you're okay with a majority decision? You'd put your chip in the same pile with the people who you've already expressed disdain towards? Why would you do that?



                            • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

                              i want inf only, and i wanna play bf, cause i hate cs...
                              and bf2 inf only is great.


                              • Re: Infantry only mode, worst idea ever.

                                Originally posted by PlaneWhore
                                You need to stop getting so upset over my CS:S comments. The only reason I bring it up is because it's the perfect rock to your scissors. As a wise poster said earlier, playing BF2 purely for the infantry combat is like buying a Dodge Viper for the air conditioner.

                                As I've said before, CS:S aiming takes skill, not random luck, they have better netcode, a better engine, better hit-detection, and numerous other features that make it far superior for gunplay. I
                                Surely by that reckoning, BF2 therefore takes MORE skill, as you must take said problems into account in order to win a gunfight? I have played CS for years, but i put it down when i bought BF2, precisely because the infantry combat is far more immersive and flowing that the rather linear flow of CS. Im not in the slightest bit upset about your CS comments, they just seem completely irrelevant to your arguement. If i wanted to play a CS style infantry game, i would re-install CS and play it as im sure most people would (or DoD for that matter) but i dont, i prefer the infantry combat in BF2 due to the far superior teamwork it produces, the more immersive maps and longevity of a game.

                                Obviously your experiences with teamwork in BF2 differ from mine greatly, maybe you havent been fortunate enough to enjoy it, i have, and just because you havent witnessed it, or refuse to beleive teamwork can result in a better game of BF2 that doesnt mean that others havent, and it therefore should be removed as an option to those of us who enjoy it. If a Vehicle only option were available to you, would we still be having this conversation?

                                Originally posted by PlaneWhore
                                Hey, that's odd. I can never seem to spell parrallel correctly either, even though I know I've spelled it incorrectly.

                                *grabs E-dictionary*

                                Spell it three times with me...


                                Congrats, you're cured.
                                Pedantic AND sarcastic? That's not a very endearing combination i must admit. I do however apologise, ill be sure in future to stop my work temporarily and pass my post through a spell checker to satisfy your pedantic nature. I write code for a living, its hardly surprising the odd spelling mistake creeps in every now and again.

