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Squadhopping is Great

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  • #46
    Re: Squadhopping is Great

    Originally posted by deadman2312
    Mr. Mandel is absolutely right, the feature is ABUSED, used to as he said "better thier cause" increase thier score, when they realize they cant score jack in thier current position, they leave. But really most just join to advance position in a map, and are out within 30 seconds. TEAMWORK, is a word that is moving further, and further away from this game. Its becoming a bunch of one man armies, like some people who create these threads. I spend MOST of my time in this game as a squad leader, and have noticed a huge flux in people jumping in and out of my squads, and im usually doing something important, and wouldnt mind a hand, not some RAMBO jumping in my squad guns blazing compromising my position...
    when pubbing i see this all the time ..people joining and leaving squads to get an advantage in points scoring not to help out the squad...often times my mates say lock the squad but i don't on the chance i my meet a cool teamwork player and make a new friend...


    • #47
      Re: Squadhopping is Great

      Originally posted by deadman2312
      Dude its not about "enjoying being in a squad". Its about losers abusing the feature, and jumping in and out of squads to get close to the action quicker. Vehicles arent always available, BUT THATS WHY YOU HAVE LEGS.......
      Well, it's always about how to determine if someone is abusing or using.

      Personally, I could care less if someone jumps squads, it bugs me, but doesn't have any real ill effect on my personal gaming experience.

      As for getting close to the action, I'm normally doing the opposite: I stray from the large firefights and go for a base without a large amount of enemies, or I make certain to defend a crucial point.

      Either way, how would EA/DICe resolve this "abuse", if you truly consider this to be abuse? (another example of the community complaining about something that's not a real issue).

      I dunno, personally, I am most always a squad leader, if only because I know how to provide my squad with the help they need, whether a UAV, art. strike or supply request. If my team doesn't squad up on me, or they join then leave, who am I to tell them otherwise? If they don't feel like being in the winning squad, it's their loss.


      EDIT: Oh, and to those whore rebuttals are in regards to the players looking to rack up points, rather than play as a team, I have on simple answer: Get rid of the rankings! This inclines people to play for points rather than teamwork. Having squads adds to this problem, but if you think this is a problem, you might as well start getting rid of tons of other things, such as being an engineer/medic in vehicles. It is all part of the game. Some things change, but some things should never change. I dunno, I just wish most people would stop focusing on their points rather than the gameplay/teamwork.


      • #48
        Re: Squadhopping is Great

        Originally posted by machstem
        Well, it's always about how to determine if someone is abusing or using.

        Personally, I could care less if someone jumps squads, it bugs me, but doesn't have any real ill effect on my personal gaming experience.

        As for getting close to the action, I'm normally doing the opposite: I stray from the large firefights and go for a base without a large amount of enemies, or I make certain to defend a crucial point.

        Either way, how would EA/DICe resolve this "abuse", if you truly consider this to be abuse? (another example of the community complaining about something that's not a real issue).

        I dunno, personally, I am most always a squad leader, if only because I know how to provide my squad with the help they need, whether a UAV, art. strike or supply request. If my team doesn't squad up on me, or they join then leave, who am I to tell them otherwise? If they don't feel like being in the winning squad, it's their loss.


        Well unfortunately its up to EA/DICE to decide, and seems as to public demand they are doing something about it, seeming like they have made the decision that the feature is ABUSED, rather than used.

        Im kind of like you, i dont lock my squad either, never once have i, not only as you said you may miss out on a great teamwork player, or i dont want to screw some player that is looking for a good squad, out of joining a squad, i just love squads that have 2 clan guys in it, and it locked, lmao.

        Like i mentioned earlier, it affects gameplay, when i am doing almost as you, going for a flag with little or no resistance, just when all sorts of trigger happy retards, join my squad, come bursting out of my hiding spot get themselves killed, and in turn give away my position, getting me killed in return for abuse of my spawn point, NOT EFFING COOL!!@!!!!!@@!!@!!, i steam about it, when im staring up at the sky, critically wounded, wishing that medic that is 800 yards away had wings..

        Make any more sense?


        • #49
          Re: Squadhopping is Great

          Originally posted by deadman2312
          Well unfortunately its up to EA/DICE to decide, and seems as to public demand they are doing something about it, seeming like they have made the decision that the feature is ABUSED, rather than used.

          Im kind of like you, i dont lock my squad either, never once have i, not only as you said you may miss out on a great teamwork player, or i dont want to screw some player that is looking for a good squad, out of joining a squad, i just love squads that have 2 clan guys in it, and it locked, lmao.

          Like i mentioned earlier, it affects gameplay, when i am doing almost as you, going for a flag with little or no resistance, just when all sorts of trigger happy retards, join my squad, come bursting out of my hiding spot get themselves killed, and in turn give away my position, getting me killed in return for abuse of my spawn point, NOT EFFING COOL!!@!!!!!@@!!@!!, i steam about it, when im staring up at the sky, critically wounded, wishing that medic that is 800 yards away had wings..

          Make any more sense?
          Point taken!

          I only lock my squad once in a while, specifically when I am pilot in a helicopter/bomber, have a friend I play with, so we lock the squad so no1 gets peed about not being able to spawn on the squad leader. This feature is great as it prevents some idiots from joining my squad when they really can't benefit from being in our squad.

          However, if I'm on land or need help, (i think being USMc on WAKE2007), I normally take off in a jet over land, jump out and hopefully have my mates spawn on me for a quick spawn capture. If some people simply want to spawn on me so they can get on land, then leave my squad, who am I to think this is abuse? If anything, they're better players than the ones that continuously spawn on the carrier and do nothing to help the team by playing the "mine mine mine" game.

          Again, I understand that some people abuse the feature, but in the end, does it REALLY matter?



