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mailbag: CS 1.4

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  • mailbag: CS 1.4

    I have posted this week's mailbag about Counter-Strike 1.4. Surprisingly, most responses longer than a sentence actually had to say good things about CS for the most part, but we got more than a few complaints. Here's a tidbit:
    from: DarkPiece

    I think its ok, i mean sure, its brand new and stuff, but the jump thing is a little too much, now dont delete yet, i have a good calm explanation, lets say ur playing speedball, ur gonna have a hard time jumping on thoes obstacles, or in italy, u know how u have to jump on thoes boxes 2 times to get into the little apartment, thats gonna slow you down, thus, the t's will be there faster than you, same with other maps where jumping on things is vital, and you lose time when you get slowed down, im not complaining about anything that much, but i do have a suggestion: To make it changeable so you can have mp_jumpslow 1 or 0 (or something to that effect) so u can change it for different servers or what not, im just making a goos suggestion here, and thats all i have to say....
    Check it out. These submissions were sent in on Wednesday night, about 10 hours after release.

  • #2
    You left out "none of the above" on that poll in the Mailbag comments.


    • #3
      You never walked in CS 1.3?


      • #4
        garnet i never get in


        • #5
          Edited by [user="21273"] @ [time="1019955701"]

          unless i'm missing something... i didn't change any of my binds for movement... just used the walk (crtl) key and forward (w) key (Please don't laugh if I'm missing something obvious. I've been playing CS for about a year and a half now, so I'm not exactly a n00b.)

          also, you can get the hi-poly P&W (player and world) models. The scope on the colt is gone and all the weapons look A LOT better.


          • #6
            I never walked in 1.3 except maybe twice. I pressed shift but that isn't a choice.


            • #7
              I just think that the CS Team listened to the wrong people... I mean, some people didn't like getting destroyed by AWP/DE, so they made no more quick-shots, and DE is inaccurate while moving. They got ripped apart by jumping, moving, running pistols, so they ruined that. n00-- ah-hem, some people have trouble aiming moving and shooting at the same time, so now that's useless too. Also, for some reason they've decided that if you want to walk quietly you have to go slower then you would if you were crawling on your belly. I would love to know why they made these changes, maybe they're going to make 1.5 be 1.3's game play and 1.4's cool new modes, plus CS:CZ's graphics, weapons, and maps? Oh, and you're going to have to pay for it and download it through Steam. (good bye 56kers)

              PS. You can bhop in 1.4, the one they wanted to eliminate, prevailed.

              (I know this is "bitching" about 1.4, and rizzuh said i could get banned, but i figured this is an appropriate topic?


              • #8
                In 1.3 i always always always and i mean always jump all the time.You know why? because i have to solve the mystery of BUNNYHOPPIN'.but since this version........................... IT B!735,5uck5 and also s0x0rz. i hate it . that's all


                • #9
                  I really like the new jumping. It adds realism to the game.


                  • #10
                    GIMME MY COLT BACK!!!

                    eevrything else is fine...



                    • #11
                      I would support a method of having the offensive team starting a second or two before the defensive team.
                      This is something that should be handled in terms of map construction, not staggered start times.


                      • #12
                        Also, their "fixed" hit boxes are BS. I'm seeing far more head shots then in 1.3, and I'm getting a lot more too. Which disturbs me, because I KNOW that I have terrible aim! It seems as though the moved the head hit box down into the chest, instead of floating above the head.


                        • #13
                          Well, I really love what the did to the mid-air accuracy of the pistols, but I wish they kept the jumping and speed walking.... I mean hell, now you CAN'T escape anyone that has an AK47 AT ALL.... you might escape with 3hp but thats about it. I mean lets face it, there are alot of players that have been using the AK since betas and can pretty much dominate without being hit (including me, so I don't use the AK, too damn cheap). But I really love the bomb locator when your a T, its just great!

                          Also, what the hell did they do to the pistols when you run? USP is harder then hell to shoot someone with, you have to crouch to hit them.


                          • #14
                            Yeah seems like the role of the colt and aug were reversed. It seemed that the colt always had less recoil then aug and it seems now its been changed. I'm a sniper and the no jumping system hurts me just as much as people trying to dodge me. I can't strafe jump take a shot and strafe jump back into cover. Nor can I quick switch. Snipining in 1.4 is much harder then 1.3. By the way people who jumped in 1.3 to get away from me were easy because i could predict where they would land


                            • #15
                              allright I have been playing counterstrike since teh bata 5 days. This sppedwalking taht everyoen is bitching aobut makes no sense to me at all. I have played this for a while I never did the whole speedwallng thing and I never really bunnyhopped at all.I support them taking these out very much. This way someone can't just buy a deagle bumrush the tunnel in dust bunnyhopping like a mad jakcrabbit on crack and hit me twice then I am dead. I am 56k and I have yet to play 1.4 becuase it does not seem to want to work on my computer . I have heard taht pistols accuracy is down that shoul d be great, no more deagle snipers capping me in the head across the map (bullshit). I mean c'mon people if any of U have evere actually fired a pistol then U will enderstand when I say U are not gonna hit someone more than 25 yards away, especially if U or them are running at full tilt. I haven't seen the new crosshairs so I I won't comment on those. I totally supposrt any new versions of CS that come out. In the future I onllly hope taht vale can work out all the bugs and make it so all U have to do is DL teh patch and install then its working. Also the new lowered accuracy while running is a plus. This will stop all the peole who have taht big hard on for the AK. That is all. Goodbye

