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  • #46
    i like how valve is throwing this at us out of nowhere. this is so unorganized for such a huge change.


    • #47
      That makes sense...thanks shurcool


      • #48
        MikeJ wrote..

        i like how valve is throwing this at us out of nowhere. this is so unorganized for such a huge change.
        haha seriously mikej, we wait months and months for new of updates and news of whats going to happen with cs and then one day they're like ...oh btw in everything u understand and have become familiar with about cs will change and u will have to adjust to it..and this happens now..good luck ...latro


        appended @ [time="1063165078"]

        ...but on anther note...what has valve done(in recent history) that was well thought out and organized...I cant think of anything...and i doubt im alone..


        • #49
          1.6 going official would be the one thing that destroys CS. Not because of the changes (I prefer some, but not all), but because people will shield glitch left and right, along with not being able to download the files, and getting a "Game is currently not available" popup. There are more bugs in 1.6 right now than there have been from Beta 1 to 1.0.

          BTW, don't think this "Steam update" will proceed easily. There will be MASSIVE down times. Also, posting on the Steam Forums is useless, they do not read those forums, otherwise bugs would be getting fixed.

          BTW Invader Zim, there is not AWP reload bug. That "infinite ammo" glitch does not exist, because the server is not being told that the bullet was fired. Its simply an animation glitch.


          • #50
            Chaos will ensue tomorrow.

            Bet on it.


            • #51
              Todd151 wrote..

              The only thing i've realized is that by releasing Steam at 11PM PST time, it is saving Valve the trouble of every1 owning its bandwidth within the first minute as that not a lot of people are home at their computer at this time.
              uhhh...i could of sworn Steam was going to be released at 10PM, but i guess im seeing/thinking wrong, like how the official 1.6 is coming out ?tomorrow?


              • #52
                I just can't believe you will be forced to use Steam to play CS online. In my experience, it's buggy and is a resource hog. I don't understand why VALVe does not just make HL (and subsequent mods) comply with the SteamID system for authentication, and make downloading Steam optional.


                • #53
                  My only issue with steam is its need to authinticate itself every time you start it. If this is removed the new gui and hl fixes will be awesome.

                  On a good server 1.6 plays much smoother for me than 1.5...I don't see what everyone is crying about.

                  btw - it's chaos with every new release


                  • #54
                    I dont get this new throwawaytheoldtimewonid-and youmustinstallthisnewthingie stuff at all, what does that mean?? I have to rebuy HL again or sodding what?? Im lost.


                    • #55
                      Just do what everyone tells you to do come tomorrow, you lemming.


                      • #56
                        Hmm....banlists not being converted. Sounds like a second chance for cheaters and hackers. It's too bad, I was enjoying watching my server deny everyone for past cheating violations.


                        • #57
                          This is to soon. They have been saying that steam would not include 1.6, now it is? They still have yet to fix the shield bug. They say it is fixed, but they do every version. It is just going to be back in a different form. This is going to royally screw over cal too.


                          • #58
                            Edited by [user="131452"] @ [time="1063170658"]

                            you can play certain steam games w/o an internet connection according to the FAQs at


                            look in the Technical Support section


                            • #59
                              keep 1.5 alive



                              • #60
                                1.6 might still be in beta for up to two more weeks as they make the last touches and squash the last shield bug, but will likely be finalized in that timespan before the Steam update becomes mandatory.

                                Just got confirmation that you don't actually need HL or CS preinstalled before installing the Steam client, just have the legit retail CD-key for registration. However it will speed up the Steam installation if you have HL or CS (or any other mods) installed so that it takes files from the hard drive rather than downloading them.

                                After HL and CS are copied over or downloaded into the new Steam directory, you should be able to safely delete the old installations and directories to save disk space and just keep the Steam versions.

