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mailbag: CS 1.4

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  • #16
    Edited by [user="10696"] @ [time="1019957641"]

    I d/l'd the updates from noxordo at 200kbps the very first day ;-)

    Anyway, I never walked in CS 1.3 either. There was some bug that I got which rendered walking in any form "+speed, +moveup, etc." useless, not matter which key I binded it too. CS 1.4 fixed this at least.

    However, many more bugs in CS 1.4/HL that pissed me off. I had to d/l the full version of becuase the update from rendered my CS back to Also, the update erased my sky textures. Very annoying.

    I don't mind the game changes - even though I'm suddenly much worse than in 1.3... I think it may actually be because I'm having a bad few days.

    It's the damn bugs... btw, using bugspray on your monitor doesn't work..erm, my brother learned the hard way.


    • #17


      • #18
        THS - it's cuz you don't know how to scroll down when you look at CSN.


        • #19
          Na the mailbag was in the csnation mirror 1.4


          • #20
            I like CS 1.4. However, HL is really buggy. Now I can't play under OpenGL mode anymore without crashing (usually in the start of the map). My skyboxes are either white or distorted.

            There are many more bugs in HL than what was fixed since Probably the addition of anti-cheat caused it? Since many, many people experience OpenGL crashes or skybox bugs, which are the most common

            I hope VALVe fixes these bugs soon, or at least, in, since I can't play in Software mode forever.


            • #21
              I feel the changes should've been server side options especially this far into the CS lifespan being that it's not longer a beta and changes this drastic IMO shouldn't be happening.

              Just liek not every server is forced to play friendlyfire...

              Some servers disable AWP with admin mod. There's ALL kind sof things going on the the community where CS is being played differently than packaged and I think an option should've been there server side with these kind of changes, regardless of the METAMOD DLL hack because that still doesn't change the 1.4 style of walking. D:


              • #22
                I am having real bad graphical glitches i hope they fix them!!!


                • #23
                  Gpig20 wrote..

                  I never walked in 1.3 except maybe twice. I pressed shift but that isn't a choice.
                  Shift is bound to +speed. Vote +speed.


                  • #24
                    Same here NewbieGuy.

                    My skyboxes are all fucked up. I have the most expensive video card known to man, and still I can't play the way the game was intended.

                    Oh btw, 1.4 blows. I have offically banned it from all LAN parties and will make everyone revert back to 1.3 if we play.


                    • #25
                      "One change I would recommend, though, is that headshots from a far distance be totally removed for all non-sniper rifle weapons. A headshot should be earned, not given randomly. Aiming for a headshot at 70 yards is impossible and players should be rewarded for CS' random accuracy."

                      You're saying it's impossible to aim at someone's head at 70 yards? No it's not. I can do it very quickly infact. In 1.3 I could jump crouch around the corner and line up with the sniper's head as I'm landing, shooting as soon as I touch the ground. Seeing as how many people don't even know what the hell the poll was talking about, no wonder most people don't notice a difference in the walk speed. They weren't experienced enough to notice a difference.


                      • #26
                        How many people go to your LAN parties?

                        Added @ [time="1019959904"]

                        Yeah, rizzuh comment seems like he wants more realism (maybe I'm wrong). Random headshots are realistic. Sometimes people just get plain ol' lucky in real-life...why shouldn't they in CS? And there is a certain amount of aim involved in getting a headshot from 70 yards away.


                        • #27
                          Yea rizzuh, how is aiming far away and getting a hs a random occurrence? I rarely see "n00bs" get these tough to make shots, while they constantly get lucky close - medium range spraying...


                          • #28
                            Edited by [user="2345"] @ [time="1019960763"]

                            Just because you aren't able to aim at someone's head at 70 yards doesn't mean that headshots should be removed from that distance rze. This is a classic example of less skilled players wanting the game changed so it makes the game more friendly to them. Maybe these kind of people should adapt to the game they have instead of wanting it changed to suit their needs.


                            • #29
                              Edited by [user="21341"] @ [time="1019961079"]

                              I think 1.4 is ok spectating is fun (that it fucked that I am saying that) cs_havan and de_chateau are cool they are great strategy maps, BUT COME ON WTF IS UP WITH THE JUMPING!?!?! I need to jump I was the one you would see jumping backwards out of the spawn shooting ppl in the head, the one spinning in the air when he jumped, jumping around a corner hitting you in the head and jumping back out in a few seconds...the one jumping for no DAMNED REASON! Alot of you ppl are glad us bunny hoppers were eliminated by 1.4 but we brought life to the game. We brought tactics to the game you may think that b-hopping is lame and n00bish but its a tactic maybe not realistic but when I last checked CS was A FUCKING **GAME** not WW3 not real if ppl wanted something real they should go play paint ball join the god damn army don't change games cuz you are a pansy ass whore that can't kill shit. I bet gooseman *was* a bunny hopper. But I will find a way to bunny hop even if it is 2 seconds that im walking in between jumps but i will bunny hop. i hate 1.4


                              • #30
                                Hawky wrote..

                                GIMME MY COLT BACK!!!

                                eevrything else is fine...

                                colt sucks silenced, but unsilencedI feel that its better then AK

