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Squadhopping is Great

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  • #16
    Re: Squadhopping is Great

    I hate all those guys hopping squads for spawning at the action.
    Some of them still think you can spawn on a squadleader when your team has no flags, LOL


    • #17
      Re: Squadhopping is Great

      Originally posted by {USI}_DirTyDeeDs
      YEAH THATS IT focus on the useless game-play changing patches and forget about the terrible bug where you cant make a squad, but the other team has some. THAT is something that negatively affects gameplay, not the squad jumping. Heck I celebrate when someone actually joins a squad in the first place, now THEY WONT DARE TO for fear of losing the ability to squad up with other people.

      You guys simply amaze me how much you try to ruin the game instead of FINISHING IT.

      with every patch, I wish to play less, CONGRATS! :evil:
      ahha so true..

      little bug list:

      1.can't make squads
      2.bf2 doesn't want to start
      4.key is already in use
      5.sometimes the hitboxes are totltay a mess, like shooting 20 bullets in somebody's body
      6.exploit(bug): jump from a roof against a wall can give you only 2 bar damaga instead 80%, just like in bf1942
      ( and I don't tell how)
      7.aa against trees, is tottaly weird
      8.abaram tank hit collesion is scruwd
      9.shooting t.v guided missle right on a heli is somethimes a miss
      instead you must shoot 1 meter forward :hmm:
      9.TOW rockets are going through tanks
      10.soundloop bug
      11.rednamebug appears even front of your nose, while eh is squadleader and walking front of you, also it can happend in armor or something else. they just change to red.
      12.destroying armor can result that it appreas not been damaged but then 10 seconds laters it still dissapears
      13.grenades can dissapear underground when trowing under a container
      14.there is exploit in dragon vally where you can hide at the homebase from china, don't know where excalty anymore
      15.shock paddles can behave like fast healing bags.
      16. hitting somebody full with a car can result no damaga only flying 20 meters far
      17.sqeeze somebody with a tank against a wall can result. that would not die
      18.suddenly death by standing next to an armor like a tank, while trying tp put some c4
      when it suddenly gonna ride can stick c4 more far more away on armor or anything (that results that c4 is 2 meters aways flying in the air, following the tank)
      20. soldiers feets that go through a wall

      (not a bug but very stupid)
      shoothing with a pistol from 2 meters in somebody's head is just 50% damaga
      instead try to trow a nade to his head is death


      • #18
        Re: Squadhopping is Great

        i dont thik it should be removed, if i am squad leader, and i die, i like being able to leave the squad, then join it again to spawn on my squad-mate who may still be alive......i also like spawning closest to the action, makes for more opportunity for me to get that expert knife, where as otherwise, i would spend the round running around on foot, vehicles are few and far between......usually all taken, and abandoned at some enemy base

        if they do remove this feature, i will not complain.....i like change, and i think if it were like that from the beginning, there would be no complaint from anyone either, so it makes no sense to complain/object now....sure it makes things a little slower, well, this isnt an arena, its a battlefield, taking your time to advance should be a given...

        any idea how they plan to remedy 'squad hopping'?


        • #19
          Re: Squadhopping is Great

          Originally posted by ghaib
          Right, that's what it's all about, attention. How pathetic you are.
          None of those posts argument for anything, they just state "Uhh, pls take away squadhopping"
          LOL, no arguments from the anti-squadhoppers?
          Here you have some taken from the old discussions:

          Tactics should be about REAL team coordination, not about learning all the secret exploits not mentioned in the manual (because the developers never intended it to happen this way). These exploitation tactics aren't even covered by that official Prima Game Guide.

          IMHO tactics should not evolve around the secret knowledge of some exploits, but around REAL teamplay, well coordinated attacks, etc.
          I feel that squad hopping can and does errode the strategic and tactical movement of the game. Getting from point A to point B is part of game play and when you can just magicly pop around the map to whereever, it's perty weak. I prefer the SL to be the heart of the squad... where he is, is where the squad is. If he dies (and there's no medic there to put him back on his feet) then the squad dies and has to work it's way back to whereever. Thus, it ramps up the importance of the role and makes a specifc skill set important to being able to preform that role well.
          Here are some indicators that clearly show that squadhopping was NOT intended by DICE:

          1. The VoIP communication doesn't work properly if the squadleaders change all the time (I know there's Ventrilo/TS, but I am talking about the dev's intentions here)

          2. The squadleader's commands get deleted when the squadleader changes. If DICE wanted peoeple to rotate the squadleader position each time he dies, why do the commands get deleted? And why didn't they just make every member a spawn point, thus removing the need to change the SL position each time he dies?

