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every signle person here needs to read this.

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  • #76
    Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

    Originally posted by Ind1go
    My point was you had responded to off topic jibes and irrelevant immature comments in what comes over as "shut up kid, I'm an adult therefore better" kind of way. Granted, forums are notorious for reading messages the wrong way so sorry if that's not what you meant.

    Best to just ignore silly comments like his than give them any form of respect

    Still not sure what "What have YOU done lately, pwning noobs doesn't count" has to do with the topic though. I thought the topic was about whether or not the things like spawn camping or attacking carriers etc made BF2 not fun anymore or whether they are part of the experience and when thought about, accounted for and beaten, making the game even more fun.

    And also whether being competitive in an online war simulation is a good thing or a bad thing...

    You're just as bad as what you're complaining about. You keep expounding on his "off topic jibes" with jibes of your own right back at him. Proving my point that Germans love David Hasslehoff.


    • #77
      Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

      Originally posted by MooJuice
      if ONLY you went to my sure itd be easier convincing you in person then whie while your behind your little conputer screen that youve devoted so much of your life to.
      You still go to school and you play in competative video game matches? You must have devoted quite alot of time to "your little computer screen" yourself so I doubt you'll be convincing anybody of anything with your small, white frame.


      • #78
        Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

        Taking advantage of a bug in the game or using something the way it was not intended is, IMO, cheap and lame.

        The reason to complain about it, with games like BF2, is that they patch the game from time to time and can address these problems.

        The article seems to be focused around calling intended parts of the game (like throwing in street fighter) cheap and NOT exploits, which is what most people complain about.


        • #79
          Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

          Personally I enjoy his articles (still reading though). As he said his preaching is not for everyone, each gamer has to decide whether they want to become elite or not. Most of his argument is based on the idea, which I see also in gaming, of limiting ourselves where the game design itself doesn't. Fair comments.

          There is more to the story though. In a simulation game, or in any game I suppose that has some element of trying to emulate real life, the gamer must add to the game such limitations to achieve a higher degree of simulation. Then with these standards achieve success against like-minded gamers.

          If folks engage in BF2 with the notion of trying to emulate an actual combat experience, though very difficult in my view, then such unwritten rules add to the experience and ought to challenge the gamer. The author suggests otherwise from what I gather.

          Moreover, as he conceded, gaming must be put in its proper place of entertainment. Family, work, school and so forth are more important. Notwithstanding, the general masses don't excel at their games because the don't play to win.



          • #80
            Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

            OMG!! I read about 5 minutes of that article. I PLAY TO WIN and HAVE FUN AT THE SAME DAMN TIME! I Don't need someone analysing why. I work all day and then get home and blow off steam. Analize that.


            • #81
              Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

              wow is it just me or is this topic popular?
              Click teh link!


              • #82
                Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

                Alrighty... I have an example of why this guy's artical is off-base:

                Waaaaaaay back when Street Fighter was uber-popular, I was visiting a friend who wanted to introduce me to a guy he knew that had done well in several SF tourements. So off we go down to the local comic/game shop where to dude spent most of his time.

                After meeting him, we ofcource wanna play. My friend played against this guy first... and got rolled. I made an off handed comment about using some "cheep" tactics and the dude called me a scrub (first time I'd heard the word). So I told the guy "Fine, let's play. You play your way, I'll play mine."

                We had a bunch of good rounds. He kept at it with his "cheep" moves, while I did my best to counter then and get in my shots. He won the majority, but I dropped him a fair number of times. After we'd played awhile (no one else wanted in because they were having a great time watching us go at it), I desided it was time to prove a point. I fell back to what I consitered the cheepest tactic in my arsenal. The next 5 games were utter blowouts with no round lasting more than 30 seconds and me attaining several perfect rounds. It wasn't much fun, but I royally trashed him.

                At the end, I just said "That's why I don't play that way. It's no fun.".

                SO... the point is, you can play to win AND have fun without resorting to "cheepness" OR you can whore Chun-Lei's jump and chuck move over and over and over.

                Notice that I have a fairly low number of kills with the nade launcher in my stats? Yeah, I still feel the same way.


                • #83
                  Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

                  Originally posted by MooJuice

                  this is the true definition of a winning gamer, and now i never, ever, EVER want to hear anybody call something lame or noobish again.

                  "Noob" this was SOOOO "LAME"!!!! more than noobish just noobtasterific!!


                  • #84
                    Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

                    ind1go is the man, nicely said in all aspects.

                    btw i can actually relate to having fun now, ii recentluy played under a diff account just trying to enjoy myself, eg sniping, knifing, tking, etc, and i almost found it more enjoyable the more i got pwned.

                    but while i admit that winning isnt everything, im still going to stand by the fact that nobody should ever attempt to defame or degrade another persons play style because the m203 whore or tank whore or whatever. if anything, it makes it more enjoyable when you finally do kill them, as someone already said.

                    good discussion btw guys


                    • #85
                      Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

                      Originally posted by MooJuice
                      btw i can actually relate to having fun now, ii recentluy played under a diff account just trying to enjoy myself, eg sniping, knifing, tking, etc, and i almost found it more enjoyable the more i got pwned.
                      Errr... what about the people you TK'ed? I can't see how they could enjoy themselves if you TK them.

                      Thoughtless/careless people like you screw up multiplayer games.


                      • #86
                        Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

                        Originally posted by DMC
                        Errr... what about the people you TK'ed? I can't see how they could enjoy themselves if you TK them.

                        Thoughtless/careless people like you screw up multiplayer games.

                        This is Moo Dman, Tard behavior seems the norm these days


                        • #87
                          Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

                          Complete B0110cks


                          • #88
                            Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

                            yeah, when not playing to win, tking is kinda fun :P not tat youve ever been in a tk fest dmc/wrexxx....oh wait, except EVERY WAR we had...haha

                            get over it and dont discuss something when u dont know what ur talking bout, it might just make u look like an uptight hypocrite


                            • #89
                              Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

                              Moo, poor little moo.

                              How sad your life has become that cheap thrills like this are all you can get.

                              I honestly feel sorry for ya man, I really do.


                              • #90
                                Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

                                saracastic pity posts are overrated...

