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would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

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  • #46
    Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

    Originally posted by zipp0r
    would you like to have all guns more accurate with the FAKE and EXAGERATED bullet drop removed so if you burst fire 1 bullet, it will hit the target (providing your aim is good) every time. obviously if you hold down the trigger you'll still have innacurate spray and the bullets will spread out all over the place.

    ive not made it a poll cos i want to know your answer and reasoning.
    The accuracy of the guns is fine for the most part. The random cone of fire could be tightened up a little, but not too much. It's the hit detection that needs fixing. Unloading into someone point blank and getting puffs of smoke because the net code sucks is ********.


    • #47
      Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

      Aren't the guns in BF2 in single shot mode already very accurate? If what you're asking for is to have a very accurate first shot, then I can't help but say in the BF2 virtual world, it is already there, when put side by side with the draw distance in the game. You can't expect your assault rifle or sub-machinegun to have perfect accuracy on the first shot at ranges over 200 meters, because that would make a majority of sniper shots pretty much useless.

      You claim a kill at 550 meters? How often can you actually see, what more spot and kill a target at that distance? Even shots at 450 meters are rare. Face the facts that due to machine/networking limitations, this game, designed to be enjoyed at it's current detail level, cannot support much more "reality" than it already is. If you increase the accuracy of guns, you will have to increase the draw distance (and map sizes) to make room for snipers. That would increase the stress loads on the PC's exponentially, potentially cutting off many people from enjoying the game. IMHO, I believe EA/DICE have picked to their best ability a suitable balance of reality and virtual fun, especially for an online FPS for 64 players. Perhaps an improvement on the netcode will benefit people more. At least then we don't have to compensate for lag or whatever ping you have, which is perhaps what most people experience when the spray point blank at a jumping target and "miss" all the time. ( =

      my 2 cents.


      • #48
        Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

        Visibility is set to 600m on Wake.

        Wake: GameLogic.MaximumLevelViewDistance 600

        Karkand: GameLogic.MaximumLevelViewDistance 140


        • #49
          Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

          For this to work, you'd have to up the runspeed to make harder targets, and make it just as hard to die.

          Basically, it's fine. Don't fix what isn't broken.


          • #50
            Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

            if ur as good as me u dont have to worry about it lol


            • #51
              Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

              Originally posted by Geo
              For this to work, you'd have to up the runspeed to make harder targets, and make it just as hard to die.

              Basically, it's fine. Don't fix what isn't broken.

              why do you think its going to be headshot headshot headshot ? its not!

              a running target would still be quite hard to hit!


              • #52
                Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                I'd like to see assault have the guns boosted. The class is pretty much pointless. The only thing good about it is the g3 and flashbangs.
                G3 is powerful but too inaccurate and the fn2000 is just a joke. GL should be boosted aswell.


                • #53
                  Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                  Originally posted by zipp0r
                  why do you think its going to be headshot headshot headshot ? its not!

                  a running target would still be quite hard to hit!
                  If you increase the accuracy of all guns, then this would be the case. Have you ever played RTCW: Enemy Territory? What you propose is almost exactly how that game runs, but with a lot faster run speed and jumping.


                  • #54
                    Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                    The guns are good with slower shots, as long as you only go so far as medium ranges. But for continued shots, at a quicker pace, and even in close on auto, I think that the bullet spread is alittle extreme. I understand it is so you cant spray at distant targets and get every hit, but if your in close and he's between 50 and 70 yards, auto fire should still hit most of the time if the crosshairs and iron sights are on target. The mg's cant hit s*** at any range unless you go prone, or neal and fire 1/2 shot "bursts".
                    I dont want changes to be unfair, but its not like well trained marines cant hit medium distant targets with short bursts.
                    What i hate the most though is the .50 cals bullet drop. I know it would be unfair to make it perfect, cause its a large calliber weapon, but to aim a foot above a guys head at 200 yards just to adjust to the drop is too much. We need some kind of bullet drop, but it shouldnt start until your aiming at barely in sight targets, not at guys perfectly in a .50 cal range.

                    I know how to hit my targets in this game, and these changes would help with situations where your under fire, from an enemy that not only has the first shot off, but good cover. We shouldnt be able to just turn and get an instant kill, but some decrease in bullet spread would help give you a slight chance, especially if the guy shooting back is a real player, not just some noob who cant hit anything anyways


                    • #55
                      Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                      Originally posted by lilo1287
                      agree with revolution bugs need to be fixed first before they go off and do something else


                      • #56
                        Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                        Originally posted by zipp0r
                        would you like to have all guns more accurate with the FAKE and EXAGERATED bullet drop removed so if you burst fire 1 bullet, it will hit the target (providing your aim is good) every time. obviously if you hold down the trigger you'll still have innacurate spray and the bullets will spread out all over the place.

                        ive not made it a poll cos i want to know your answer and reasoning.
                        hell no, know how to use guns and they accurate enough already


                        • #57
                          Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                          Originally posted by Mobdawwg
                          if ur as good as me u dont have to worry about it lol
                          ya serisouly if they change it for the better this game would be so much more easier, now all you little guys dont get destroyed by me,


                          • #58
                            Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                            Originally posted by zipp0r
                            im asking would you prefer guns with decent accuracy instead of all the FAKE leading and bullet drop.
                            Ever heard of asking biased and leading questions? Dont bother asking a question asking for peoples opinions if you're trying to influence people into siding with you.

                            I have no problem with the guns, think they're pefectly fine and dandy as they are.


                            • #59
                              Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                              Originally posted by Walker

                              I have no problem with the guns, think they're pefectly fine and dandy as they are.
                              If wed talk about problems with guns, then I have a problem with the sound of guns in BF2. Somehow the sound makes them feel so weak, almost pathetic! Like shooting airsoft guns.


                              • #60
                                Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                                Originally posted by Geo
                                If you increase the accuracy of all guns, then this would be the case. Have you ever played RTCW: Enemy Territory? What you propose is almost exactly how that game runs, but with a lot faster run speed and jumping.
                                you could give everyone an awp that kills in one shot, most people would still miss... :laugh:
                                like for guns most people would still not be any better, it just has the option there that if you were still and firing one bullet that you will hit a guy at the other end of your draw distance abit easier.

                                Originally posted by Walker
                                Ever heard of asking biased and leading questions? Dont bother asking a question asking for peoples opinions if you're trying to influence people into siding with you.

                                I have no problem with the guns, think they're pefectly fine and dandy as they are.
                                so that quote was biased and leading? and not being descriptive as to how the guns recoil and bullet drop act in this game? some people may not know that its exagerated to ****.