          And, last but not least:
          3. A DICE guy posted here that was not intended

          So what arguments do the Squadhoppers have besides stating that you'd be walking miles and miles if squadhopping was taken away? Movement is an integral part of proper war tactics, but it's almost completely taken away by squadhopping.


          • #20
            Re: Squadhopping is Great

            Originally posted by MrBrown
            LOL, no arguments from the anti-squadhoppers?
            Here you have some taken from the old discussions:

            So what arguments do the Squadhoppers have besides stating that you'd be walking miles and miles if squadhopping was taken away? Movement is an integral part of proper war tactics, but it's almost completely taken away by squadhopping.

            They have al ready be answeard mrbrown by the previous 3 topics. so plase go whine somewhere else


            • #21
              Re: Squadhopping is Great

              Originally posted by [MyIS]IndianScout
              well enjoy it while you can, cause with the new patch it's stopped..
              why would they stop sqaud hopping?
              1st - it is a GREAT tactic at times
              2nd - there is soooooooooooooooo mcuh more that is sooooooooooooo
              worse on this game - and they cannot fix things knew about since day 1????


              • #22
                Re: Squadhopping is Great

                Originally posted by TopGunGreg
                why would they stop sqaud hopping?
                1st - it is a GREAT tactic at times
                2nd - there is soooooooooooooooo mcuh more that is sooooooooooooo
                worse on this game - and they cannot fix things knew about since day 1????
                and the stupidst thing is..

                it take 9 moths :hmm: if this was true


                • #23
                  Re: Squadhopping is Great

                  Yea, squadhopping is making me sick. Me and 5 other guys just rotate SL, not jump from squad to squad. I hate when random guys join the squad, spawn and then leave. Its just gay.


                  • #24
                    Re: Squadhopping is Great

                    Originally posted by Strings9
                    Yea, squadhopping is making me sick. Me and 5 other guys just rotate SL, not jump from squad to squad. I hate when random guys join the squad, spawn and then leave. Its just gay.
                    olmost the same as sqadhopping
                    I know the feeling, very annoying.

                    but you pwnd everbody with it.
                    because they most kill everybody


                    • #25
                      Re: Squadhopping is Great

                      whatever's clever trevor......EA/DICE feel its not what was intended, so they are taking measures to correct biggie.....

                      ppl whine because its a major change (dont kid yourself, its major) so late since the games release


                      • #26
                        Re: Squadhopping is Great

                        I saw it used for the first time last night. Or I noticed it because VoIP chatter was just on that subject. Funny now its being removed.

                        They should just make it a admin option. That would stop the whingers from both sides.


                        • #27
                          Re: Squadhopping is Great

                          i think in public games its not too bad and makes games more fun getting you right into the action with your mates rather than sitting at flags waiting for cars to spawn. However for clan games it should be disabled.

                          might also be harder to cap flags after they stop it then as less people will be spawning on squad leaders and instead more at thier flags.


                          • #28
                            Re: Squadhopping is Great

                            Originally posted by Leki
                            i think in public games its not too bad and makes games more fun getting you right into the action with your mates rather than sitting at flags waiting for cars to spawn. However for clan games it should be disabled.

                            might also be harder to cap flags after they stop it then as less people will be spawning on squad leaders and instead more at thier flags.
                            Why should it be disabled for clan games? That's the only place it sees use. Maps like Sharqi (16) will be so onesided its not even funny if this happens. So GGs DICE, way to try and change the game mechanics almost a year into the game to please a bunch of cry babies who can't use the UAV and kill all the enemies so no more can spawn.


                            • #29
                              Re: Squadhopping is Great

                              Originally posted by Strings9
                              Yea, squadhopping is making me sick. Me and 5 other guys just rotate SL, not jump from squad to squad. I hate when random guys join the squad, spawn and then leave. Its just gay.
                              If you mean you rotate SL when the current SL dies, you won't be able to do that if they disable "squad hopping". From what I "hear", you won't be able to leave a squad when you're dead.


                              • #30
                                Re: Squadhopping is Great

                                Originally posted by ghaib
                                Not only great, it keeps the tempo in the game, when you die, leave your squad and join one that's closer to the enemy flags, that way you help and aren't forced to walk all the way.
                                And by doing so, you essentially defeat any remaining uses for defending a flag that the commander mode didn't already do away with. Honestly, what's the point in going somewhere and graying a flag, if that team can still spawn there if people just keep switching squad leaders because a squad is nearby? Flags mean NOTHING when people start squad hopping. If you can't stand the fact that you'll have to *gasp* WALK somewhere, and actually just maybe perhaps start defending a flag because you can't find a way to weasel around the fact your team lost it due to being morons by spawning on that squad leader in a squad named "133tsnip3r", then I do believe you're having trouble with the concept of using logical thought in your tactics.

