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would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

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  • #61
    Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

    The iron sight should move like in Brothers in Arms but not as much and have the accuracy increased on the guns, that would make the game more realistic but you would still hit your target more often than you would with the crappy bullet spread the game has now.


    • #62
      Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

      I have very good aim and don't really have a problem with the deviation in the game as is. Learn2shoot.


      • #63
        Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

        Originally posted by evilzucchini
        I have very good aim and don't really have a problem with the deviation in the game as is. Learn2shoot.
        I can shoot reasonably well but its just a lottery whether you hit the person your aiming at or not, thats the part of the game I dont like.


        • #64
          Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

          I think the accuracy and such is fine. Sure its cone-of-fire, but you must get used to it eventually. From playing Joint Operations I have to say having good accuracy at long range is just really annoying (fwip fwip ugh *dead* over huge distances) at least as it is now you can at least react to being shot and maybe fire one or two wayward shots before going down - you never feel truly outdone and that at least generally keeps me in a good mood.


          • #65
            Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

            Originally posted by zipp0r
            would you like to have all guns more accurate with the FAKE and EXAGERATED bullet drop removed so if you burst fire 1 bullet, it will hit the target (providing your aim is good) every time. obviously if you hold down the trigger you'll still have innacurate spray and the bullets will spread out all over the place.

            ive not made it a poll cos i want to know your answer and reasoning.
            would u also like them to add the real recoil on the weapons so any noobs without 2 years of playing bf2 can't use the guns for sh!t and make the crosshair unstable after a period of sprinting? cuz if u have fired an weapon before, u would know that it isnt like anything u thought it would be. bf2 weapons are so much easier to use then in real life.


            • #66
              Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

              Certainly right now the guns are accurate enough that good players can repeatedly kill lesser players, but not to the extent as in other games. The guns still have enough randomness that it does limit skill level. I would like the see the guns accuracy improved, especially on single shot. This isnt a lot of deviation on single shot, but imo there shouldnt be any at all if you arnt firing rapidly. But the main thing I would like to see is making the guns more powerfull. A bullet to the head should kill you, period. Whether it be an ak-101 or a pistol, people dont get up from being shot in the face.


              • #67
                Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                Originally posted by Manufan7
                I can shoot reasonably well but its just a lottery whether you hit the person your aiming at or not, thats the part of the game I dont like.
                It's not a lottery. Sure, there is a little luck involved, but the idea of this game is to minimize the luck that it requires to hit as quickly as possible rather than, like in games like HL2, to get your crosshairs on the other person first and click.

                The fact that this game requires you to decide to use your sights, go prone, crouch, or shoot from the hip AND choose between the multiple types of fire modes is what makes it so much fun and what keeps me coming back for more.

                If I wanted strickly twitch style play, I would play HL2 (which I love, BTW. . . but it is a different game and I would like to keep them that way).


                • #68
                  Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                  meh, the unlocked guns are good, and if you know how to aim, you should be fine. So no, I dont think its needed.


                  • #69
                    Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                    Originally posted by zipp0r
                    please dont change the subject to dice need to fix other things blah blah. WE ALL KNOW THAT!!!!!!!

                    im asking would you prefer guns with decent accuracy instead of all the FAKE leading and bullet drop.

                    @almanac, yes but its exagerated alot and for me ruins the infantry fighting. if you play other games you'll know that weapons with an accurate first bullet and accuracy decreasing thereafter do not ruin the game.
                    We would still have FAKE bullet leading and drop, because the game does not take into consideration wind and weather, wear and tear on guns, so your pinpoint-sure aim would be FAKE as well. The guns have decent accuracy now.


                    • #70
                      Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                      I think it's good as it is, only problem i ever have is lag or high ping rate servers.

                      The first shot tends to be more accurate as in real life.

                      The AK47 isnt the most accurate rifle in the world, working best at short/mid ranges, same as in the game.

                      If the whole game was realistic everyone would be dead having been shot once with any of the guns, wouldnt be much of a game


                      • #71
                        Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                        as a sniper i always used the same gun over and over until i got the feel for it.

                        i used the l96A1 now and dont just click and fire,i give it a good 3 seconds before i fire and i usualy hit what im aiming for.

                        i have tried other guns and they seem ok to.
                        medic guns l85 is a headshot killing machine.

                        imo you should aim (for a few seconds to settle the aim)then fire in single shot if you want to get the most accuracy.

                        i still say the weapons are fine as there are.

                        but pre 1.2 the sniper rifles bullit drop was a joke(but i got used to it)

                        remeber more patcience = more accuracy


                        • #72
                          Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                          Originally posted by evilzucchini
                          It's not a lottery. Sure, there is a little luck involved, but the idea of this game is to minimize the luck that it requires to hit as quickly as possible rather than, like in games like HL2, to get your crosshairs on the other person first and click.

                          The fact that this game requires you to decide to use your sights, go prone, crouch, or shoot from the hip AND choose between the multiple types of fire modes is what makes it so much fun and what keeps me coming back for more.
                          Your probably right maybe I have to be more patient


                          • #73
                            Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                            Patiences is definitely key. The "problem" I find with this game is if I start getting frustrated, I start rushing in, which gets me mowed down, which makes me more frustrated and make me wanna rush in even more.

                            If you do things patiently and don't rush in, you will find yourself in so many positions where you have a little more time to "decide" (more like react) to what type of shot you want to do.


                            • #74
                              Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                              Bullet drop and spread is fine...imagine if all guns had PKM 1.2 style accuracy :hmm: would make the game a bit turd.


                              • #75
                                Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                                Originally posted by EliteRazgriz666
                                Bullet drop and spread is fine...imagine if all guns had PKM 1.2 style accuracy :hmm: would make the game a bit turd.
                                At least you guys don't have a "J-10" of the infantry.... lol

                                For the most part, infantry is pretty balanced, with a slight advantage to the medic. But either way, both teams, and ANYONE is capable of being a medic.

                                Maybe you guys remember how bad the 1.2 PKM was... all the crying and fussing, well that is no where near as bas as the J-10 is now.

                                Oh and I think accuracy is PERFECT as it is now. There are extremely accurate guns, but they still have their random "wtf moments"... but all of the "omg how did i just do that" moments balance eachother out... rofl

