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every signle person here needs to read this.

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  • Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

    Originally posted by Ind1go
    I'm referring to anyone who can't play the game for what it actually is and appreciate ALL aspects of how it's played, not just the one that suits them. I don't like being held to my spawn, but I deal with it and play the game. I don't enjoy being under ferocious bombardment from skilled pilots, but I deal with it and play the game.

    I don't enjoy playing bunny hoppers but I realise their days are numbered. I deal... you get the message.

    If I see hacks or other actual cheats, I stop playing and move on. I don't have some set of rules in my head about "gentlemanly honour" where everyone must be at least 30 paces from their enemy. I'm sure you see the point behind that statement.

    You seem to think that your rules on BF2 etiquette are the be all and end all. They're not. YOU are constricting how others should play. I abide by the rules of the server I'm on but if I don't like them, I find a better server.

    You don't like "spawn campers" for one reason only. They have outsmarted you/your team and acheived a position of dominance. Deal with it. Outsmart THEM. An entire team in one spawn has a decent chance of taking out one SU34 ffs. If you have got into a situation where it might be a bit hard to break out or your under pressure it implies you only like the situations where you are either easily winning or your perception is that the playing field is level (when it probably isn't).

    Unless people are actually cheating they are entitled to play the game any way they want on the basis they accept others doing the same.
    You can use the "QUOTE" option when you wish to refer to a certian post. Now, after implying you were refering to me, I'll add that English is not my native toungh (nor have I lived in a country in which English is a native toungh), so give me a break with your deviating from the subject note: "Work on your spelling.". You understood my point.

    Originally posted by Ind1go
    You don't like "spawn campers" for one reason only.
    An asumption. You, someone who's never met me, spoke with me, or had anything to so with me, know I don't like them for one reason. ESP? I wonder.

    Originally posted by Ind1go
    An entire team in one spawn has a decent chance of taking out one SU34 ffs.
    A few asumptions. First asumption - someone can or should gather all players in one spwan, in order to try and take down one jet. Second asumption - you know all jet pilots. I know for a fact, about at least one pilot who'll drop your chances somewhere close to 0. You can't kill what you can see.

    Originally posted by Ind1go
    If you have got into a situation where it might be a bit hard to break out or your under pressure it implies you only like the situations where you are either easily winning ...
    Yet more asumptions... Easy win? That's excatlly what spwan camping is about, and getting the easy wins is excatlly what I don't like about the spwan camping (glad you have mention that). I always prefer to join the losing group when logging on to a server, since there is way more challenge to win when doing so. I dig helping my team to win, and it's even greater when I do it from within the jets, to the advantage of my team, trying to work beside them and for them (trouble is many jet pilots couldn't care less about the team, and many people got used to that or either don't understand they can make much more use of friends in a jet).

    I learned to control the jet quite nicely, and spwan camping with it would not be much of a problem. There is no anvy here. It is anger due to boring game play, which I always (always!) try to solve by skills. I am gloating when taking down ex-jet-spwan campers thinking of how lame they must feel when they understand other people can actually do something with the jet other then spwan camping. The thing is - every time this happens (I get camped by a jet untill I get into one, then hunt down the camper) - I am the one staying on the server and try to get a hold of the situation, while the camper logs off when he realises he cant camp any more.

    If anything man, you got it all backwards.


    • Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

      What makes most FPS games great are rules set by the gaming community be it unwritten or actual server rules. Ppl that don't understand or can't appreciate how not abbiding by these rules ruin the game.

      These kind of ppl are not winners by far, they are the kind of smacktards that come into a server where e.g. baseraping of untakeable flag is disallowed and continue to do so even after being told not to, or stop only when admi is present. They are idiots, and not winners. The article is just an excuse for ppl to explot the game and behave like they please on servers.

      That why I play on moderated servers with good admins and rules like no baseraping and no stealing of planes from enemy main spawn etc.

      I guess this article just has to be posted on every game forum, so ppl can feel good about themselves, eventhough they know their kind ruin the game IMO.

      Just because it is formatted nicley and lengthy and put on a website, doesn't make the article any more valid.

      Ppl always say like the author of this thread:
      Originally posted by MooJuice

      this is the true definition of a winning gamer, and now i never, ever, EVER want to hear anybody call something lame or noobish again.

