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IO Mode. It isn't going anywhere, so why not suggest some changes?

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  • #46
    Re: IO Mode. It ain't going nowhere, so why not suggest some changes?

    [QUOTE=Bickus^Dickus]Look! as far as im concerned let all the whores play IO[QUOTE]

    How can you be an IO whore? a gun whore? WTF are you on about dude. The reason i play IO is to get away from all the Tank, chopper and jet whores. Half the people who moan about IO are just pissed off because theres not as many targets to line up on at the spawn point they're camping. Secondly because they're **** ground pounders and hate seeing there KD at 0.5 when before it was 5 or something. IO is the best thing DICE has done and as far as i'm concerned its put the fun back into the game.

    To the OP-I must admit i do like some of your ideas. I disagree with the 16 man maps though. IMHO, this will encourage even more nade spam as a map like karkland would be much more of an enclosed space. I like the others, though i doubt anything will change. I'm not complaining though. IO FTW!


    • #47
      Re: IO Mode. It ain't going nowhere, so why not suggest some changes?

      Best solutions

      - when you die: -2 points
      - 1 point for revive
      - support cannot resupply nades, has 2 ammo packs
      - medic has smg, 2 heal packs, longer defib reload
      - engy has smg and shotgun

      It will balance scoring between modes.

      Please make comments and vote for best map -> IO mode


      • #48
        Re: IO Mode. It ain't going nowhere, so why not suggest some changes?

        I thought the original Idea was that BF2 was supposed to be all out war? With IO mode its not. The reality is that with IO mode if you are better than the people running the server you will loose your connection or get booted. Maybe a better name for it would be ROE compliant stat pad mode! . . . . . . Red


        • #49
          Re: IO Mode. It ain't going nowhere, so why not suggest some changes?

          Originally posted by PlaneWhore
          A simple IO mode fix exists that will remove all popularity to stat padders. Pretty simple - in IO mode no single action should be worth more than 1 point. So kills in IO are worth 1 point and revives are also 1 point. That'll put the points in line with regular BF2 where they blong and thus nobody will play IO as a result.
          The game has been out long enough. People will start to care less and less about points.

          There's not 1 map in bf2 that has only transport. If IO would have transport then we had loads of maps that actually worked. Who wants to run around in 64 player map anyway. So only 32 player maps work and they don't provide anymore the mayhem of 64 player maps.

          Snipers that have it way easier now, picking off helpless running chickens without heads. Only few classes that work. Many maps where you need to set foothold taking flags. This is impossible now with low mobility and all the enemy waiting up at the closest flags.
          Transport is harmless really yet encourage the most teamwork of all the vehicles.

          When they said they were going to change the damage on infantry I actually thought they would make it more so you can actually kill infantry properly. I was really getting excited. Plus the fact that I expected transport.
          Oh man how could I be so damn wrong. I was utterly dissapointed how they implemented things.

          You would think, wow they finally made a new game mode but it's so biased implemented I could almost break down in tears.

          You know what made me really wheep. You would think with this running about, squads would be more popular as ever. Yet you still see half the team unassigned most of the time. Guess most can't be bothored since they can't quickly hop in a squad where the leader is on a good position.
          And yeah people are too stupid cos when the SL is dead they spawn somewhere else and then they wonder why there is no teamwork. Or perhaps they suck too much and think that being in a squad attracts too much attention to them which will get them killed. Or maybe it is just easier to get points in infantry maps to spam medpacks everywhere and revive like hell at the hotel instead of being in a squad and help your members.

          I always liked in DC the day1 and day2 maps. Where you got transport mainly in DAy1 and then tanks rolling in day2. It would be awesome if they made transport only and then heavy vehicles version as well. No more crying for vehicles and only the die hard ground pounders most likely in squads running around dodging everything. All the unassigned noobs could all get in their vehicle. And not run around cos they would get slaughtered or they are just too scared.
          All players that like vehicles could go there but not rape so much cos of more vehicles that give competition. Just imagine 3 cobra attacking a column of 10 tanks.

          Ah well I'll keep on dreaming but unfortunatly the game in it's current state has died for me. There are always mods that bring in some transport only maps hopefully. Anyone remember DC Lost Village with the bh's flying over the coast. That was great fun.

          A Battlefield with only infantry running around. What were they thinking. That's why I like BF so much. You drive your way to action and fight it out.
          And tell me, would transport be over-dominating in IO ? Ofcourse not, it would make it exciting and bring in a new fresh wind of badly needed teamwork.

          EDIT : Oh and the reason why nades is such a spamtool ? Not cos of points but cos gunfire and deviation deal so less damage it's often way easier to toss few insta-kill nades and dodge the incoming fire.


