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Squadhopping is Great

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  • #61
    Re: Squadhopping is Great

    Originally posted by Leki
    well its should be an option that different leagues can say if it is to be enabled or disabled. The reason i think it would be better disabled in clan games is because at the start of a round a team could set up defences, mines, tanks in good positions etc.....and all it would take to get around them all is just get a pilot to fly over bail out behind enemy lines and then have the whole 15 other players spawn with him and the other new squad leaders.
    This is why I didn't like playing in a league I was in. Doing this makes people lazy and is too convenient. Don't you think it would more of a challenge for some one to have to actually defend a base and manage your resources?


    • #62
      Re: Squadhopping is Great

      OK after further contemplation on the way this is supposed to change squad hopping i figure as described it wont stop it only delay it for 1 spawn time. I 'll tell ya how since it wont take but 3 mins for the squad hopping crowd to figure it out....
      squad leader dies...
      respawns leaves squad
      new member takes squad leader postion
      old squad leader suicides and rejoins squad.
      cost you 2 points and some time but to some of you it'll be worth it

      i wish EA had gone farther but at least they took a half step in the right direction, now they need to make a full step, if you bail from a jet or AH no one can spawn on you....if you rip thru a map in a jeep by urself no one could spawn on u..only the mates that go to where you are with you should be able to spawn on you....oh heck EA said they intended squad"spawn" leaders were intended to stop base camping and for nothing more...too bad its been corupted...


      • #63
        Re: Squadhopping is Great

        Originally posted by =IMO=THJones
        OK after further contemplation on the way this is supposed to change squad hopping i figure as described it wont stop it only delay it for 1 spawn time. I 'll tell ya how since it wont take but 3 mins for the squad hopping crowd to figure it out....
        squad leader dies...
        respawns leaves squad
        new member takes squad leader postion
        old squad leader suicides and rejoins squad.
        cost you 2 points and some time but to some of you it'll be worth it
        Well DICE could make it impossible to spawn at the SL after suiciding e.g.
        IMHO it should be possible to give the SL position to another person via "manage squad", but only while you are alive! The "suicide to spawn at the SL" trick is something I consider lame on the other hand.


        • #64
          Re: Squadhopping is Great

          I love how this thread started as Pro-hopping and the majority of people posting are either neutral or against it.


          • #65
            Re: Squadhopping is Great

            Originally posted by LoganX
            I love how this thread started as Pro-hopping and the majority of people posting are either neutral or against it.
            Interesting, eh?

            Pro-squad hopping thread and everyone comes out to say they hate it.
            In the thread I started asking if it was true that it would be removed (with a bit of an anti-hopping slant) and the people who love it posted franticly.

            People seem to only really post in argument, not discussion.


            • #66
              Re: Squadhopping is Great

              Originally posted by [MyIS]IndianScout
              well enjoy it while you can, cause with the new patch it's stopped..
              i hope so - that'll be AWESOME

              squadhopping is El Eh Em Ee


              • #67
                Re: Squadhopping is Great

                I suggest everyone start practicing to be good SLs.
                IS's info is usually perty accurate (barring last minute feature pulls).


                • #68
                  Re: Squadhopping is Great

                  Squad jumping is just immoral! If you get killed as the squad leader and and have to walk a long way, that's your punishment for getting killed, and the revard for the guy who killed you! And the game is fast enough as it is, speed is for spray and pray players. If it was up to me I'd sneak up and take flags without killing anyone the whole round. If shots are fired, it just means someone made a wrong turn somewhere. Stealth, now there's the desired war concept. I've awaited this change...this shall be sweet.

