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Is eng. a worthless class

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  • Is eng. a worthless class

    Spent the last few days working on my vet eng badge, and noticed that they don't have anything worth while to use. Repairing is worthless because you repair to slow and supply crates are much more efficient and you get very very little points from it. shotguns are worthless on any non urban map or unless your a foot away from your target. And AT mines are worthless because and are easy to see and avoid let alone AT kits are just better at taking them out because they can shoot at range and maybe its just a bug but don't go off all the time.

    What i see they can do to help it is....make you repair faster and get more points per repair,give them a better long range rifle or make the MP7 a little better at range, and maybe add some sort of air countermeasure like a flare dispenser that shoots flares up in the air distracting them

  • #2
    Re: Is eng. a worthless class

    As far as i see it.
    Eng is only supposed to sit in vehicle, period. They may get out, and place some mines or repair, but apart from that...


    • #3
      Re: Is eng. a worthless class

      agreed useless...ok in urban but usless aside from that


      • #4
        Re: Is eng. a worthless class

        engineer is soppose to be a defensive class you are soppose to bunker down and dig in a outpost. You place a few mines and just hide out till someone walks in then you shoot them. The best way to use engineer is if you like to play a armored support role.

        And I disagree mines are useless you have to place them in hidden spots like in the grass or on the outside of the bridge and not directly on top of it. I do play engineer sometimes mostly on big maps with alot of armor like on Zatar Wetlands, and some of the chinese maps.


        • #5
          Re: Is eng. a worthless class

          Are you guys smoking crack or something? Engineer is one of the most important classes, which along with medic can get you tons of points. Class that gives you the least amount of points is sniper, and then assault, considering that by playing assault you cannot get those special points, such as healing/repair/resupply points. Don't ever disperage the classes that will bring you aditional points, besides killing and flags only. If you don't know how to play with the engy class, that's a different story.


          • #6
            Re: Is eng. a worthless class

            grab a humvee or some other vehicle, you can repair quicker from there


            • #7
              Re: Is eng. a worthless class

              Anyone who thinks engies are useless has never taken grouped engies with armour for a ride through Kark. Used well, you can really tear things up and be almost invunerable while doing it.


              • #8
                Re: Is eng. a worthless class

                Engineer, man its the best ever with that shotgun on karkand. PREIOD.


                • #9
                  Re: Is eng. a worthless class

                  Originally posted by Wargimp
                  Anyone who thinks engies are useless has never taken grouped engies with armour for a ride through Kark. Used well, you can really tear things up and be almost invunerable while doing it.
                  And you can get tons of repair points by doing that. Not to mention the satisfaction of a free kill few minutes later during the game, thanks to your well placed AT mines.


                  • #10
                    Re: Is eng. a worthless class

                    eng are just easy kills that are trying to repair tanks, better to just get a supply drop (unless you got a retarded commander)


                    • #11
                      Re: Is eng. a worthless class

                      Originally posted by Shadowace
                      eng are just easy kills that are trying to repair tanks, better to just get a supply drop (unless you got a retarded commander)
                      Many times I've scored more points on certain maps playing engineer than any other class.


                      • #12
                        Re: Is eng. a worthless class

                        Originally posted by Shadowace
                        eng are just easy kills that are trying to repair tanks, better to just get a supply drop (unless you got a retarded commander)
                        Yer kinda a noob, eh?

                        The idea is that you use the engie's repair radius while he's in a vehicle. If you've got two pieces of armour manned by engies that stick together, they repair eachother. Teamwork, ya know?


                        • #13
                          Re: Is eng. a worthless class

                          Originally posted by govedob
                          Are you guys smoking crack or something? Engineer is one of the most important classes, which along with medic can get you tons of points. Class that gives you the least amount of points is sniper, and then assault, considering that by playing assault you cannot get those special points, such as healing/repair/resupply points. Don't ever disperage the classes that will bring you aditional points, besides killing and flags only. If you don't know how to play with the engy class, that's a different story.
                          eng rarly gets any special points at all unless you are really lucky and someone keeps destroying your arty, besides in the time you get 1 repair point you can easly get 5-6 kills

                          Originally posted by Wargimp
                          Yer kinda a noob, eh?

                          The idea is that you use the engie's repair radius while he's in a vehicle. If you've got two pieces of armour manned by engies that stick together, they repair eachother. Teamwork, ya know?
                          AT can easly do more dammage then you can repair


                          • #14
                            Re: Is eng. a worthless class

                            Originally posted by Shadowace
                            eng rarly gets any special points at all unless you are really lucky and someone keeps destroying your arty, besides in the time you get 1 repair point you can easly get 5-6 kills
                            not with a shotgun, if you had a tank yes, but you can do that with any class.

                            repair points need to be easier to get.


                            • #15
                              Re: Is eng. a worthless class

                              Originally posted by Shadowace
                              eng rarly gets any special points at all unless you are really lucky and someone keeps destroying your arty, besides in the time you get 1 repair point you can easly get 5-6 kills
                              Yup. Noob.

                              No offence, chummer, but you need to stop arguing and start listening.
                              A dedicated engie can score rather well by riding armour and sicking close to other units. I think most engie players would agree that they wish you got repair points faster, but points don't = usefull.

                              Keeping tanks rolling can be a very big deal on some maps.

                              Unnoobify yer self by listening to what all these people are telling you.