          • #50
            Re: IO Mode. It ain't going nowhere, so why not suggest some changes?

            Originally posted by inz.Teamplay
            Best solutions

            1- when you die: -2 points
            2- 1 point for revive
            3- support cannot resupply nades, has 2 ammo packs
            4- medic has smg, 2 heal packs, longer defib reload
            5- engy has smg and shotgun

            It will balance scoring between modes.
            Ok, there seems to be a misunderstanding. I honestly don't care how the stats and score stack up. I just want a system where players need to seriously count on one another and work with one another to win. I just don't want an IO mode the removes the use for over 50% of the classes in game.

            Just wanted to set the record straight; "I don't give a damn about points, or the stat system!"

            Other than that though, ideas 3&4 are pretty good. They follow the general path my concepts forge; more simplistic in nature though. Simplicity is good, it raises the chance EA/Dice will give it a go.

            Originally posted by redrider
            I thought the original Idea was that BF2 was supposed to be all out war? With IO mode its not. The reality is that with IO mode if you are better than the people running the server you will loose your connection or get booted. Maybe a better name for it would be ROE compliant stat pad mode!
            This thread is here to promote ideas on ways to improve IO, not to vent and complain about it. Go find somewhere else to vent your frustrations, there are plenty of threads for that. Thank you.



            • #51
              Re: IO Mode. It ain't going nowhere, so why not suggest some changes?

              It's a shame, we just needed one or two maps without armour, jets and AHelo's, just for a change, to give everyone a pretty level playground. But after playing IO, it seems to bring out the worst in everyone (bar the fights for planes and choppers).

              I would like the following done.

              1) Vehicle lite
              Good idea, always thought they should have gone with this as it worked well on the "illegal" IO servers.

              2) Claymores removed
              Too many snipers bunny hopping around choke points dropping their clays for easy points. Sniper is my favourite kit, it pains me to see a tactical part of their kit used this way. At least put a bit of thought behind it, or stealth. But you cannot enforce this, so maybe just give them 2 c4 packs instead.

              3) All grenades removed, except from maybe engineers and G3 users.
              I hate the spam, grenades can be useful to clear out enemies from elevated points where they are lying prone, but again it is abused. I would like to see engies keep a few, as I feel they are a weak class in IO.

              4) Medics cannot revive
              Probably not a popular one, but in my book if you die, well thats the end for you amigo. (for 15 seconds!) This may cause people to be a bit more cautious, and would kerb the point whoring to a certain degree.

              These are only my opinions, you may disagree, but feel free to improve on them.


              • #52
                Re: IO Mode. It ain't going nowhere, so why not suggest some changes?

                Would be interesting if they took IO mode and altered it similar to DoD and CS style rounds where you all spawn at once and then the round goes until everyone is dead or some objective is completed. heh


                • #53
                  Re: IO Mode. It ain't going nowhere, so why not suggest some changes?

                  Originally posted by Big Poo
                  It's a shame, we just needed one or two maps without armour, jets and AHelo's, just for a change, to give everyone a pretty level playground. But after playing IO, it seems to bring out the worst in everyone (bar the fights for planes and choppers).

                  I would like the following done.

                  1) Vehicle lite
                  Good idea, always thought they should have gone with this as it worked well on the "illegal" IO servers.

                  2) Claymores removed
                  Too many snipers bunny hopping around choke points dropping their clays for easy points. Sniper is my favourite kit, it pains me to see a tactical part of their kit used this way. At least put a bit of thought behind it, or stealth. But you cannot enforce this, so maybe just give them 2 c4 packs instead.

                  3) All grenades removed, except from maybe engineers and G3 users.
                  I hate the spam, grenades can be useful to clear out enemies from elevated points where they are lying prone, but again it is abused. I would like to see engies keep a few, as I feel they are a weak class in IO.

                  4) Medics cannot revive
                  Probably not a popular one, but in my book if you die, well thats the end for you amigo. (for 15 seconds!) This may cause people to be a bit more cautious, and would kerb the point whoring to a certain degree.

                  These are only my opinions, you may disagree, but feel free to improve on them.
                  I don't agree with any of your ideas, but, I see where they are heading.

                  The Medic thing is kinda' pushing it bigtime. He isn't a medic if he cannot revive and heal.



                  • #54
                    Re: IO Mode. It ain't going nowhere, so why not suggest some changes?

                    Some good ideas here, too bad they won't listen.
                    If we bring to their attention that IO is broken, who knows what they'll replace?!
                    How about this:
                    1) Remove the rifle from medic, as his job is to be a medic, not an assault; let him have the pistol;
                    2) Remove grenades from support; he has this big LMG, he don't need more means of destruction;
                    3) Allow transport vehicles: let the weapons on, perhaps with the same weak MG as on boats. Give some work to do for AT and engy.
                    4) Smoke grenades for everybody. We all need concealment, don't we?!


