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Vehicle Ownership

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  • #61
    hello! it works fine now, FOR instace everyone's fav whoring vehicle the BH, this morning i had a squad named BLACKHAWK and we where whoring it up (i earned over 300 points on one map roation ) but every time we got shotdown we would spawn back at our main base and we would jump in we would have 1 or two blues in the chopper what happen? did we whine? did we TK? no.. the two that where left out walked down to combat help out on the ground front as soon as one of the blues died the squad leader would say spawn on me, and after about two flags we got the whole squad in.

    Then we of course would fly around and kill and mame everyone, the only thing i dislike is the vech stealers while i'm engy, this of course has lead me to develop super map watching skills and if anyone ever gets close enough i jump in and wait, if i have a gunner i ask him if he will refrain from stealing the tank. But if they steal it do i whine? do i tk? no.. i get on foot and kick ass


    • #62
      Originally posted by monkton
      why did you let him keep taking it? weren't you waiting there when the chopper spawned? just stand where the chopper's going to spawn and hold down "e." you would have gotten it one of those times.
      As soon as he spawnd he tk me


      • #63
        Nope can't see it happening

        Originally posted by Strega
        I'd like to see Vehicle Ownership in BF2. So if you get in a chopper, or whatever vehicle, you can 'lock' it for your squad, or boot someone that's in it, that you don't want in it. Lots of times I like to roll up on a base quietly, and some idiot gets in my vehicle and is just laying waste to EVERYTHING in sight with the gun. However, if you get OUT of the driverseat, you should lose ownership of that vehicle.

        Just my $0.02

        This could also cause a bad glitch- someone disconnecting or gets shot in the chopper while it's locked and it being locked untill blown up or untill the end of the game also like most people have said people will get ratherrag headed that some noob in a chopper rides around for the whole game in a locked chopper.
        Also not liking this idea!


        • #64
          Man some of you are selfish smacktards. I want to lock vehicle just so me and my butt buddy clan can use it. Well go rent your own server and do that then. Everyone playing has the same rights to the vehicle as you do whether they're playing their first game or if they're a freaking sgt. I was in the same situation as the other guy in this thread. I was about to kill a blackhawk with the jeep's 50 and some genious jumps in and drives me into a ditch. Sure it sucks but thats just part of the game. Deal with it and stop coming up with stupid ideas to ruin the game.


          • #65
            I still honestly beleave a queing system on vehicals would be fair come on 20 guys all tking one another on a server just to get the attack heli that would be ended straight away. Everyone must of seen that at one point or another its like flys in the summer swarming around fresh turd at times. No one has devine right to any vehical and some people just take them 24/7 and never do any ground pounding like the rest of us which isnt particulary fair is it.



            • #66
              Perhaps they could protect egnineers from carjackings by arranging things so that a vehicle being actively repaired that does not have a driver cannot be driven. This would let engineers fix their gear without getting ripped off by selfish bastages while still making sure that someone couldn't just keep a vehicle to themselves--- after all, the engineer has to be outside the vehicle and engaged in fixing it so you can always walk up and TK him if you REALLY want to carjack his stuff.


              • #67
                Originally posted by [LoD]Judas
                You should get dibs on vehicles based on rank or badge
                no way, higher rank means that you have more play time not that you are necessarily more skilled or more deserving of a vehicle


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Kadorn
                  I don't like the idea in general, I think more of a problem is when engineers get out a tank or something like it and try to repair it, then a teammate takes it, another problem with engineer, you can fix your vehicle, but you will lose it in the process. I think having a 15 second lock optional lock when engineer jumps out would help this. However lokcs for eveyone would not work.
                  Any good engineer already knows that you never get out of a vehicle to do a repair when there are other people near..


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by =LAF=Pilioka
                    If someone can't fly I will get in front of them and make them TK me. If they don't stop flying I get TKed until they are booted.

                    And if someone is my co pilot and won't get out I will just bail and crash. They get the idea after a while.

                    There is probably no way to actually claim ownership of a vehicle without major problems.

                    Maybe have rank of a vehicle kind of like with commander. Like say I am corporal with 1300 heli kills. If a private wants it he should not be able to get it if I want it.
                    What a complete nob

                    Hopefully our server can avoid complete tossers like you


                    • #70
                      I already have ownership....It's call the c4 theft alarm


                      • #71
                        Same here, but usually I just watch them drive off and get torn to pieces by a blackhawk, tank, apc, etc while I stay back and set c4 on the road.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by X-ander
                          Are you stupid or what??
                          If you think a vehicle its of your property then you need to get a life.
                          ****ing kiddos.
                          Is ppl like you who ruin a game.
                          If i get before than you to a vehicle or steal it fromo you then **** off
                          You sir, are a complete f**king moron...did you even read my first post??? People like me ruin the game??? Why??? Because I had an IDEA that I posted on the forums??? You have some serious issues...

                          That last line has me rolling...If you get to the vehicle first, or I get out and you take it from me, it's yours...what part of that don't you get??? The English language must have gone and passed you by at some point. Reading comprehension, it's a neat tool, use it.

                          My idea is based on getting into an attack chopper, and I'm playing with a friend and we're on Ventrilo, RogerWilco, TeamSound, TeamSpeak, would be nice to be able to lock the vehicle so that only my squad members can get in. It does really suck getting in a helo and having someone that doesn't know how to use the TV camera or shoot at all, when I know my good friend can do it well. Flying a helo with a retarded gunner isn't fun by any means...

                          You people like X-ander really need to just take a step back from you computer and go experience the rest of the world. You're so wrapped up in forum whoring that you can't even post intelligently.

                          I knew my idea wouldn't be liked by everyone, but that's all it is, just an idea. Sorry if I offended you with my OPINION.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by [>KoD<]Monkey
                            agreed, youd get sum comedien locking the cobra or other stuff, not fun at all.
                            Well as it stands right now, people just don't take off if there's someone they dont want in their vehicle. If the person doesn't get out they just suicide crash it, so it wouldn't really be any different with the ability to lock the things.


                            • #74
                              I can't believe some of the above comments:

                              - you crash deliberately to kill your copilot cos he won't get out and you want the plane to yourself? My god, what an idiot. You do realise that you get points for his kills aswell? In what way exactly does a copilot harm your experience? Freak

                              - poor little engies who don't want 'their' vehicle nicked whilst they repair it. Boo-hoo. If you have any sense drive it somewhere out of the way, not exactly difficult. Whilst I do not condone people 'nicking' vehicles in this manner (and don't do it myself), I don't see why engies should just keep a vehicle throughout the map - other people want to drive around in nice vehicles too!

                              - locking vehicles so others can't use it? Pathetic. You are not the only ones who paid for this game. All are equal, irrespective of rank or ability. Deal with it you brats.

                              However some comments I agree with:

                              - people getting in and moving the vehicle whilst you are shooting at a target - making it impossible to hit it. This is just inconsiderate play by others, mainly children (who probably posted the above bits I listed). Some of it may be honest misunderstanding though.

                              - people who cannot fly AT ALL, taking choppers that other people want to use and then killing everyone on board through terrible flying. These people are truly rude (i.e. children) who have no consideration for other players. They should either: a) practice in single player, or b)practice in multiplayer on servers with about 2 peeps on them (i.e. everyone is just playing about), or c) wait till they find a chopper that noone wants to use in the map in that stage of play (there are a few maps where the transport choppers are ignored (especially by non-US temas for some reason).

                              I have to say though that in the last few weeks I have noticed general manners have improved somewhat, probably due to the majority of 10 year olds having gone back to trying to unlock the 'hot coffee' scenes in GTA: San Andreas.

