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mailbag: CS 1.4

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  • im sorta unhappy with 1.4. i mean, there r good things about it, and there r bad things. people say jumping is not a big deal, but it is, its a style of play people use. i.e. me. is there a possibilty that i can be an optional feature on CS. because i can sense valve not bring it back to normal. so if u like it u play wit it, if u hate it, play like it was in 1.3. only other thing bad with it is the not moving while planting, but i can easily live with that. on the other hand, good job on Chateau, its like the map i always wanted to play. its a really fun map. so gj on that. also, the new features when ur dead is cool, like watching an HLTV. and mp5 isnt as strong, fav. gun., but watev, just plz do something with the jumping so that it can resemble its old form. lata.


    • Edited by [user="2345"] @ [time="1020048622"]

      I made a demo in about 5 minutes when I got home how it's possible to make headshots at long ranges. Click the link for the zip file and the resolution is 800x600.


      • Personaly I love the removal of bunny jumping, Since if it is incuded you have to use it to be competitive :-/

        What I would prefer to see would be the removal of long distance headshot, unless done with a sniper rifle or a simi-automatic sniper rifle. Perhaps the commando and AUG should be allowed to if they are in their zoomed view.

        The AWP should cost more too, like $1000-2000 more.


        • Edited by [user="2345"] @ [time="1020048428"]

          Shadows wrote..

          Personaly I love the removal of bunny jumping, Since if it is incuded you have to use it to be competitive :-/

          What I would prefer to see would be the removal of long distance headshot, unless done with a sniper rifle or a simi-automatic sniper rifle. Perhaps the commando and AUG should be allowed to if they are in their zoomed view.

          The AWP should cost more too, like $1000-2000 more.
          Look, it's not impossible. It just takes skill which you and rizzuh don't seem to have. Just because you can't do it doesn't mean it should be changed to suit your needs. Please refer to my post above yours and watch the demo. It's not impossible.


          • 1.4 is really good, i really like how they actually made accuracy better when u duck. i hate how u pause when u land from jumping. overall 1.4 is great!


            • well most of youse cs gamers agree that; well how do i put it down lightly; cs 1.4 suks old grannys; especially the jumping thing; that really pisses me off. How the hell is one supposed to get away from someone who is pointing a gun nossel up there ass? I do like the aiming thing though oh and the death sequence and the way you can be in someone elses pov after you die. that way it is easy to see if someone is cheating or not.

              Well thats all from an aussie gamer;kewl website; and dont give up on cs just yet.

              BYE and remember |nm3.Klan| will be the ultimate Klan ever muhahahahahahahahaha


              • CS 1.4 has alot of bugs. Of all the version that came out this is the worst. Skybox,graphic glitches,game crashing, etc. I have to download the full version of the updates and reinstall hl and cs altogether.

                As for the changes, kinda half thumbs down to me. I don't mind the jumping thing but the game became kinda slow and they radically changed the hitboxes. The random headshots got worse in this version. The only thing i like in this version is the spec modes.

                I say they should'nt have released this version until cz comes out.


                • Bah, pistols now sucks when moving. Blam, Blam ,BLAM ! WTF I miss all my shots !?! They SHOULD greatly improve the LEETS accuracy.

                  Hey lets do this.......

                  Make other pistol accuracy drop while running and strafing but make the duals become more accurate as you jump, run, strafe etc

                  This can makes every a John Woo dream come true for evry T who uses it.


                  • "Dear Sir, LEARN SENTANCE STRUCTURE"

                    It's spelled 'sentence'.

                    Boy do you look stupid.

                    Do most of you want CS to be Unrealistic, Realistic, or in the middle? I have no idea what it's heading for. As far as I can tell, the only realism is the (non-retail) names of the guns.

                    (BTW, the Berettas are my favourite guns in the game. I wish 9mm bullets actually did damage though)


                    • ***!!!READ THIS!!!***

                      I know the most realistic, fun, and popular game out there, and before you skim ahead by thinking CS is the only game for me like i do most of the time keep reading. This game was called Counter-Strike Beta 5. You're all whining for a realistic game well it already came and went. History shows us Beta 6 is when valve Bought cs and ironically Beta 6 is when cs went downhill. Dont think to yourself that was just tweaks in game play cause thats bullsh** and you know it. CS is gone, whats left v1.4, is a joke. Comparing beta5 and v1.4 together makes me want to throw up seeing what a commercialized p.o.s. my favorite game ever has become. CS, the real CS, has been gone for some time now. i sat through 1.3 but 1.4 is too much. If you think I'm wrong go check out CS:CZ previews or 1.5. oh whats that, a rocket launcher, wow sounds neeto kinda like some other game, i forget the name but i think it starts with a q. Have fun playing this joke 1.4, developers you really had it at b5, i know you cant live without making somekind of money off this but your work of art is now a sell out game kids are gonna get under the xmas tree.

