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Squadhopping is Great

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  • #31
    Re: Squadhopping is Great

    Originally posted by [MyIS]IndianScout
    well enjoy it while you can, cause with the new patch it's stopped..

    I heard the rumor. This is the closest thing to verification I've seen yet.
    I'll miss squad hopping like I miss C4 lobbing and noobtoobing. I did 'em all from time to time (even enjoyed it), but think the game is better off without 'em.


    • #32
      Re: Squadhopping is Great

      times are changing


      • #33
        Re: Squadhopping is Great

        Originally posted by (EWC)HisChadness
        Why should it be disabled for clan games? That's the only place it sees use. Maps like Sharqi (16) will be so onesided its not even funny if this happens. So GGs DICE, way to try and change the game mechanics almost a year into the game to please a bunch of cry babies who can't use the UAV and kill all the enemies so no more can spawn.
        well its should be an option that different leagues can say if it is to be enabled or disabled. The reason i think it would be better disabled in clan games is because at the start of a round a team could set up defences, mines, tanks in good positions etc.....and all it would take to get around them all is just get a pilot to fly over bail out behind enemy lines and then have the whole 15 other players spawn with him and the other new squad leaders.


        • #34
          Re: Squadhopping is Great

          Squad hop'n does take away from actual teamwork.
          \The commander mode as well, sorta hinders it as well.

          Personaly, i'd rather have all squad leaders be a sort of "mini" commander. Sure they are now, to a point, but it would be better if the commander were virtual. Everything is on a timer anyways, so why couldnt, if arty was ready, just the squad leader spot, and get arty strikes where they wanted to? In other words if arty was available, they simply call out a target, and boom, arty would rain down. Same goes for supply crates. Same as UAV. Leaving really only spoting left for the commander. But really, who needs that. Kind of annoying anyways. Perhaps this would give the squad leader more incentive to be, just that, a squad leader. Maybe throw in another cog, and a team could NOT cap a flag, unless it was under the direct orders of the squad leader.
          In other words, If i were squad leader, and said, attack the hotel flag at karky, and 2 of my guys were lone wolfing somewheres else, they couldnt cap the flag they were at, unless i specifically directed that flag as an attack flag.
          Teamwork has you relying on other folks. Squad hoppn does not really have you doing this. Thus, although you can do it in game, doesnt make it right.
          Sorta like cheating. YOu can download a cheat and rack em up. BUt that dont make it right.
          Again, folks confuse teamwork im afraid with bad game mechanics or by simply twisting what you can do in the game to their benifet, and not necessarily the teams.


          • #35
            Re: Squadhopping is Great

            Originally posted by Terroser
            BF ROE can you whipe out my stats, because I canne play on a knife/pistol rankend server..

            scruw stats, tottaly worthless.

            so whipe my stats out because I canne break the ROE

            I love cunstom maps

            people who whine about it , are those who can't handle the game.
            Sruw engrish too. Shtupid EA makkes menues hard to read.


            • #36
              Re: Squadhopping is Great

              Originally posted by (EWC)HisChadness
              Why should it be disabled for clan games? That's the only place it sees use. Maps like Sharqi (16) will be so onesided its not even funny if this happens. So GGs DICE, way to try and change the game mechanics almost a year into the game to please a bunch of cry babies who can't use the UAV and kill all the enemies so no more can spawn.
              Hmm why should Sharqi 16 be one sided??

              The MEC forces might have a hard time attacking in the beginning, but it's far from impossible to get up there. Did you ever play Omaha Beach in BF1942?? It was damn hard, but it was so rewarding when you finally managed to get up!

              When I manage to sneak somewhere and then call "EVERYONE SPAWN HERE QUICKLY" it isn't rewarding, I feel cheap and stupid in these moments in a clanwar, but hey I don't want to loose so I do it as long as it is possible in clanwars (not long anymore I hope).


              • #37
                Re: Squadhopping is Great

                Originally posted by ghaib

                Also, lot of idiot squadleaders are snipers, and just sit somewhere outside the friggin map...
                My two biggest gripes with squads right now are sniper squad leaders, and pilot squad leaders. I just don't want to spawn on a hill somewhere with a sniper, or spawn on him so I can revive, heal or resupply him. They almost never take or defend flags so to me it's a waste of my time. Also, if someone is flying a jet or attack chopper as squad leader, how can the rest of the team spawn on him?


                • #38
                  Re: Squadhopping is Great

                  Originally posted by ghaib
                  Right, that's what it's all about, attention. How pathetic you are.
                  None of those posts argument for anything, they just state "Uhh, pls take away squadhopping"

                  You Sir, are a lamer who uses a feature of the game "spawning to your squad leader" as an exploit. I am sure that when this feature was implemented, it WAS NOT so "Armin" could jump in and out of squads annoying squad leaders(ME) just so he doesnt have to run a couple hundred yards......T....T.....T....Tard..... :laugh:


                  • #39
                    Re: Squadhopping is Great

                    Originally posted by Wargimp

                    I heard the rumor. This is the closest thing to verification I've seen yet.
                    I'll miss squad hopping like I miss C4 lobbing and noobtoobing. I did 'em all from time to time (even enjoyed it), but think the game is better off without 'em.
                    Squad hopping/ squad leader hopping what a subject..i do it when pubbing because if you don't the enemy does and you loose...when playingon Our and other WFL server I don't cause it's against our league rules..we don't enforce it against pubbers but we don't do it out of respect to our fellow league members...

