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mailbag: CS 1.4

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  • kerbkrawler they put the jumping thing in to be more realistic. not as in slowing down, but in real life would you see someone jumping around with a deagle?? didint think so.


    • Finally some positive 1.4 players.


      • really pisses me off that you cant jump with USP and deagle. Its impossible to glock now too.


        • Ok, according to many of the players out there, CS 1.4 sucks. But I beg to differ, the changes were done to make the game more realistic, sure it has it's bad things, but personally, I think it's better this way. Every change they made is okay, spectator modes own, the jumping thing is the same thing, you just can't jump from one bombsite to the other, you can still jump while getting shot at. A thing that doesn't make much sense is that when you jump forward while running, you shouldn't stop as much as when you just jump up, they should correct that. I can tolerate the jumping, the walking speeds, the hitboxes, and the speed in which the weapons and grenades change, but something I don't tolerate is the netcode. Right now in 1.4 people with low ping can really own those with higher ping. I get 230 ping, and I have to aim almost 1 second to the estimate position the enemy is going to be. In 1.3 I just aimed to the body and shot, made 1-3 shot kills, but it is only done by luck. They should restore the netcode in 1.4 to the one used on 1.3, because CS is harder than ever for people like me. And not to brag, but so those ignorant people know, I do know how to play.

          I just hope they change what needs to be changed soon.



          • Honduh wrote..

            kerbkrawler they put the jumping thing in to be more realistic. not as in slowing down, but in real life would you see someone jumping around with a deagle?? didint think so.
            Did you miss the whole point of what i was trying to say?

            If they want the game to be more realistic, they should implement A LOT more changes than simply the jumping aspect.

            Buying heavy artillery from thin air? Running faster just because your holding your knife? Getting shot a million times in the leg yet running just as fast as someone who hasn't been touched? Being able to give boosts at will to sometimes 3 or maybe even 4 people at a time?

            You call that realistic? Slowing the jumping down? Fine. But don't give me that shit and say its to make the game more realistic cause frankly, the whole freakin game is FAR FAR FAR from reality.


            • if you want realism play a differant game, cs wasint supposed to be like a simulation of counter terrisom groups. it was too be a fun game with out being too outragous in which the game worked.


              • Honduh wrote..

                if you want realism play a differant game, cs wasint supposed to be like a simulation of counter terrisom groups. it was too be a fun game with out being too outragous in which the game worked.
                EXACTLY my point. What is there, a stupid virus being handed out at the local food mart?

                Thats what i was trying to say all along. Changing the jumping aspect to accommodate a more realistic game contradicts the game itself.


                • i cant believe the new thing that was discovered. about the wallhack being "built into" the new patch. i hope this new anit-cheat movement by valve works well.


                  • Y'know, when CS 1.4 came out I was just itching to play it!....when it did, I loved all the new features when you're dead and everything, and then when I was spawned into the game I thought 'what the hell have they done!!!!' and I suddenly felt as though I had been subjected to newbie-dom again... man, was I pissed!

                    No more jumping around evading nme gunfire, no more de_aztec jumping off bridge and scoring a headie with my deagle while landing in water and not losing any health, no more laughing at pathetic newbs get massacred by me and my AK\m4!!! I was devastated!!!

                    But... after a few hours of LAN gaming with pals and a few hours worth of playing online, I became accustomed to the new and improved CS!... It's pretty good when you get used to it again!

                    All those newbs who killed me on my first day of CS 1.4 playing better hope they're not on any of the servers i go on!!!


                    • i have this friend of mine who is very good in cs 1.3... his aiming accuracy is great completed by his jump-crouch technique ability which makes him a cs 'god'. but sometimes when i play with him i feel pissed off when he kills me and i'd shout ' fuck that jump-crouch thingie!!! ' coz he's really good at using it. when i heard the news about the new version and the changes especially the removal of fast jumping ability, i got excited and i felt happy. but when i had the chance to play 1.4, all i can say is that it sucks. damn, i never thought that cs could be that boring!!! anyway, won't be updating my cs to 1.4 coz i know that would be like playing an old aim-and-shoot game just like rogue spear...

                      well in fairness to the creator, i'd say that cs 1.4 has some nice changes like the defuse/plant thing.. and the spectator mode.


                      • Edited by [user="24424"] @ [time="1021375803"]

                        I remember my first fps experiences... namely Doom and Duke 3D those were the good old days , OK enough retro they were classics and still are.

                        CS rocks and thanks CSNation for the mirrors it seems you can never find good places to D/L retail. I would really like to see vehicles back in CS *remembers when you could run over your teammates with apc in siege...* tell me that wasn't a laugh. The map used to load on my server and everyone made a mad rush for the vehicles. Driving around with your mates in the back... classic. But hey anyway enough memories.

                        Random Gibberish Curtesy Of



                        • Let me just start with saying: 1.4 is great.

                          Why are you guys whining about the pistols? They're uber accurate now. Only peeps that have their thumb glued to the jump button get trouble.

                          If I run into one of those bunny's (hoppity-hop-hop), I stand still and aim for him. He aims too but jump=bad accuracy, so who gets the kill? Me. As it should be. Even with the duals (yum duals!)

                          Crouch people...crouch. Dead accurate with any pistol (especially my p228).

                          Colt not accurate? BS, crouch 'n shoot = Dead T on the floor.

                          Just the para...I love it now...crouch and kills galore! Definetly worth the money now. Also, I actually started to use the UMP. It ain't that bad.

                          If you really whine about the accuracy, start using shotguns, they best accuracy in the game. No matter what you do (jump, crouch, run, walk, shit, camp, wank, whatever) same accuracy. Not to mention the headshots you get.


                          • 1.4 is kewl