                      -sincerely, disgruntled no life whos one joy is now crap in that crappy way aka shadymilkman, sdog sucks now.


                      • dont worry -- i didnt pay for 2 of my 3 copies of HL to get at Sierra this time, not Valve or the CS team.

                        har har har, bastard killers of babylon 5 gameplay.


                        • its only a LAW rocket launcher (one use ya know, you do know that right?) personly i think it sounds like something for a noob to blow himself up with


                          • Treize Khushrenada wrote..

                            ***!!!READ THIS!!!***

                            I know the most realistic, fun, and popular game out there, and before you skim ahead by thinking CS is the only game for me like i do most of the time keep reading. This game was called Counter-Strike Beta 5. You're all whining for a realistic game well it already came and went. History shows us Beta 6 is when valve Bought cs and ironically Beta 6 is when cs went downhill. Dont think to yourself that was just tweaks in game play cause thats bullsh** and you know it. CS is gone, whats left v1.4, is a joke. Comparing beta5 and v1.4 together makes me want to throw up seeing what a commercialized p.o.s. my favorite game ever has become. CS, the real CS, has been gone for some time now. i sat through 1.3 but 1.4 is too much. If you think I'm wrong go check out CS:CZ previews or 1.5. oh whats that, a rocket launcher, wow sounds neeto kinda like some other game, i forget the name but i think it starts with a q. Have fun playing this joke 1.4, developers you really had it at b5, i know you cant live without making somekind of money off this but your work of art is now a sell out game kids are gonna get under the xmas tree.

                            -sincerely, disgruntled no life whos one joy is now crap in that crappy way aka shadymilkman, sdog sucks now.
                            Fuck this.. go back to 5.2 and stop ur whinin'


                            • i don't personally understand certain groups of people?

                              why is it when a company see's something wrong and they fix it. only the people who used certain tactics such as bunny hopping and bunny hop strafing moan and cry?

                              i personally never use these tactics and find them apalling, Why because of the lack of skill? believe it or not they used cover and a brain in the old days to fight an opponent. but who needs any form of tactics when well you just have to jump through the archway to somehow suprise an enemy with your spazticly panicked ballerina tactics.

                              now i understand the arguement that jumping is needed to a certain degree yes it is, but not in a downwards movement manner i dont see how it would "slow you down" to run down an obstacle instead of jumping off of it . and as for the jumping up of obstacles they obviously excepted that getting up multiple objects will take time with the jumping lag, it is annoying but i am way whilling to put up with that to end hopping. and if the hoppers cant stand that small change maybe the future addition of having to actually climb those objects will really make them mad.

                              when they say that the fun has been taken out of the game ?what?...... because this lack of tactless nonsense called bunny hopping dissapeared?

                              could'nt the same be said for the cheaters who use wall hacks and aimbots? they obviously had fun with those things, but now they cant do that because the maijority of cs player did not find it funny when some cheating loser shot through a brick wall and always seems to get a headshot..on every shot.

                              these changes happened for a reason,, because there are people who can tell the difference between BS and good honest fun.

                              and now your mad because the players who did'nt hop and actually focused on what this game was about OWN you, don't be mad that your ill earned 13-4 score dwindled down to a mere 1-20.

                              Don't be angry that your cushiony form of panicked arial cover is no longer there for you to exploit.

                              its just your own form of self realization that you did'nt know jack and now your being had by the real players.... the guys who practiced and maybe did'nt do well against the lame Hoppers but nonetheless refused to go the cheap road by adopting that hopping crutch, and worked on their other skills instead.

                              so now that its a little more real you wanna quit? you say that you game isnt good anymore? then practice, watch, learn and use your brain for once. because were all pretty tired of hearing....

                              "I cant jump anymore CS SUCKS, im not going to play anymore".

                              GOOD! go play Quake or something and let the players who use their brains fill that spot you wasted on the servers.

                              the cs community may lose that many hopping players, BUT in the end those places will be filled by just as many if not more players who will enjoy this game and make it the better and the more enjoyable game it was meant to be.

                              Have fun on cs 1.4, which rules by the way. and hope to see you hoppers relearning the game =). this might help WAX ON, WAX OFF.


                              • Many great new changes came with the CS 1.4 patch, like the First-Person spectator view, the bomb indicator on the radar, and other goodies like the dead bodies being left on the floor. My main personal concern is the jumping and crosshair changes. I loved CS for how I can play jumping around to help dodge bullets and maneuver around maps easier, but now, I don't even touch the jump button unless it is necessary. It has brought the fun level of CS down by a lot for me. Also I am not in favor of the new crosshair thingy. I think CS 1.3 was fine the way it was except the cheating part of it. Please bring the fun back out of CS.

                                At least add some commands to turn off the jumping delay, and for the crosshairs if possible.

