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would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

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  • #31
    Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

    wo0w they should take an example form Counterstrike or Day Of Defeat...
    that would filter the noobs away
    but only in a new mod i think you shouldt change bf2 anymore (except for bugs ect.)


    • #32
      Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

      Originally posted by zipp0r
      you realise its still not going to be that easy to hit running people with 1 bullet to the head dont you? most people would miss and spray anyway.
      and if it slows the game down a tiny bit making a few more choke points(not that there really is any tho...), you dont think it would be more "battle" like ?
      True, but is still a change in gameplay. I for one like bf because its a mix of realistic with arcane and wouldnt like to see it more one sided..


      • #33
        Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

        Make them more accurate .............. are you mad ........ hell no
        Sniper rifle (L96sometingorother) I can get one shot kills at max draw distance
        The PKM is ridiculous, taking out snipers with one shot.

        Starting out in this game I couldn't hit **** with the guns (some say I still can't) but give me the l96 and I'll shoot the pimples off your nose. It takes a bit of skill to use a weapon correctly and there-for efficiently.

        It's like me saying the bombers bombs are useless unless you hit the target square on. Where as you zipp0r might get into 300+ scores on clean sweep when you're raping the uncappable US air base (constantly)..........


        • #34
          Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

          Originally posted by Revoluti0n
          No, I would like the bugs fixed.
          agree with revolution bugs need to be fixed first before they go off and do something else


          • #35
            Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

            if anything the guns should be less accurate


            • #36
              Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

              The weapons should not be more accurate. Anyone who has shot a real gun will tell you its dang hard to keep accuracy up on full auto.


              • #37
                Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                I'd like less accuracy while moving, but more accuracy while prone and zoomed. Also, much less accuracy when your character is either panting or wounded badly enough to be in the red.


                • #38
                  Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                  I hate when I stand some 10-15 feet from a guy and shoot him with USMC antitank machinegun (don't know the name) no bullet hits him. But I can kill him with some 3-4 or so bullets when I go prone.


                  • #39
                    Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                    I wish all pretty girls did that...

                    Anyways, I play with 32 expert aimbots shooting at me and killing me from 100-200 meters away with just a few rounds all the time now and it's just crazy, crazy action.

                    So if you want a taste of what it would be like with increased accuracy, try


                    • #40
                      Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                      guns are accurate, dont change them, I always know if I will hit or miss, if you feel you are hittingg random just keep practising, this part of the game is made properly.


                      • #41
                        Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                        I played a lot of HL2 and loved it. Where you point, the bullet goes. Very simple but it is a COMPLETELY different game style.

                        The reason I switched to BF2 is because I like the play style. I like the fact that I am not always going to fire exactly where I am aim (as in real life). I have never really had a problem with bullet drop, so I don't see why that is a problem for people. It might be exaggerated, but still isn't much at all within the draw distances of BF2.


                        • #42
                          Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                          Originally posted by Absurdus
                          Make them more accurate .............. are you mad ........ hell no
                          Sniper rifle (L96sometingorother) I can get one shot kills at max draw distance
                          The PKM is ridiculous, taking out snipers with one shot.

                          Starting out in this game I couldn't hit **** with the guns (some say I still can't) but give me the l96 and I'll shoot the pimples off your nose. It takes a bit of skill to use a weapon correctly and there-for efficiently.

                          It's like me saying the bombers bombs are useless unless you hit the target square on. Where as you zipp0r might get into 300+ scores on clean sweep when you're raping the uncappable US air base (constantly)..........
                          ive had kills at 550m with sniper rifles, before they got tweaked abit, but theyre still far from perfect. more accuracy would let you get headshots from long distances more easily. draw distance is different on most maps so yea you probably do get headshots on maps like karkand where you can barely see 50m lol. i'll tell you now, no one, not even you can get 1 shot kills with it everytime over 2 or 300m.

