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NBC, 'CS Being Examined in DC Sniper Case'

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  • #46
    GambleSalmon, I thought it was obvious he was being sarcastic just to show how stupid their suppositions are.


    • #47
      Well that's the media for you. If there is a school shooting, then it was the doing of the evil Quake (or doom). If there is a sniper on the loose, Counter-Strike may have something to do with it. If there is a person who tries to grind on eletrical poles, let's put the blame on Tony Hawk. What'll happen if there's a car jacking in Chicago tomarrow? The upcomming Vice City can show what goes through the mind of horrible devil car jackers.


      • #48
        gluestick wrote..

        ok saddam does not have small pox, no one does except CDC in atlanta and some lab in russia...
        You mean some Soviet-era lab who laid off their already underpaid scientists who happened to work under lax security environments and could have easily made a fortune selling the pox on the black market to crazy nuts who use nerve gas to terrorize minorities and commit genocide in the country that he runs just for kicks?


        • #49
          Rahan, thank you for your comment. I was overreacting out of rage.


          • #50
            63,000+ players on at any peak time playing Counter-strike, with far more of the game sold or downloaded as a mod, and all of a sudden because of one psychotic out there with a rifle, somebody tries to point the finger and play the "blame game". I think the odds are far in favor of Counter-strike NOT influencing people to kill don't you? Let's face it, 99.999999% of us players out there know the separation between in-game and real-life (RL) well! Still, somebody will always want to blame something. Elvis, D&D, Mortal Kombat, Counter-strike, etc. etc. It will never end, but this wave will certainly blow over. Hopefully they catch the sicko too before any more people become victims.


            • #51
              That's what I thought. Maybe the manner I took to point out his sarcasm isn't really appropriate too. sorry.


              • #52
                gamers being blamed once again huh? Honestly I think it's getting a little old. So government and media can blame us for things like this and terrorist acts when the government themselves can distribute freely games like America's Army? I'm trying to see the difference between discrimination and just investigation.


                • #53
                  It's okay.

                  AOL is making a big deal out of the sniper issue. Having several articles, including one that has the "top 10 killers." Ironically, it ends with the two students involved in the Columbine HS shooting, another controversial subject. They blame C-S and other games again on incidents like these.


                  • #54
                    Blaming video games is an excuse for bad parents. And fundamentalists. *shudder*


                    • #55
                      PC gaming is a billion dollar industry that has taken market share from the traditional media. of course they feel threatened. the lawyers are poised to sue ("gaming made my son a fat psychopath" your Honor").

                      the news people will say anything to get ratings. i remember when toy guns looked real. that was changed, but kids get shot now more than ever.

                      there have always been crazy and violent people. the media over-estimates it's influence: they can't even convince me to SUPER-size it, much less shoot people.

                      were lucky CS and fight-club came out before 9/11 and the latest wave of politically fashionable bullshit.


                      • #56
                        disabled wrote..

                        heck, my parents have even succumed to the "blame everything we dont understand" syndrome.

                        Yesterday a kid in our city commited suicide, and my dad wanted to confiscate some of my CDs because it might make me feel "funny"

                        (btw, I listen to korn and THEN coldplay/ dave matthews, so the hate factor cancels itself out)
                        this reminds me of the West Memphis Three case. for those who don't know, 3 teenagers in Tennessee were convicted of murder, and the only evidence the court had was that they listened to Metallica and therefore were "devil worshipers". this rediculous crap is gonna make go off on people, not cs.


                        • #57
                          Rahan and GambleSalmon, thank you, you have restored my faith that there are still decent people on the internet who can see themselves, and aren't too proud to apologize.

                          I saw a comment earlier about a retired marine or something making comments about the effects of violent video games. Just to reference that, his name is Lt. Col. David Grossman, and his stuff is interesting, though I disagree with some of it. Most of it is misquoted by the media to push it even further than what he actually writes in Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill (which is the crappier of his books), or the more interesting On Killing.

                          I wish I knew how to do the CSN linkage to amazon (the way that gets CSN paid), but I don't. Anyway, a book I'd recommend on the whole subject of violence in the media, and its effects on children, is Killing Monsters by Gerard Jones. He seems to have a much more balanced, and supportable perspective on many of these issues.

                          Unfortunately, not many adults share the calm perspective of being willing to set down their shock and fears, and actually learn about things. I sincerely hope we don't all fall into this pit as we grow older.

                          And just to remind people, there is a point at which insensitive joking around becomes acting stupid, alright? This is a serious topic, with peoples lives being lost, and that's not something to make light of.


                          • #58


                            • #59
                              i didnt read all the reviews, but i must add my $.02...

                              damn the media and there ignorance to hell, they just need to point a finger, it doesnt madder hu it's directed at...


                              • #60
                                well to be honest the first thing i thought about was some kid and cs. really. i think that some kids get to caught up with games and it can affect their lives, they do poorly in school, with family relations, and turn to video games as an escape. yeah maybe this could be related to a video game in some kind of minute way, but then cant we blame the media as well for their violent offerings nearly every evening?

                                dont_point_the_finger. catch this guy.

