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NBC, 'CS Being Examined in DC Sniper Case'

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  • NBC, 'CS Being Examined in DC Sniper Case'

    In the Washington, D.C. area (in the US), people have been randomly sniped from a distance. One child, a 13-year-old boy, was attacked but has survived. The sniper has murdered seven others.

    NBC's Today Show ran a bit called "Getting into the snipers' mind." Half way through the clip, which can be downloaded here (it's the movie with the picture of CS next to it), Counter-Strike/violent video games are mentioned.
    ...investigators say they are examining violent video games and web sites, which glorify "one shot, one kill" assassins and where players can switch to "god mode" to become invincible.
    Pictures of Counter-Strike are shown during the report. The reporter brings up "god mode" because the sniper left a note stating that he is God.[break="and what do i think about it?"]I'm sure investigators are actually searching for the links between CS, and its "god mode," and a serial killer. In case you can't tell, I'm being sarcastic: I highly doubt CS is being examined by anyone, the relation simply isn't there.

    This is one of the most disgusting displays I have ever seen in the mainstream media. The absolute ignorance conveyed is sickening.

    For the sake of those who live the greater Washington, D.C. area, I absolutely hope that authorities are not investigating Counter-Strike and other games. I have never shot a 13 year old boy going to school, a man at a gas station, or a woman near a department store in any game. It is fruitless and needlessly makes millions of gamers associated with cold-blooded murder in the minds of far too many.

    Please keep bad jokes (anything mentioning the AWP) out of the comments. By please I mean you'll be banned if you act stupid.

  • #2
    It's interesting because the documentary about shaGuar brought up the point with video games = violence. He talked to some one who wrote books about video games being bad and stuff. The guy knew nothing about them and was just in it for the money. Says me.


    • #3
      CS and games are just the scapegoat of the decade/2 decades. in the 50's it was music and rock and roll. elvis and his hip thrusts were making the youth horrible and sick. this has been discussed many many times and it usually comes out to....*drum roll* bad parenting.


      • #4
        In the 'First Person Shooter' thing on CBC, there was this US Marine who claimed Games trained people to kill. But the documentry was NOT biased despite what people say. It's just cause you all know how mature the majority of the cs community is

        But anyway he had said games trained to kill and some US marine cores even used games to train for killing.

        The guy who made the documentry DOUBTED this and asked the FBI and so on..

        Out of all the school shootings in the USA scince the _70s_ they said a very low amount are even suspected to maybe have video games involved. I remember it was a ONE digit number, not double digits.



        • #5
          i hope they catch that mother fucker!


          • #6
            Video games are just an excuse. "oh boy some kid got shot today. his assassin probably plays CS!" well maybe, but that's probably not what motivated him.


            • #7
              Yea I play CS, Unreal, Quake, Diablo2, etc and I'm probably one of the nicest people you would meet... Problem is that most of the people ranting about video game violence is these old politicians who are rich and have children how read books and drink tea. They really need to look into the gaming to community and they will find the mature people, all they pay attention to is the hate sites etc... I cant stand ignorant people


              • #8



                • #9
                  I am god and godmode?! What possilble correlation can be found between that and even that the sniper knows what cs is? jeezus christ, im getting tired of this shit.


                  • #10
                    do they ever report anythign good about computer games in the news? What next, saddam hussien plays CS and computer gaming kids would grow up to be middle eastern dictators?


                    • #11
                      lets do some numbers people...eighty bazillion people(not just kids anymore, adults too) play video games. If video games were to blame for things like this sniper, or the school shootings, or everything else they blamed them for...the world would be one giant warzone. Maybe its just me...but I'm sure if you ask everyone that play these games that "teach us to kill", they'll all tell you the same thing. "Its just a game".


                      • #12
                        alright maybe the games is wat sets off mentally unstable ppl. take away games. they go to movies. take away movies, they watch the news. games just happen to top the excuse list.


                        • #13
                          if u feed a serial killer some mashed potatoes, and then he goes out and eat someone, do u blame the potatoes for making him a killer?


                          • #14
                            Couldn't of said it better, Rizzuh. You're my favorite fish.


                            • #15
                              I live in Southern MD and we are affected by this serial sniper dumbshit. My manager at work says that once we catch him, cuz we WILL catch him, is to let loose all the pitchfork-toting family members of the victims. Actually, i think that this guy/group will not go without a fight and once the cops eventually catch up to him/them, it will be a bloody skirmish. (I'm bein serious...)

