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Is eng. a worthless class

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  • #61
    Re: Is eng. a worthless class

    Holy cow there are some idiots arguing about this! I wont mention any names but if your'e saying that engineers are worthless then you are most likely handicapped in some fashion or a complete noob. My roomate racked up over 125 points the other night armor whoring on karkand with a buddy (both engineers). The most I'v ever gotten with an eng is in the 90s.

    For those who say you cant repair fast enough... BS! AT cant reload nearly fast enough, let alone survive long enough, or have nearly enough ammo to take down two engineers parked side by side. You need like 3 ATs firing all at once at the same target and then MAYBE... but with three engineers parked side by side they are nearly invincible except to C4 and aircraft. (Good luck getting close enough for C4)

    I'm sorry but that is the end of this discussion and if you insist on continuing to argue about it then you are just doing it for arguments sake but are wrong nonetheless. END OF STORY.


    • #62
      Re: Is eng. a worthless class

      I'm getting up to a 4:1 ratio in armour, mostly APC. Thats due to the fact that I leave the scene if I can't see the AT guy after I get hit, and I run away to repair, FAR FAR away. Thats also after I've probably dropped off a few soldiers in the area, that will tell me when they AT guy has been taken out and it's safe for my reutrn to pick them up, since they don't want to die in the APC as I pick them back up.

      Choppers have used me as repair pads. I can do INSANE stuns in a buggy, and not worry about damaging it, because i can hop out and repair it to full health in a matter of seconds. I haven't gotten down the pop the mine on top of the armour down just yet, but I can usually block in armour with two mines. Gotten used to using the pistol for ranged combat, if not to kill certainly to supress the enemy, and yeah grenades are you friend.

      Also ANY good AT player with LOOK for a supply crate or engi hand repairing armour, other classes can do this with grenades or grenade launcher at a closer range, but a AT shot across the stage just to take out a crate can spell death for a armour peice to damaged and in the open.

      Your safest when your inside your vehicle getting repaired from another one, also so that if a plane or chopper flies in you can move out of the way ASAP, since your free to watch the skies and ground as your repair feild does its thing. If I gotta hand repair, sometimes I'll drive all the way back to the non cap.

      Plus two armour peices not engy VS two armour peices that are engy, which one do you think is going to win? it's like never having medics in a squad Vs a squad with 1 or two medics, surviving the long fight is important. Or no support and running out of clips or C4, or AT rounds. The only classes that should be driving around for a long time. Engi first, then AT, then medic, then supply. AT second because they can pop out of a vehicle and finish off a armour peice perhaps even before it shoots back.


      • #63
        Re: Is eng. a worthless class

        Im currently using the engi class and it aint useless, and AT mines rule, you just gotta know where to put them. I've no problem taking out 4or5 guys with one well placed AT mine. Anybody that says the class is crap just doesnet know how to use it period. Two engis on karkand in apc's working side by side will easliy own the map.


        • #64
          Re: Is eng. a worthless class

          Nice to see guys coming out for the engies.

          All this said, and definatly having proven it isn't uesless, it's still a neglected class. Repair points should come faster. Not the actual repair speed, just the number of points you get for doing it. Trouble is, good engies don't really need too much of an overall score boost if they're armour whoring right. It's just damned hard to get repair badges or earn a decent score just being a Mr. Fixit.

          Maybe a good way to do it would be to increase the repair point earning if you are using the wrech, but not for radius repairs?


          • #65
            Re: Is eng. a worthless class

            Hell I only average 68 points a round. I never claimed to be good at this game.

            However I do so enjoy the pump action shotguns. Both the Chinese and the American one.

            I hardly ever play as an atank driver because I seem to die no matter what I do. So I've got 20 more engineer hours than I do tank driving hours.

            The shotgun is fun. Especially in nice tight quaters. Karkand by hotel, and Sharki between the city entrance and surveilance, and inside the TV station, and in the construction site.

            The shotgun is plain and simply evil. I've even removed a couple of 5 man suqads from existance with just the shotgun and the pistol at close close ranges before.

            The shotgun can also sometimes do decent damage and grab you a kill at longer ranges. As absurd as it sounds though, for longer ranges bfreak otu the 92FS. This weapon is a wicked rapid fire pocket sized sniper rifle. Generally if the target is standing, aim at their feet and hammer the fire key. You will generally hit them about 6-8 times by the time your sights are off target, and they will be dead.

            You also have grenades, so can do the whole grenade spam thing, and you have useful AT mines. These actually work just as well as C4 if you can get away without being seen, because you don't die when they explode.

            The mines take some intelligence to use. I don'thave that many AT mine kills, I've only got 122. But you can also use them for area denial. String a string of mines across the road and the tank will either go somewhere else, or the driver will jump out to defuse. Say hello to the grenades.


            Originally posted by Wargimp
            Not the actual repair speed, just the number of points you get for doing it. Trouble is, good engies don't really need too much of an overall score boost if they're armour whoring right. It's just damned hard to get repair badges or earn a decent score just being a Mr. Fixit.
            One thing I'd love to see, and this couples with my other main gripe about the game, is the tank driver getting a "suspended" class when they start driving. It bugs me that a guy can play sniper and drive a tanka nd get more points than I can as a guy killing people with my sniper rifle.