          • #50
            Re: Squadhopping is Great

            I like squadhpping, I do it often. But at the same time i can understand why people hate it and why it's seen as an exploit that deminishes proper tactics.
            What can I say, best thing IMO it would be to add it as an option to allow it or disable it. Hell for all I care they could make it so it is only allowed on non-ranked servers, since Dice clearly stated that this is not the way they intended it to be or to evolve in to.


            • #51
              Re: Squadhopping is Great

              Originally posted by deadman2312
              Its becoming a bunch of one man armies, like some people who create these threads. I spend MOST of my time in this game as a squad leader, and have noticed a huge flux in people jumping in and out of my squads, and im usually doing something important, and wouldnt mind a hand, not some RAMBO jumping in my squad guns blazing compromising my position...
              So true.... and this is getting worse everyday. This is because this exploit is hushed up by the people who like it... even here at the TotalBF2 forums you can't find anything about it in the tips & tricks section e.g., the "guide to being a good squadleader" only contains REAL teamwork stuff.

              Originally posted by Grey Fox
              What can I say, best thing IMO it would be to add it as an option to allow it or disable it. Hell for all I care they could make it so it is only allowed on non-ranked servers, since Dice clearly statedt hat this is not the way they intended it to be or to evolve in to.
              Well actually nobody has ever asked for more than an option.
              But the DICE devs are well known for tweaking the game towards the vision THEY had when creating it, hoping the community would see it was a good decision in the end.


              • #52
                Re: Squadhopping is Great

                Originally posted by ghaib
                Not only great, it keeps the tempo in the game, when you die, leave your squad and join one that's closer to the enemy flags, that way you help and aren't forced to walk all the way.

                Also, lot of idiot squadleaders are snipers, and just sit somewhere outside the friggin map... I wanna be free to leave and join a squad whenever I want to.

                During a round at Karkand, eveytime I die I look at the squads and see where I can help and join. If a squad of two is taking a flag, I'll join instantly.

                It's a great part of a teambased game, if you got something against it, make a squad for you and your antisocial buddies and lock it.
                For once, I agree with this issue. People might call it some kind of advantage, but I call it tactics. Why would you not want to get closer to victory? Ignorance.


                • #53
                  Re: Squadhopping is Great

                  Simply put, if you are squad-hopping, you are doing something wrong.


                  • #54
                    Re: Squadhopping is Great

                    One of the best tactics would be to keep your squad leader alive, and close to the combat. Now thats a tactic.
                    And besides how i read it is this:

                    You can still squad jump. You just cant switch squad leaders every other second.


                    • #55
                      Re: Squadhopping is Great

                      Originally posted by HowieMandel
                      You can still squad jump. You just cant switch squad leaders every other second.
                      But you must decide where to hop BEFORE YOU DIE - and that's an important difference. No more "Hmm I died, okay, let's see, wich of the 7 mobile spawn points do I chose now...?"

                      Here's another way to keep the squad alive:
                      If the squadleader dies, all squadmembers who are alive in that moment can open a new squad - but they ALL need to go into the squad menu then.... can't wait to kill a whole squad twiddling around in the squad menu with a single grenade


                      • #56
                        Re: Squadhopping is Great

                        You know...I was thinking about it, and in a way, I'd rather some people squadhop than not join a squad at all, until all the points are captured. If anything, THIS is a problem: Your entire team devotes their time to having their own personal best score, a rare minimum of players actually work and form squads, only to have "dead" players continuously try and join your squad once they die because they realized just then that all their "my points" glorification wazs in vain, and we lose the map.

                        I wish there was a forced way to make everyone join a squad before playing, but there is a "ranking" for "lone wolf" in the system, for just that: players that want their own highest score, not that the team will win.

                        Again, the ranking system is what causes the most problems in BF2. Without them, things would be much funner.



                        • #57
                          Re: Squadhopping is Great

                          You want to know what's really sad?

                          If the next patch fixed EVERY bug in the game, you guys would STILL whine about ****. None of you dinks want to see the game fixed, you just want them to fix this asinine crap. They need to figure out and fix the REAL probelms, instead of creating more by butchering the code on an already unstable game.


                          • #58
                            Re: Squadhopping is Great

                            Originally posted by Auto-ER-
                            You want to know what's really sad?

                            If the next patch fixed EVERY bug in the game, you guys would STILL whine about ****. None of you dinks want to see the game fixed, you just want them to fix this asinine crap. They need to figure out and fix the REAL probelms, instead of creating more by butchering the code on an already unstable game.
                            You know, as much as I agree with you, if only to the point in agreeing with you 100%, none of it makes a diff.

                            The higher "placed" Bf players, the ones within email/forum discussion with DICE, are the ones that decide in which direction this game goes. I completely disagree with any changes to "balance" in the game, because as much as some have abused balance issues in the past, the bugs and glitches remain in the game and could have been worked on since the beginning.

                            I read time after time comments made by DICE affiliates, EA reps and others within this community, but I never read anything that can render this game glitch free. No way can a game be perfect, but adapting is key to ANY game, whether in single-player or multiplayer, and through glitches and "balance issues" I've had to readjust how I play this game approx 5x now, and this will be another change that won't offer anything more or less to the game, it'll just open up avenues for more idiots to exploit.



                            • #59
                              Re: Squadhopping is Great

                              Well just because it can't be fix 100%, doesn't mean they should do what they can.

                              Is it really that much more difficult to fix hitboxs, damage allocation, missle tracking, faulty HUD displays and about 10 glitchs, as it is to add pretty new graphics, pop up windows, extra rankings?


                              • #60
                                Re: Squadhopping is Great

                                I was going to post a response, but having just joined this thread, I am now leaving.

                                P.S. Squadhopping is LAME!