      Ppl don't want to hear other POVs and can't stand rules set forth by gaming communities, and like and spread the article because it fits their style of play in BF2, and think that this arrogant article will make it more valid, which it won't.


      • Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

        Originally posted by Gunny Highway
        Just because it is formatted nicley and lengthy and put on a website, doesn't make the article any more valid.

        Ppl don't want to hear other POVs and can't stand rules set forth by gaming communities, and like and spread the article because it fits their style of play in BF2, and think that this arrogant article will make it more valid, which it won't.
        Oh? So that means since people are close minded to your point of view/way of playing, their point of view/way of playing is invalid? Calling people closed minded while calling someone elses view invalid is ridiculously hypocritical.

        Hi, my name is Captain Contradiction!

        (P.S.- I don't like to partake in any of the "cheap" tactics you all speak of, or condone them. I'm just pointing out that they aren't invalid tactics. Why? Because they WORK. Even if they didn't work, they'd still be valid.)


        • Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

          Originally posted by CS-Evolution
          Oh? So that means since people are close minded to your point of view/way of playing, their point of view/way of playing is invalid? Calling people closed minded while calling someone elses view invalid is ridiculously hypocritical.
          no. its not.


          • Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

            Please, think about what you're saying. One team, through superior skill/luck forces the other team back to their spawn. Team A is in a winning position. At this point you want them to stop, hold back and wait for you to come out. Why do you want this?

            Remember they have already got you back to spawn fairly - assuming no hacks etc., that's not relevant in this context - so for you to want them to stop it has to be for a reason. Since you don't want to be allowed out of your spawn just so you can sit in a tank beside them and have an online chat, you want to be allowed out so you can fight back in a way that is more comfortable for you. i.e. you want to be allowed out so you can win. So don't give me silly statements like "it's not all about winning". IT IS ABOUT YOU WANTING TO WIN, FFS WHY ELSE DO YOU WANT THEM TO LAY OFF??

            You could well think "it's the manner of the fight that's important, not the result. Spawn camping is not a fair fight". Well, partly true. The manner of the fight IS important. But if they have fairly pushed you to the carrier, then the fight WAS fair, you're just not as good/unlucky.

            I know this sounds like an angry post. It's because I kinda feel sorry for you, in as un-patronizing a way as possible. I WANT you to learn how to fight your way from the carrier because it's a good feeling, especially when you win the round. I WANT you to join a game when the enemy are in your uncappable spawn and your team really has to dig in to push them back. It makes games BETTER. You need to stop fighting with only one eye open and appreciate all the other possible ways of playing bar the way YOU think it should be played according to "rules" that have been developed because people can't be bothered to think their way out of a tricky situation.

            I'm not professing to read other people's minds, just using an apt generalisation.

            By the way, I found your statement "you win when there's real competition" quite ironic. What else is a situation when your entire team is in one spawn point fighting for survival? It IS real competition - you fight and survive or fight and lose. It's a good competition and a good challenge.

            Rather than resort to insults, please try to stay on topic and discuss this properly. (directed at everyone)


            • Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

              Originally posted by glasseye
              no. its not.
              It is, really. Practically the dictionary definition of hypocrisy. Telling others something when doing the same thing yourself.


              • Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

                Originally posted by glasseye
                no. its not.
                aioerh aipeb auipwgep78a623as da knjawuya780at780 guila a aw42342q ng.lmn oiahy


                • Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

                  This makes me think of MW4 (MechWarrior 4, for those who don't know) and some of the "cheap" tactics in that game. Someone would take all the armor off his legs so that he could pack on more weapons or more armor or more ammo, or whatever he wanted. If you shot him in the legs, he would then say "you're legging! that's cheap! you suck n0000000b!" Guess what? He left a nice, big, easy target to shoot at by removing all that armor. Does he think I'll waste my time shooting his Center Torso when two shots to the legs will take him down? That's not cheap tactics, that's being smart.

                  Others would complain if you pinpointed which slot their weapons were in and proceeded to shoot them out before ingaging up close. Again, that's not cheap. It's smart.

                  Do I play by my own set of rules? Yes, I have guidelines for how to fight and what tactics to use that I like. Do I expect everyone else to use them? No. Do I call someone cheap or a n00b because they did something I don't know how to do don't want to do? No. I find a way to stop them from doing it and blow them away using my tactics, and maybe a little of their own medicine.

