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would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

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  • would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

    would you like to have all guns more accurate with the FAKE and EXAGERATED bullet drop removed so if you burst fire 1 bullet, it will hit the target (providing your aim is good) every time. obviously if you hold down the trigger you'll still have innacurate spray and the bullets will spread out all over the place.

    ive not made it a poll cos i want to know your answer and reasoning.

  • #2
    Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

    most of the guns are extremly accurate if you know how to use them and i wouldnt say the buttle drop is exagerated at all, so no


    • #3
      Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

      No, I would like the bugs fixed.


      • #4
        Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

        if ur good at hitting ur target ur good if u cant hit ur target get practicing.


        • #5
          Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

          Originally posted by SgT.uK
          most of the guns are extremly accurate if you know how to use them and i wouldnt say the buttle drop is exagerated at all, so no
          for the distances in this game... yes they are very exagerated.


          • #6
            Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

            Aside from that, there needs to be some kind of priority to what is a necessary fix and what is purely cosmetic. If this is not done by EA/Dice then 2142 will be a giant clusterf*ck. I suppose the less informed fan boys will still blow their "allowance" just because it says "Battlefield".


            • #7
              Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

              ive never had ant problems aiming before.


              • #8
                Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                I would like more accuracy but there are far more important things that need to be fixed. If it really bothers you there's always the Project Reality mod. I'd rather have DICE working on things that can't be fixed by mods.


                • #9
                  Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                  DICE put the cone of fire and bullet spread into the game to give people who just purchased the game a chance. If the guns were more accurate (and I agree they should be), most people would get completely owned and quit.


                  • #10
                    Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                    please dont change the subject to dice need to fix other things blah blah. WE ALL KNOW THAT!!!!!!!

                    im asking would you prefer guns with decent accuracy instead of all the FAKE leading and bullet drop.

                    @almanac, yes but its exagerated alot and for me ruins the infantry fighting. if you play other games you'll know that weapons with an accurate first bullet and accuracy decreasing thereafter do not ruin the game.


                    • #11
                      Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                      "Unreal Tournamentisation?" I'll go play UT if I want a game like that


                      • #12
                        Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                        Originally posted by Bassrb
                        "Unreal Tournamentisation?" I'll go play UT if I want a game like that
                        go on.. tell me how it would make it ANYTHING like unreal tournament....


                        • #13
                          Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                          zip, try SWAT4. You can drop almost anyone dependng on their armor with 1 shot. One chestshot and its down. Accuracy depends heaviliy on your movement/position and once the aiming reticle is "closed" the bullet goes exactly there. n00bs get owned, but not nearly as much as in BF2, where literally, if you dont spam nades, youre toast.

                          The problem of implementing that in BF2 is actually the lack of cover. Youve got corners and whatnot all over the map, but how much cover is there, to go behind, after youve being shot upon? Uber-accurate weapons (on single, first shot, as you said), is OK idea in general, but the lack of mobility to utilize cover is what will drag it down. Theres leaning in SWAT4 that gives everyone a chance to shoot from behind cover. The only cover in BF2, is mostly jumping prone and hoping for the best.

                          So, I believe more map based obstacles like rocks and whatnot, plus leaning ability, would balance uber-accuracy. Otherwise its not worth a try.


                          • #14
                            Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                            if theres skill infolved, yes


                            • #15
                              Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                              swat4 is a rainbow 6 type game isnt it? i dont believe 1 bullet from any gun(excluding snipers) to the chest for a kill would be any fun lol

                              anyway, lack of cover is a part of this game in that there isnt much of it where your fighting someone (typical eh?). i find its currently a game of having a quick look for enemy tanks then running in full view of loads of people and very often not dieing especially if theres more than one making a run for it. people should be scared to run out somewhere without checking for enemies.
                              and the people shooting at them shouldnt have to put up with such exagerated bullet physics and be rewarded if they can pop 1 bullet to their head by aiming there. currently its pretty random to get 1 shot headshot kill and i use the best guns, ak47 and ak101 :|

