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mailbag: CS 1.4

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  • #46
    ])3@6][_3-Saint wrote..

    grrr sagga frazzin razzer makes me mad and for all u ppl who like to jump crouch and aim at some ones head and pull off a head shot i will pay u to see u do it in real life......... fucker
    That's why this is a game. If this were real life, bullets would be affected by gravity and it would be a challenge for you to hit anything.


    • #47
      Well I hate almost every single feature aobut the patch but I could deal with it in time. What I can't deal with are the bugs. I have about twice as many bugs as I had before and its just plain gay. I crash about 20 times a day now just cause of CS. I bet its cause of this new anti cheat which BTW does nothing against the newest cheats. Now with the realism stuff, whats next? "In 1.5 you will have to walk to the stroe, and purchase your weapons there. It is not realistic for the guns to appear out of no where. Another feature will be that your gun can get jammed and it will be useless for the rest of the round. Talk about real! But maybe the best feature will be the introduction of the seeking rocket. Fire it at the spawn and it will lock on to your target. Just base camp and never get in harms way!"

      This realitic stuff has gone to far. If I wanted CS to be real, Id join the army.


      • #48
        I can't believe I wrote what I did, lol. It was after 25 minutes of frustration I wrote that... pissed off to a huge extent.

        I can say, after playing it for a few hours, that it takes little time to adjust to it, and CS is still in my life. I'll take 1.3 over 1.4 any day, but 1.4 is still good.


        • #49
          Rwwwarrr wwwwarrrraaarrrwwwwrrrrrrrwwwaARRRRRRR


          • #50
   i the only one who uses the semi-auto snipes.? i love how their waaaay more accurate now, it's fun to own with them :-D. just for the record, the jumping thing is no biggie, and the dynamic crosshair actually helps.

            try out the semi auto snipes, their actually pretty damn good


            • #51
              Edited by [user="2065"] @ [time="1019967239"]

              GonePostal wrote..

              I should get all biased right now like rze in his disbelief that there is skill in 70 yard headshots but I'm not... oh what the hell. OMFG THERE IS SKILL IN 70 YARD HEADSHOTS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS PUT THE X-HAIR OVER THE GUY'S HEAD AND WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

              Seriously though rizzuh, it's not impossible. I can make a demo for you when I get home. BTW, what resolution you play at? The higher the resolution, the easier it is because there are more pixels.
              How can I be biased in a comments section? You have said that I am biased about four times now. Even when I never posted my comments on the jumping on the news page, I was being biased. Clearly.

              It is impossible to do these moves when someone is moving and you are moving. You can take 20 seconds to get that shot, but not 150 milliseconds. I have absolutely no need to prove this, I'm sorry if common sense doesn't hold out and you people won't admit your own limits. Not even 3D or NiP can do this or they WOULD.


              • #52
                i'm gonna have to side with the boss, on this one. if you read the summerblue report, you'll find that after the first bullet, the bullet spray is completly random. also, you can't aim for a single pixle at such a long range. therefore, it does have some degree of luck in it.

                also, summerblue said that crouching does not increase accuracy. however, i think they might have not considered that crouching doesn't increase accuracy in all weapons. the dynamic crosshairs indicate that not every weapon's accuracy is increased by crouching.


                • #53
                  Yes I would have to agree that the slowing down seems to be a big pain in the a**.A much easier fix would have been to leave it alone and set your accuracy to 0-5% even if you crouch jumping.So yes players can still jump to dodge but firing back, they will have to pray they hit the person they are shooting at.


                  • #54
                    the new patch is something you have to get used to for sure.

                    one thing i noticed though is in 1.3 you could play for up to 10 minutes without a single head shot. now in 1.4 it isn't that uncommon for them to happen every minute or so.

                    one thing that i noticed though is when ever i try exiting the game it kinda "lags" or something between loading the menus. which is something that never happened to me in 1.3


                    • #55
                      Ya that happened to me to honduh


                      • #56
                        seriously, in italy i have no probs jumping into the aprtment at i dont knwo what that guy was talking about. i love 1.4


                        • #57
                          dam i am also getting real bad lag with both the maps to the point the cs is crashing


                          • #58
                            Well Riz said that #1 player in NA (whatever his name is I dont care) said the jumping change is no big deal. WEll I just got the fragordie video and when it goes to him hes jumping around with his dealge like the rest of us. So don't try to say that stuff cause almost everyone of those people were jumping at least 2 times in a row at 1 point or another and everyone used deagle while jumping.


                            • #59
                              the only real lag i get other then Internet connection lag is whenever a HE grenade is thrown.

                              one thing that got me surprised is the first day 1.4 was released, games weren't short of hackers at all.

                              auto aim, ogc's it was all there.


                              • #60
                                Edited by [user="11209"] @ [time="1019970058"]

                                Ya weird..... i hope valve brings out a fix/...