                  I think the only time something is cheap is when they're using exploits or hacks. That's cheap. But I don't mind. Most of the time I just blow the hackers/exploiters away after the first time they get me because they're usually terrible at whatever game they're in.


                  • Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

                    Originally posted by Ind1go
                    It is, really. Practically the dictionary definition of hypocrisy. Telling others something when doing the same thing yourself.
                    so im a hypocrite if i say danny green is white because i too am white?

                    the quotes clearly said that the article was no more valid than anybody elses opinion just because it was nicely laid out. it also *said* somebody having the same opinions expressed in the article is no more justified just because somebody put a rant agreeing w/ it on a webpage.
                    that has nothing to do w/ hypocrisy.


                    • Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

                      But it sure got people ranting. Which sometimes can make everyone feel better.


                      • Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

                        the point of a game is to win it no matter what it takes and of course the person that loses will call the person a noob or a *** or a loser because they lost......i'm not sure what celluar respiration and atp synthesis has to do with all of this.


                        • Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

                          Well, I'd prefer to let him respond, but I read it that he was declaring the article invalid, while saying people were close minded for not adhering to his views on sportsmanship.

                          That's hypocracy.


                          • Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

                            Originally posted by MooJuice

                            this is the true definition of a winning gamer, and now i never, ever, EVER want to hear anybody call something lame or noobish again.

                            You owe me the money for the time I waste reading the first three sentences. Use my paypal account. Thanks.


                            • Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

                              Originally posted by Ind1go
                              Y It's because I kinda feel sorry for you, in as un-patronizing a way as possible. I WANT you to learn how to fight your way from the carrier because it's a good feeling, especially when you win the round. I WANT you to join a game when the enemy are in your uncappable spawn and your team really has to dig in to push them back.
                              oh dear.
                              i don't spawn rape not because i'm unable to do it. i can, i did it, like everybody else... i do it no more because it is plain boring. understand? it's not that i can't. i just do other things that are funnier. because the only real reason you do it is to achieve points. what? in public servers? you feel a winner because you have plenty of ranks and badges achieved by constantly killing again and again the same noobs? ok, you won a doll.
                              Originally posted by Ind1go
                              By the way, I found your statement "you win when there's real competition" quite ironic. What else is a situation when your entire team is in one spawn point fighting for survival? It IS real competition - you fight and survive or fight and lose. It's a good competition and a good challenge.
                              you mean a public server with 20/30 unknown people, kids, newcomers, wtf is real competition?


                              • Re: every signle person here needs to read this.

                                Originally posted by CS-Evolution

                                Oh? So that means since people are close minded to your point of view/way of playing, their point of view/way of playing is invalid? Calling people closed minded while calling someone elses view invalid is ridiculously hypocritical.

                                Hi, my name is Captain Contradiction!

                                (P.S.- I don't like to partake in any of the "cheap" tactics you all speak of, or condone them. I'm just pointing out that they aren't invalid tactics. Why? Because they WORK. Even if they didn't work, they'd still be valid.)
                                Where's the contradiction?? I'm pointing out my POV and explaining how I like rules and have very little respect for ppl that act as smacktards on servers and baserape etc, when it isn't allowed. The kind of ppl that can't respect the rules when they are in effect on a server, are close minded and intolerant, and more often than not idiots.
                                Don't take that the wrong way, I'm talking about behaviour when confronted with rules on a server and how ppl act, and not about this discussion, you are entitled to your views however they may differ from my POV, I just totally and wholeheartedly disagree.

                                I'm not calling it invalid as you say, I just noted the fact that it isn't more valid because it fits your propaganda.

                                I really really don't care if the tactic works. Some ppl that like the article are the same ppl that get kicked for baseraping and come back to the server or make threads on forums like this and start whining why they get kicked. I don't go to servers where there's no rules and start to belittle ppl because that way, I just leave.

                                Originally posted by Ind1go
                                You need to stop fighting with only one eye open and appreciate all the other possible ways of playing bar the way YOU think it should be played according to "rules" that have been developed because people can't be bothered to think their way out of a tricky situation.
                                There's the problem right there, thinking that ppl who like "the rules" are lesser players. A player isn't a better player because he/she like getting kills from killing ppl as they spawn in a untakeable spawn.

