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Desert Conflict Mod Update

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  • #61
    Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

    thanks Seth.. see we cant please everyone all the time.. but we please most you some of the time.. reminds me of the two old men in the muppets around here.. the one hurling insults from the balcony.. Ahh.. the good old days of good TV shows.. Got a whole balcony full of them anymore.. Its a shame that everyone else is free to speak their minds but we cannot.. Ah well.. such is the life.... Play what you all like or dont like.. up to you all as a person. Guess we as people cant have a good time with the rest of the others who are trying to havae a good time at our expense.. Funny when the shoes on the other foot now... This is a place of opinions.. you all have some about us.. we got some about you.. Take them or leave them.. Its all good. We dont try to be indignate on purpose.. Its usually from the result of a Troll. Someone needs to set up a tent around this cave and give it a good bombing with some trollacide. Well thats enough fun at the carnival for me.. You fellas be sure to say hi to the bearded lady.. Everyone else gets to have their say but us... I dont think so. It usually takes a bit of cajoling before I'll respond.. I'm just in here having fun with this one.. Pretty Jovial actually and besides.. its keeping this entertaining for once.. Ya know I love you guys.. Trolls and all.. Tough crowd this go round. We're just a different flavor than most. Ya either like it or not.. We're a group of fun loving fellas who just dont like to keep hearing accusations that are baseless.. You guys do your arguing amongst yourselves though.. Pick it apart, tear it up, break it down. Bust one out. Whatever ya want. I just like to shake the ones who shake the tree every now and then. The dog only takes so much abuse before it turns on the abuser.. Cheers guys!!


    • #62
      Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

      Originally posted by BIGDOG
      #1 The devs are all dicks to the comunity (this thread was not the first time read further back )
      Every update is plagued with trolls that want nothing but ignite a flamefest with other people, from other mod fanboys to other mod devs themselves. Look at the early updates and you will see, the devs try to hold there tongue but when so much trash is being said about there mod I dont blame them for getting alittle offensive, and its not like all the other mod teams are perfect angels and Dcon are just a bunch of asses, because there not. If you were a member of the Dcon community you would know that but your obviously not, you pop in here see some things being said and immediatly take it to heart. Do some actual research about the guys before you go and start calling them names.

      #2 Quality is lacking compared to the more professional mod's & dev's
      just another mod fanboy, whos favorite mod seems to feel threatened

      I wont be playing this one at all , no matter how much I want to .
      dont let the door hit you on the way out


      • #63
        Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

        Originally posted by zuiquan1
        Do some actual research about the guys before you go and start calling them names.

        dont let the door hit you on the way out

        This is all the research I needed to do .
        OMG... you silly people that think we port everything... what smaktards. ya, we ported everything you see... gaytarded. it must be so nice to be intelligent enough to make that disertion from a freakin screen shot of an unfinished map... in fact, for the last year, all we've done is steal other people's work... steal other people's textures... steal other people's python code... and all the rest... we're just so dumb that it took us a whole year to figure out how to steal it... go die biatches.
        <!-- / message -->

        BTW I have been playing games since you were still in your scooby roo's . That is no way to represent your mod team or talk to a comunity member . If I am just a fanboy for other mod teams than you take it up the goop from dcon members ....fanbitch .


        • #64
          Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

          man oh man... some of you guys dish it out to us all the time... why so defensive when we dish it back to you? lol... just proves the point I guess... oh well... we're proud of our work and we have every right to defend it.


          • #65
            Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

            LOL yea.. Hoofer is Hoofer.. He speaks his mind like the REST of you.. But arguing on the internet I see is exactly what they say it is.. Like the special olympics.. I'll leave you to whatever floats your boats.. Try and have a good one.. Besides.. if ya dont care for us then why post? I mean it just doesnt make sense right? You dont like us.. dont want to dl and play it.. so the only other reason is to get in on the jabs. We'll take them on the chin.. We always do.. every now and then though we throw a hook.. You all happened to catch Hoofers this time. He's a good old fashinoned red neck with the flair to go with it. What always seems to be forgotten is that we do this for the hell of it. Not for a job. Not many of us care to go any further in the industry than where we are. We're not Trauma.. Not even close.

            Do we need to be more courteous? Sure.. we could be. but so could the trollers and **** disturbers and liers. Guess it all depends on what side of the bed you fell out on. I'm fans of all the mods actually.. Cant wait for them to come out and give us more stuff to do. BF2 so needs it. I'm not saying were always right to ***** back.. We're not.. I dont make excuses for that. Never will. We just only tolerate things for so long. Past few days have been those intolerable times. I wish you all well. My tummies achin from all the cotton candy at the carnival here.


            • #66
              Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

              Originally posted by M4D*Hoofer
              man oh man... some of you guys dish it out to us all the time... why so defensive when we dish it back to you? lol... just proves the point I guess... oh well... we're proud of our work and we have every right to defend it.

              Saying things like " go die biatches " isnt really defending your work . Its called being an a$$hole .


              • #67
                Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

                he doesnt deny that accusation.. LOL Think i've called him that a few times myself.. Besides.. he's just voicing his opinion on matters as you all.. Sometimes he can be a bit more direct and open..


                • #68
                  Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

                  lol, "go die" is a very appropriate gaming term... for a gamer, I'd have thought you would have known that... guess not... as far as "biatches" hmm... ya, that'd be appropriate as well I suppose... sorry if I offended your fragileness... tighten up soldier...

