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would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

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  • #16
    Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

    Originally posted by zipp0r
    swat4 is a rainbow 6 type game isnt it? i dont believe 1 bullet from any gun(excluding snipers) to the chest for a kill would be any fun lol

    anyway, lack of cover is a part of this game in that there isnt much of it where your fighting someone (typical eh?). i find its currently a game of having a quick look for enemy tanks then running in full view of loads of people and very often not dieing especially if theres more than one making a run for it. people should be scared to run out somewhere without checking for enemies.
    and the people shooting at them shouldnt have to put up with such exagerated bullet physics and be rewarded if they can pop 1 bullet to their head
    I find that this is exactly why theres almost no camping (no ambushes) in BF2. Youre going to drop in 3-5 bullets and thats more than enough to run for safety. People are always running, even if you have the first shot on someone, it doesnt guarantee a kill. Coverfire is absolutely useless. SAWs arent doing what they are supposed to be doing. But then again, think about it. It wasnt supposed to be a simulator either :P.

    And although you die easily in SWAT4, its still tons of fun. And yup, many, if not most SWAT4 regular players actually come from R6: RVS.


    • #17
      Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

      y do ppl try to make bf2 a CS kind of game.. -_- if you have trouble killing ppl right now its kinda sad...


      • #18
        Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

        Originally posted by -(PK)-DarkIllusion
        y do ppl try to make bf2 a CS kind of game.. -_- if you have trouble killing ppl right now its kinda sad...
        Youre missing the point.

        If you change the way you kill people, its difficulty, you change the games atmosphere. I would really want to feel human, mortal, afraid to die in BF2. But even with my pathetic skills I still feel like god.

        Have a look at this. Although not open field battle. Shows what attitude you have when you can die so quickly. More defensive play, more ambushes and more brains.


        • #19
          Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

          Hey zip.... pardon me, but get back in your jet.

          we bitch about AA, you bitch about "bullet drop".

          The irony here is thick


          • #20
            Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

            I am aware of the accuracy parameters set forth in BF2, but have never had any difficulty killing infantry, as infantry.


            • #21
              Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

              we all know this game wasnt meant for people with brains...those are the mods although i know of them i will not be using them (cept for the star wars one maybe) i think changing the game to such a degree will destroy the game more than the 1.3 patch perhaps. their would be soo much bitching and stuff it wont be funny. i have never had truble with aiming let along killing people with just about any gun. the guns are different than in REAL LIFE no one is aruging that. but i guess ill say it one more time . its not real life its a game, life isnt fun, but games are so changes are necessary


              • #22
                Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                Sometimes I do wish the guns weren't so cone-of-fire-ish, yes, but then I think about how that works both ways - sure, I'd kill more, but then I'd probably die more as well. Like someone else mentioned earlier, the inaccurate guns make the infantry combat more newb-friendly so that veterans and twitch-game CS aces won't slaughter a newcomer to the game anymore than they already do. I've had times where I've lined up an enemy with my M16 and burst a few rounds off only to have them all go every which way but straight and the guy wheels around and waste me, but for all the times it's screwed me there's no telling how many times it's saved me as well. Maybe I'm just used to it the way it is, eh? :P



                • #23
                  Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                  Originally posted by zipp0r
                  please dont change the subject to dice need to fix other things blah blah. WE ALL KNOW THAT!!!!!!!

                  im asking would you prefer guns with decent accuracy instead of all the FAKE leading and bullet drop.

                  @almanac, yes but its exagerated alot and for me ruins the infantry fighting. if you play other games you'll know that weapons with an accurate first bullet and accuracy decreasing thereafter do not ruin the game.

                  Almanac did not change the subject. He is trying to tell you that the game uses what is called random cone of fire (spray and pray).

                  Despite what we want, EA will not change it because they want to keep the game nerfed so new players have a reasonable chance against experienced players.

                  Previous BF games like 1942 and BFV did not use this random cone of fire, they used recoil. The weapon you used determined the damage, accuracy and recoil. Skill actually meant something.

                  The majority (not all) of competition players want to see the cone of fire removed.


                  • #24
                    Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                    Fix the netcode and the guns will be fine.


                    • #25
                      Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                      ok.....imbored and dont know y im awake right know at 1:30 in the morning.


                      • #26
                        Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                        So why post mate?

                        I think that the accuracy now is about what you'd want for most, if not all the weapons. look at the biggest complaints - the sniper rifle, well no if you try to headshot a moving target at 350m you're not gonna get him. if you wait for him to stop for a sec, you will. The medic weapons - who DOESNT love them - any more accuracy would be over the top. it goes on and on.

                        I've heard PRMM does have RL characteristics for its weapons, give that a shot mate, but nah if they did try change anything more in the game they'd have RIBs with tank cannons cruising down the middle of main street in Karkand.


                        • #27
                          Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                          As playing a sniper I love taking people out on the top of the TV tower from the construction site on Sharqi, allowing for bullet drop and scoring repeated head shots is extreemly satisfying, more so than simply aiming for the head.


                          • #28
                            Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                            A drastic change in the weapon system would lead to a change of gameplay, map size and design, players size, and even a change in the target public of the game.

                            Bf2 maps, have very few cover and use a large ammount of players, with weapons that powerfull it would be frustating to play the game as one random bullet would kill you. The game would also be far slower, since you had to check every place for an enemy. It would take ages to play such large maps. Most gameplay would also turn into camping choke points.

                            Imo, you should try out America's Army if you look for a more realistic game. You even have a 'fear meter': the closer bullets pass by, the less acc you have, making SAW/support fire a very effective cover/offensive weapon.


                            • #29
                              Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                              Originally posted by lahdo
                              A drastic change in the weapon system would lead to a change of gameplay, map size and design, players size, and even a change in the target public of the game.

                              Bf2 maps, have very few cover and use a large ammount of players, with weapons that powerfull it would be frustating to play the game as one random bullet would kill you. The game would also be far slower, since you had to check every place for an enemy. It would take ages to play such large maps. Most gameplay would also turn into camping choke points.

                              Imo, you should try out America's Army if you look for a more realistic game. You even have a 'fear meter': the closer bullets pass by, the less acc you have, making SAW/support fire a very effective cover/offensive weapon.
                              you realise its still not going to be that easy to hit running people with 1 bullet to the head dont you? most people would miss and spray anyway.
                              and if it slows the game down a tiny bit making a few more choke points(not that there really is any tho...), you dont think it would be more "battle" like ?


                              • #30
                                Re: would you like increased accuracy for guns ?

                                Hell no to that, the guns are fine imo, just get the bugs sorted.


