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NBC, 'CS Being Examined in DC Sniper Case'

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  • TypeZero wrote..

    thats how much we know about this that equals...oh, thats right, JACK SHIT. but they're profiling away, blaming whatever is convenient.
    the FBI never blamed any game, the media did. and i think you summed up your knowledge of police work in that sentence... jack what? yeah, that's right. they are doing whatever they can to catch him. they know more than nothing. they don't know enough to catch him though. and you know even less.. and what you know is filtered through several sources. unless i am totally off and you are a cop involved with the case.


    • blinddonkey wrote..

      the FBI never blamed any game, the media did. and i think you summed up your knowledge of police work in that sentence... jack what? yeah, that's right. they are doing whatever they can to catch him. they know more than nothing. they don't know enough to catch him though. and you know even less.. and what you know is filtered through several sources. unless i am totally off and you are a cop involved with the case.
      christ, i didn't say the fbi was profiling that, i never even mentioned the fbi or any police force for that matter. stop pulling shit out of thin air. that whole post was about the media, and just because i didn't say "the media is profiling away", doesn't mean thats not what i meant. get a fuckin clue.


      • OverkillTBP wrote..

        No one knows that he's mentally unstable. Why people keep assuming that is beyond me. I tell you right now, if he hasn't been caught now, and doesn't want to get caught, he won't be. He can stop at any time, and the investigators will be left dead in they're tracks.


        Not counting wind as a factor or if the kid was moving, you'd still have to know your gun. Making him mentally stable.
        The reson we're all assuming he's mentally unstable is the fact that he's killing people. Healthy people don't just go out and kill peolpe for no apparent reason. Just because he knows how to use a gun doesn't mean he's not unstable, a pedophile can still drive a van, would they not be considered mentally unstable?


        • I think that this has nothing to do with Counter-Strike. This guy is just some ex-military guy who is mentally unstable right now. NBC has no business bringing any video games into this especially Counter-Strike. The news media is always bring video games into things like this. Look at school shootings, do they ever say maybe that the shooter was mentally ill? No they don't. It is always the fault of video games. What the hell does "Godlike" have to do with this anyways?


          • There's nothing to think about.

            Media = FUD. The same person blaming violent games now, used some other excuse when he/she needed a story.

            This time it's around CS, because of its' popularity.. Back when Matrix was out, there was this school shooting.. guess what they were blaming..

            Brazillian news went far ahead blaming Doom and Matrix on a theater shooting.

            It's just fucking ridiculous.

            And no, it's not ignorance playing a role in this stupid association. It's incompetence. Have you people wondered what goes behind those stories?

            "We need a story on this sniping shit.."

            - "Uh.. my son plays this game.. where he shoots terrorists and such.."

            "That's great. Focus on that.. next topic..."


            • CS has sniping, this guy is sniping, therefore, this guy plays CS. Now to present another argument using this same mentality. Hitler slep in a bed, you sleep in a bed, you're Hitler. Well done media, keep up the good work, we all love finding out that our hobbies cause violent behavior.


              • Ok so lets say there right and they go ahead and ban video games , all the people who play video games are gonna be mad , so they'll go out and do crimes cuz they have nothing else to do.

                Plus , if they ban video games they'll just blame crimes on something else. Its pretty pathetic


                • Vaishino

                  You can be sick in the head, and not be mentally unstable.


                  • This REALLY pisses me off. On the Fox News Channel, which is usually fair and unbalanced news, Geraldo Rivera just said that we need video games as much as we need a bullet to the head. They talk about the possibility of this being a kid, but how the fuck can a kid drive a vehicle and be an expert marksman, not have parents worrying about him, and own a $1000 worth of equitment. They're so full of shit...


                    • OWNAGE!!!!!


                      • The sniper is a terrible thing that has been happening. I truely wish my sincerest sympathy for the victims families and hope that this person (be him male, female, you, old, black, white military training or not) to justice as soon as possible.

                        Also, keep in mind you cannot just walk down to Wal-Mart and purchase a sniper rifle. Whomever the sniper is, he must have either aquired it through a less than legal means or he was a sniper in a military organization. His accuracy implies he isnt very well trained, and rules out (in my mind) the possibility of him being formally trained.

                        I agree with the majority of the posts regarding gun control laws, but the simple factis criminals do not follow laws. Stricter gun control laws may keep your neighbour down the street from owning a gun, but it will not keep the bound-determined man who wishes to inflict bodily harm on another human being.

                        The idea that this person is mentally ill has yet to be proven. With the inflated sense of power this person must have, there are several psycological reasons for him to leave that Tarot card behind with that message. Many criminals do leave clues behind themselves when they commit a crime as it gives them a sense of power because they are, not only leading the police on, but they havent been caught yet. This person may have a mental illness, but do not blindly accept it as the truth, wait until they are captures before making assumptions on their mental state.

                        Also, although females are genetically less aggressive than males, im curious as to why everyone immediately assumes this is a man.

                        Thats my 2 cents, and although this is an older topic, perhaps someone will read my thoughts and reflect on them.

                        Perhaps not.


                        • penboy_np

                          Yeah someone still reads here :-P anyways yes I thought it could even be a girl... But probably not, also I'm hoping this person is ex military since then the news media would have to drop the whole gaming idea right out the window.

                          I'd have to go up to NBC and bitch slap them too for that.

                          But you were pretty much agreeing with me :-)