                    • #55
                      Re: IO Mode. It ain't going nowhere, so why not suggest some changes?

                      Originally posted by Big Poo
                      2) Claymores removed
                      Too many snipers bunny hopping around choke points dropping their clays for easy points. Sniper is my favourite kit, it pains me to see a tactical part of their kit used this way. At least put a bit of thought behind it, or stealth. But you cannot enforce this, so maybe just give them 2 c4 packs instead.
                      My 0,02$

                      Claymore deploy time should take 6 seconds.

                      Support weapon when going to prone should have delay time 4 sec (tripod)

                      Prone accuracy should be stable after 2 sec (all other weapons).


                      • #56
                        Re: IO Mode. It ain't going nowhere, so why not suggest some changes?

                        Originally posted by {WP}Paas
                        I don't agree with any of your ideas, but, I see where they are heading.

                        The Medic thing is kinda' pushing it bigtime. He isn't a medic if he cannot revive and heal.

                        I dunno, I know the medic one would not go down well, but I do see the meds cleaning up with team points. I have no problem with individuals doing this, it's not a case of jealousy, but when you see it happen regularly, it just makes me think medic is a little overpowered as a class. Maybe adjust to +1 for a revive, or even a certain amound of shots before the battery on your defribs fail, or frazzle and need an engineer to fix


                        • #57
                          Re: IO Mode. It ain't going nowhere, so why not suggest some changes?

                          Originally posted by scknight
                          Would be interesting if they took IO mode and altered it similar to DoD and CS style rounds where you all spawn at once and then the round goes until everyone is dead or some objective is completed. heh
                          I would love to see a BF2 mode like that. Like on AA. Once you die thats it, like a last man standing thing, or deathmatch.


                          • #58
                            Re: IO Mode. It ain't going nowhere, so why not suggest some changes?

                            Originally posted by {WP}Paas
                            So, yeah... IO mode. I know, I know. It's a touchy subject. On one hand it's a frantic kill fest of excitement. On the other hand it's the most outrageously hack-job'ed attempt at pleasing the base of the community. All of those opinions are debateable. What's NOT up for debate though is the fact that IO is here to stay.

                            With that in mind I decided to revert back to the tried and true method of getting my opinion out; making suggestions. Planewhore already had a lengthy thread going that centers the debate about IO pretty well. So, I won't bother rehashing all of that. What I will say is I think there needs to be a couple of changes in regards to IO mode. Some things that EA could have really thought out better.

                            I'll list them:

                            1. Limit IO mode to 16 player maps!
                            - Not that I feel the servers themselves should be limited to 16 people, just the map size. If you're going to try and present this format as a legitimate game mode it needs to function with some type of logic. The point was to put people "directly" into the fight. Right? Well, considering there isn't an engine or transport helo to help me traverse that digital 2 miles of landscape, we need to shrink it down to somthing logical and acceptable. 16 player maps already are pretty much built to infantry specifications. It shouldn't be too much of a hassle to tweak them a bit more so they can be universally functional in both Conquest mode and IO-Conquest mode.

                            Why oh why aren't there any servers running more of the vBF2 maps in 16 player size besides S@K, Jalalabad and Mashtuur??? Those 3 maps are your basic infantry maps but with IO mode and 16 player maps pretty much all the vBF2 maps become fun for infantry wars. I haven't seen an IO server play Songhua Stalemate or Gulf of Oman yet...those two are for sure good for infantry. Seriously servers need to get more variety in their rotation.


                            • #59
                              Re: IO Mode. It ain't going nowhere, so why not suggest some changes?

                              Originally posted by Big Poo
                              I dunno, I know the medic one would not go down well, but I do see the meds cleaning up with team points. I have no problem with individuals doing this, it's not a case of jealousy, but when you see it happen regularly, it just makes me think medic is a little overpowered as a class. Maybe adjust to +1 for a revive, or even a certain amound of shots before the battery on your defribs fail, or frazzle and need an engineer to fix
                              That's a neat concept, the engineer needing to repair Defribs' after constant use. Would have never thought of that one. It would add another demension of teamwork without having to give the engineer combat capabilites. Yet, I still think the engineers could do with Flashes, Smokes, or both.



                              • #60
                                Re: IO Mode. It ain't going nowhere, so why not suggest some changes?

                                They should have only eliminated the jets and helos but they (dice) were either too lazy and couldn't be bothered to code it or too dumb. I go with the first option--another finger to the community.