                    I wonder if EA's proposed fix will really do any good? will it really stop it?

                    C4 chucking was a pain in the arse one guy who had the macro down could devistated chuck boom chuckl boom chuck boom it was way out of hand I am glad its gone... noob tubing well i kinda missed that craze and am only now starting to use the noob tube to try and get my veterna and expert asualt.. i have no problem with it heck i even did the noob tube 5 feet infront of me where they died and i didn't last night...i think that needs to be taken out..


                    • #40
                      Re: Squadhopping is Great

                      It is part of the game, has been since the start. Leave it alone as it's not an issue.

                      If I don't enjoy being in a squad, I should be given the option to leave and join another. If that squad doesn't play as I would, I should have the choice to leave and join another, as many times as I want.

                      That, or remove squads altogether.



                      • #41
                        Re: Squadhopping is Great

                        Originally posted by machstem
                        It is part of the game, has been since the start. Leave it alone as it's not an issue.

                        If I don't enjoy being in a squad, I should be given the option to leave and join another. If that squad doesn't play as I would, I should have the choice to leave and join another, as many times as I want.

                        That, or remove squads altogether.


                        Dude its not about "enjoying being in a squad". Its about losers abusing the feature, and jumping in and out of squads to get close to the action quicker. Vehicles arent always available, BUT THATS WHY YOU HAVE LEGS.......


                        • #42
                          Re: Squadhopping is Great

                          Originally posted by deadman2312
                          You Sir, are a lamer who uses a feature of the game "spawning to your squad leader" as an exploit. I am sure that when this feature was implemented, it WAS NOT so "Armin" could jump in and out of squads annoying squad leaders(ME) just so he doesnt have to run a couple hundred yards......T....T.....T....Tard..... :laugh:
                          This pretty much sums it up fairly nicely. When im squad leader, I absolutly hate the fact that some folks jump in out, depending on where I am at on the map. If I happen to be in a great killing area, or in a cap zone, folks join the squad. Now, this could be confused as teamwork. However it really isnt. FOlks do this primarily to gain more points or to help along their causes. The biggest problem is, when flag is capped, or area is secured, they move out of the squad and go elsewheres. This whole paragraph i just described hurts the teamworking concept, more then helps.
                          YES. It works, and works well when its done. However please, dont believe its teamwork. At least not in the way one can percieve BF2 is to be played, and how and why commanders, and squads/leaders were put into the game in the first place.
                          End result is this. If my squad is in so much danger that we are completely eliminated, rather then to regroup and retry, 90% of the folks, LEAVE and re join other squads. How that is teamwork is beyond me. Sounds like Anti-Teamwork. So I leave this and say, that yes, squad hop'n ruins teamwork. Its not the absolute, but it is a piece of the puzzle.
                          There is no teamwork, when you leave a team. Join a team, stay with a team. Win as a team.
                          And the arguement that the other team does it, is justice, doesnt hold water. I mean, well Bob, killed a bunch of guys at his high school. Guess what, he did it, im gonna do it. I mean seriously, get real. Besides, if its eliminated the other team wont do it. So im assuming if you feel this way, you have no problem with DICE eliminating it.


                          • #43
                            Re: Squadhopping is Great

                            Mr. Mandel is absolutely right, the feature is ABUSED, used to as he said "better thier cause" increase thier score, when they realize they cant score jack in thier current position, they leave. But really most just join to advance position in a map, and are out within 30 seconds. TEAMWORK, is a word that is moving further, and further away from this game. Its becoming a bunch of one man armies, like some people who create these threads. I spend MOST of my time in this game as a squad leader, and have noticed a huge flux in people jumping in and out of my squads, and im usually doing something important, and wouldnt mind a hand, not some RAMBO jumping in my squad guns blazing compromising my position...


                            • #44
                              Re: Squadhopping is Great

                              Originally posted by machstem
                              It is part of the game, has been since the start. Leave it alone as it's not an issue.

                              If I don't enjoy being in a squad, I should be given the option to leave and join another. If that squad doesn't play as I would, I should have the choice to leave and join another, as many times as I want.

                              That, or remove squads altogether.

                              If you dont enjoy being in a squad, dont join one. If one isnt working like you feel it should, create your own.
                              I think dice should give more love to squad leaders, so we end up having good squad leaders. IE: points for staying alive within a proximity of an enemies flag. After 1 minute within the radius, they start getting 1 point for every 30 seconds, or every minute, or whatever. Also allow them commander responsibilites, and eliminate commanders all together. So why they sit within a proxmity allowing team mates to spawn, they can be doing all the commander stuff, providing its available to them based on a timer, which is already there, regarding UAV, Arty, and supply crates. Perhaps give them their own area, (much smaller then typical uav area) in which they can spot enemies.
                              Then you would have an idea situation regarding squads and teams. Perhaps some emphasis would be placed on keeping that squad leader alive. (when squad jumping gets dumped)
                              OH well, who knows.
                              As far as hating a squad your in, perhaps make a better judgement before joining a squad.
                              IE: squad 4 invites you to their squad. A quick look shows them to be all snipers, and the mini maps shows them all in the hills doing almost nothing. Boom. Not joining. Stuff like that.


                              • #45
                                Re: Squadhopping is Great

                                LOL! I couldnt agree more, but asking a "squad hopper" to employ common sense? Doubt it will said it will be gone soon annoy us while you can.