                  EDIT: anyway, it's all in fun... that's what this whole thing is about... fun... whoo hooo... if some people poke sh!t our way... we can poke back... doesn't make us asshats or anything... I'm just having fun pokin back and defending our mappers ... who work very hard by the way... to only be called porters! lol... I've seen these maps from the start, they are def not ported... and whoever said ported lightmaps? omg, that is a good one...

                  but for real... if you wanna argue, bring it on... it's relaxing


                  • #69
                    Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

                    Originally posted by Doorstop
                    Besides.. if ya dont care for us then why post? I mean it just doesnt make sense right? You dont like us.. dont want to dl and play it.. so the only other reason is to get in on the jabs. We'll take them on the chin.. We always do.. every now and then though we throw a hook.. You all happened to catch Hoofers this time. He's a good old fashinoned red neck with the flair to go with it. What always seems to be forgotten is that we do this for the hell of it. Not for a job. Not many of us care to go any further in the industry than where we are. We're not Trauma.. Not even close.


                    I read more than I post in this site and after reading your update I just got pissed . It just seems stupid to me to spend a year and a half developing a mod to come in here and engage in a $hit throwing contest w/ forum members . It dosent help you guys out at all unless the overall goal is to look like total tools .

                    Originally posted by M4D*Hoofer
                    lol, "go die" is a very appropriate gaming term... for a gamer, I'd have thought you would have known that... guess not... as far as "biatches" hmm... ya, that'd be appropriate as well I suppose... sorry if I offended your fragileness... tighten up soldier...

                    Your verbage isnt the problem , its who you are addressing .


                    • #70
                      Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

                      If all the nonesense would stop arguements and crap like this wouldnt go on.. If ya dont like the mod great.. we support your decision.. just seems useless to post in a place about something you dont want nothing to do with. I guess my point is as I said.. why get involved with stuff you dont like and instigate further or poke at. Granted access to this post is free to anyone who wants to post. But seriously.. I dont go getting myself involved in matters that 1. Dont concern me 2. I dont care about. 3. Dont want anything to do with.

                      Thats like me getting into another mod teams thread and pissin on their cornflakes just cause I can and cause I dont like them. It doesnt make sense. I have no business doing that. I wont tell them they suck and so on and so forth and accuse them of crap. Just not right. Not my place and not my mod, and I could careless about them. But its ok for each and all of you who wanna bash to bash? Well if ya dont care and dont want to play it.. Then dont get involved. Your involvement further shows your true intentions. Thats just to instigate and to fan the flames further. But do what ever makes you sleep soundly at night.


                      • #71
                        Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

                        so... if someone addresses me or my team member directly and says they suck and are cheaters and losers... then... I should address who exactly in response? their brother? their friend? I think ya lost me on that one... if a member of the forums, community, or otherwise flames me or my team member, I have every right to flame 'em back... at least that's how I see it... anyway... it's a good way to pass the time while taking a break from all the work... sometimes a good old fashioned retarded argument is just plain fun.


                        • #72
                          Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

                          Actually I was very tame.. and having fun with it. You guys dont know us from Adam and we dont know you either. Probably better of that way.. Like I said though.. we've been knocked since day 1. We never fired the first shot.. Unfortunately.. its been a vicious cycle. Some just refuse to get off the wheel. Its hard to ignore most of it.. Ya just get tired of it some days.. We're all human and prone to being that which makes us human.. I personally when I do respond try.. not to get to cranky with the trolls. Sometimes it works.. sometimes it dont.. I mean I could be baltant and just tell ya to piss off or something like that but it doesnt solve anything for anyone. But that just me. I'll discuss the matter for a bit and then just drop it days later and say whatever.. Probably what needs to be done now.. There will be people who disagree and people who agree. Its a fact of life. Some people just dont mix well.


                          • #73
                            Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

                            well i apreciate the owrk u guys are doig on this mod,looks like a lot fo fun!!!!


                            • #74
                              Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

                              Originally posted by Doorstop
                              I wont tell them they suck and so on and so forth and accuse them of crap. Just not right. Not my place and not my mod, and I could careless about them. But its ok for each and all of you who wanna bash to bash? Well if ya dont care and dont want to play it.. Then dont get involved. Your involvement further shows your true intentions. Thats just to instigate and to fan the flames further. But do what ever makes you sleep soundly at night.

                              I never bashed you or said you sucked . I also never accused anyone of anything (i.e port issues).

                              I did however say " I wont d/l even if I wanted to due to devs having negative biased post's . I also said that the professionalism was lacking dev wise based on the responses here . All of my OPINIONS are based soley on your responses and how you address the community .

                              No need to go further in this matter and this will be my last post .

                              Die biathces


                              • #75
                                Re: Desert Conflict Mod Update

                                Yea I actually can have some fun with arguments. This one i havent taken to heart really. Its more or less just frolicking with the trolls.. They all need some attention from time to time and to give them more crap to fuss about we'll get into the mix. For me its just a matter of something to amuse them and to let them rant on. It truley is a retarded argument though.. Amusing but retarded. We havent had fun with past ones and this one we figured we would. Guess they figured they would get under the skin on this one.. Not so. I'm being quite playful with the trolls. Which reminds me.. I bought one of those fuzzy headed trolls you find in the store.. I had to buy one.. Gonna start naming them and placing them on my desk for each one of them around here.. Probably take some pics of them when i get some more.. You guys will forever be memorialized in front of me.