            Make a person who jumps into a tank get temporarily "moved" into a different class, and their abilities are suspended.

            So medics can't heal, engineers can't repair, and supply guys can't resuply if they are DRIVING the vehicle. PASSANGERS however still benifit from the area effect.

            This will have a 3 fold improvement on the game. 1) teamwork. You will need to take passengers along for the ride. Otherwise your armour whoring will be limited. 2) benifits the poor AT class. This way if the badguy isn't a team player you can kill him easier, and if if IS a team player, your hard work is rewarded with 2 kills. and 3) you get to have another slot for people to see their name up in lights at the end of the round. While this is marginal and won't change much, it will be rewarding for the people who are actually ground pounding with a class to not have to compete against a armour wearing, rapid fire explosive round shooting team mates.

            While you can abuse this system by switching seats to the "passenger" seat, you now have reduced offensive capabilities. In a tank you just have the M2, and in the APC's you have that dinky little MG. A nice trade off for not being a team player, IMHO.



            • #66
              Re: Is eng. a worthless class

              For those of you who want to see a long arm for the Engy's think about it. The most you could fit in a vehicle is an M-4. For this reason the Canadian Armed forces are putting out a new shorter version of the C-7 as standard issue. Think about it, 5 guys in a humvee are cramped with their weapons and armour. How much room do think there is in a tank anyway??


              • #67
                Re: Is eng. a worthless class

                Yeah, lets go ahead and make all classes effective against infantry.

                What was that magic word I hear? "teamwork"? Right.

                If it was me, I would increase the points people get while performing their "duties" as a supporting class, and support them all with an extremely weak PDW.


                • #68
                  Re: Is eng. a worthless class

                  Your problem is you are not efficient with these weapons. AT mines can be devistating on the battlefield and the shotgun kills quite quickly if you learn to get close. And you can get great points by grabbing a jeep and following armor to keep them repaired and then run by your arty and radars every once in a while.


                  • #69
                    Re: Is eng. a worthless class

                    Originally posted by Wargimp
                    Anyone who thinks engies are useless has never taken grouped engies with armour for a ride through Kark. Used well, you can really tear things up and be almost invunerable while doing it.
                    Agreed! A couple of engies both in armor sticking together can tear up an urban map, and get a lot of repair points fixing each other...not to mention all the kills/kill assists you can get.

                    I do, however, agree that the stupid wrench itself is quite worthless. It takes a long time to actually repair something. I think the engie should have support "packs" like the other support classes that fix thinks the way supply crates do. It should be just as easy for the engy to get his one point as it is for a medic to drop his health pack, or a support guy dropping his ammo packs.


                    • #70
                      Re: Is eng. a worthless class

                      Prior to me getting the first unlock for the engy, I would have said yes (although not completely useless).

                      Now I have the unlock, I really enjoy playing engy and get some really good scores playing a combination of both defensive and offensive, not only in urban maps.

                      My take on the question.



                      • #71
                        Re: Is eng. a worthless class

                        Originally posted by royaljewellz
                        Agreed! A couple of engies both in armor sticking together can tear up an urban map, and get a lot of repair points fixing each other...not to mention all the kills/kill assists you can get.

                        I do, however, agree that the stupid wrench itself is quite worthless. It takes a long time to actually repair something. I think the engie should have support "packs" like the other support classes that fix thinks the way supply crates do. It should be just as easy for the engy to get his one point as it is for a medic to drop his health pack, or a support guy dropping his ammo packs.
                        Right, so 5 engies spam support packs all over the tank so it becomes invincible? Sure.


                        • #72
                          Re: Is eng. a worthless class

                          Well, I don't know about any 1 else, but I have scored 200+ points IAR w/ over 60 kills, & numerous times kept my tank intact THE ENTIRE ROUND, going sometimes 30-0, or 40-0 w/ my beloved wrench

                          Many times I have reversed hard to safety bending corners, slid the tank sideways, jumped out on the side away from enemy fire, & repaired

                          I would say that the wrench is FAR from useless


                          Colonel |SI|SERIALBUTCHER

                          Expert Engineer
                          Expert Engineer Combat
                          Expert Engineer Specialist


                          • #73
                            Re: Is eng. a worthless class

                            I've been really getting into the engie lately, and not sitting around in armor either. This is one seriously effective ground pounding class in the right hands. For starters you have the combination of grenades + shotguns, the AT class doesn't get grenades. Next you have one of the least understood weapons in the game - the AT mine. Once you get the hang of these things you can singlehandedly shut down entire sections of the map to enemy vechicles in a way that AT just can't do. Lastly you can whip out your wrench and do a little covert repairing of your own teams armor while they are engaged with another tank. Not only will they win the battle 90% of the time with your help, but it helps your team immensely and they will love you for it.


                            • #74
                              Re: Is eng. a worthless class

                              The trouble is that too many people place their mines where they can easily be seen. Good examples of where to put them are in the ford at karkand, prefereably under water level, in the undergrowth on maps like Wake and so on.


                              • #75
                                Re: Is eng. a worthless class

                                Yeah, have any of you guys actually TRIED using engi to fight other troops on foot? Um...that shotgun does a pretty good job. Plus it's very fun. I'm not a hardcore engy, but I play it once in a while to get some time in. I just play it the same way I play other classes since I'm not a big armor type of person. But seriously, you should go try it NOW.

