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Is eng. a worthless class

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  • #16
    Re: Is eng. a worthless class

    The engineers shotgun is junk. I would be more than happy if engineer got an AK/M16 as a default and jackhammer as an unlock.


    • #17
      Re: Is eng. a worthless class

      Originally posted by Shadowace
      AT can easly do more dammage then you can repair
      Only if you're a noob.

      Non-noobs do things like MOVE when they get hit. Two guys working together means one can pull back and repair while the other (undamaged) vehicle moves forward to kill the ATer.


      • #18
        Re: Is eng. a worthless class

        It's my #1 class. Most time... ETC. Lots of fun.
        lay a minefield over choke points, tanks won't go over.


        • #19
          Re: Is eng. a worthless class

          Engineer just needs a better range weapon, that can atleast stand a chance against someone more than 10m from you.

          Give it the G36K (its in SF) or make the spread on the shotgun less.
          maybe a different pistol?

          Anyway you look at it repair points need to be easier to get.


          • #20
            Re: Is eng. a worthless class

            Better if Engeneer can repair a little bit faster,the guns is ok


            • #21
              Re: Is eng. a worthless class

              Originally posted by Wargimp
              Only if you're a noob.

              Non-noobs do things like MOVE when they get hit. Two guys working together means one can pull back and repair while the other (undamaged) vehicle moves forward to kill the ATer.
              so whats happens when that Non-noob AT (and on urban map this is extreamly easy but if your on a more open map helli or jets will just 1 shot kill ya before you get anywere in that tank) just moves and finishes off the dammaged tank?


              • #22
                Re: Is eng. a worthless class

                they were great in DC. a proper support class. and defensively they were great with mines an that mortar


                • #23
                  Re: Is eng. a worthless class

                  For all the noobs that are arguing: Obviously there are some people here including myself that have, and are constantly scoring high points playing engineers. Your lack of skill to do the same doesn't mean that the engy class is no good, since the people claiming the oposite have proofs for that, and you don't.


                  • #24
                    Re: Is eng. a worthless class

                    Originally posted by govedob
                    For all the noobs that are arguing: Obviously there are some people here including myself that have, and are constantly scoring high points playing engineers. Your lack of skill to do the same doesn't mean that the engy class is no good, since the people claiming the oposite have proofs for that, and you don't.
                    the only reason why they are getting points is because of tanks, and anyone can use tanks, and supply crates can do the eng job better then the real eng so they are pretty much useless


                    • #25
                      Re: Is eng. a worthless class

                      Originally posted by govedob
                      For all the noobs that are arguing: Obviously there are some people here including myself that have, and are constantly scoring high points playing engineers. Your lack of skill to do the same doesn't mean that the engy class is no good, since the people claiming the oposite have proofs for that, and you don't.
                      you probably score high using engi. in a tank
                      any class can do that

                      its their weapons that are terrible


                      • #26
                        Re: Is eng. a worthless class

                        Originally posted by Shadowace
                        the only reason why they are getting points is because of tanks, and anyone can use tanks, and supply crates can do the eng job better then the real eng so they are pretty much useless
                        I'm impressed.

                        Restating the same (wrong) thing repeatedly in the face of clear logic that tells you otherwise definatly takes your base argument and makes it *truth*.

                        If you're not willing to accept the input of others, why even post?


                        • #27
                          Re: Is eng. a worthless class

                          Originally posted by Quasimofo555
                          you probably score high using engi. in a tank
                          any class can do that

                          its their weapons that are terrible
                          Your guess was wrong. I score the most points with AT mine kills, in vehicle repairs, and by emptying my mp7 or my jackhammer in noobs like you. If you take my comments as an advice, instead of arguing about something that you have no backup for and I do, maybe you'll be able to do the same.


                          • #28
                            Re: Is eng. a worthless class

                            Originally posted by govedob
                            Your guess was wrong. I score the most points with AT mine kills, in vehicle repairs, and by emptying my mp7 or my jackhammer in noobs like you. If you take my comments as an advice, instead of arguing about something that you have no backup for and I do, maybe you'll be able to do the same.
                            ya dood i like get 592039423 points and game because i am sooo good and every.........


                            • #29
                              Re: Is eng. a worthless class

                              Spent the last few days working on my vet eng badge, and noticed that they don't have anything worth while to use. Repairing is worthless because you repair to slow and supply crates are much more efficient and you get very very little points from it. shotguns are worthless on any non urban map or unless your a foot away from your target. And AT mines are worthless because and are easy to see and avoid let alone AT kits are just better at taking them out because they can shoot at range and maybe its just a bug but don't go off all the time.
                              Basically, its the truth, thats why its the least popular class. If you like shotguns go AT with the DAO, the jackhammer is nowhere near as good as that thing. And yes pumps are good, but come on, as AT you get fricken missiles you can one shot people with from range...

                              Its true, a eng mass with armor and guys behind the armor repairing it is invincible apart from arty....but thats basically the only real use of eng...the mines are way too easy to spot.


                              • #30
                                Re: Is eng. a worthless class

                                Originally posted by Wargimp
                                I'm impressed.

                                Restating the same (wrong) thing repeatedly in the face of clear logic that tells you otherwise definatly takes your base argument and makes it *truth*.

                                If you're not willing to accept the input of others, why even post?
                                and the only thing you have said is that the only 1 thing a eng is good for is repairing each other when you and a buddy are in a tank when "clear logic" tells you thats not even usefull because anti tank and other tanks can easly get ride of you before you have any real chance to get use of the repair skill