                          sounds like ive bombed you a few times too

                          Originally posted by lilo1287
                          agree with revolution bugs need to be fixed first before they go off and do something else

                          im not saying LETS FIX THE DAMN ACCURACY NOW AND IGNORE ALL BUGS!!!111one

                          im saying... would you like more accuracy.....

                          Originally posted by Doctor-Pwnage
                          if anything the guns should be less accurate

                          why ?

                          Originally posted by [2bit]Modmaven
                          The weapons should not be more accurate. Anyone who has shot a real gun will tell you its dang hard to keep accuracy up on full auto.
                          who mentioned super accuracy on full auto? dont you guys read threads properly???

                          first bullet = perfect accuracy
                          every bullet afterwards getting worse.. like hold trigger and it will be aimless spray.


                          • #43
                            Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                            I wouldn't mind if they bumped the ROF up for the SCAR-L or at least tweaked the spray.

                            IMO that gun is useless right now.


                            • #44
                              Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                              Originally posted by BlueBunny63
                              I'd like less accuracy while moving, but more accuracy while prone and zoomed. Also, much less accuracy when your character is either panting or wounded badly enough to be in the red.
                              the former is something i would go for. staying still gives an accuracy bonus, well it does already, but spraying isnt as innacurate as it ought to be when moving about.

                              Originally posted by Morpheus
                              I hate when I stand some 10-15 feet from a guy and shoot him with USMC antitank machinegun (don't know the name) no bullet hits him. But I can kill him with some 3-4 or so bullets when I go prone.
                              yup lame accuracy is really obvious in the weak anti tank kits. even prone some of them can be tough and require alot of bullets to kill people.

                              Originally posted by pYura
                              guns are accurate, dont change them, I always know if I will hit or miss, if you feel you are hittingg random just keep practising, this part of the game is made properly.
                              if the gun characteristics were made properly, then WHY?? did guns need adjusting before? m95 + other sniper rifles and support guns as well.

                              its actually the funniest when using the pkm or others and your prone aiming at a guy stood still or prone and still your right on his head and your firing 1 bullet at a time.. you see the tracers go everywhere around him.. yet your aimed at the head. eventually you can get a couple to hit. but its not done quickly.

                              and probably other people will say yea i must be a crap aim or something, well i dont play karkand all day shooting people that are at most 50m away. i go for anything i see which can be upto a good 200-300m (never checked max distance, but its around there), thats where guns are struggling and tbh 200m is well within a guns easy kill range.

                              Originally posted by evilzucchini
                              I played a lot of HL2 and loved it. Where you point, the bullet goes. Very simple but it is a COMPLETELY different game style.

                              The reason I switched to BF2 is because I like the play style. I like the fact that I am not always going to fire exactly where I am aim (as in real life). I have never really had a problem with bullet drop, so I don't see why that is a problem for people. It might be exaggerated, but still isn't much at all within the draw distances of BF2.
                              no.. where you point the first few bullets will go, but decreasing accuracy for every bullet after the first. like i said before bullet drop isnt a problem for maps like karkand with visibility of about 50m. its on others like fushee pass you can see several hundred metres and all guns really struggle.

                              Originally posted by Skwurl
                              I wouldn't mind if they bumped the ROF up for the SCAR-L or at least tweaked the spray.

                              IMO that gun is useless right now.
                              try it on special forces night maps, i loved using it there

                              but as with the rest of the guns that one will suffer at distances as well.


                              • #45
                                Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                                Yeah, contrary to what people say, the PKM isn't that accurate. Some people make the thing sound like a sniper rifle.

                                It's just not true.

                                Back to the SCAR though...this gun should be what the G36E is. I mean, this puppy is about to become standard issue for all of SOCOM. I previously thought that maybe the ROF should be bumped, but after reading the real life specs, it seems pretty dead on.

                                If it was up to me, I would either give the gun 40 damage like the G3 or increased accuracy while in short bursts.

                                One of them should be done.

