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Squadhopping is Great

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  • Squadhopping is Great

    Not only great, it keeps the tempo in the game, when you die, leave your squad and join one that's closer to the enemy flags, that way you help and aren't forced to walk all the way.

    Also, lot of idiot squadleaders are snipers, and just sit somewhere outside the friggin map... I wanna be free to leave and join a squad whenever I want to.

    During a round at Karkand, eveytime I die I look at the squads and see where I can help and join. If a squad of two is taking a flag, I'll join instantly.

    It's a great part of a teambased game, if you got something against it, make a squad for you and your antisocial buddies and lock it.

  • #2
    Re: Squadhopping is Great

    well enjoy it while you can, cause with the new patch it's stopped..


    • #3
      Re: Squadhopping is Great

      Originally posted by [MyIS]IndianScout
      well enjoy it while you can, cause with the new patch it's stopped..
      You believe those rumors?

      If they're true, expect a lot slower game and quite a lotmore boring.

      Might be the final thing that could make me stop playing BF2...


      • #4
        Re: Squadhopping is Great

        Where can the change log on the new patch be found? And squad hopping is handy, but I think playing with ONE squad of mates with TEAMWORK is alot better!


        • #5
          Re: Squadhopping is Great

          Originally posted by Iceman20
          Where can the change log on the new patch be found? And squad hopping is handy, but I think playing with ONE squad of mates with TEAMWORK is alot better!
          That's almost never the situation. If you got some mates with good teamwork, great, lock the squad and enjoy your game.


          • #6
            Re: Squadhopping is Great

            Squadhopping is great, but one question:

            Why start a completely new thread about it when there are at least 2 on the front page?

            That is the true question


            • #7
              Re: Squadhopping is Great

              Originally posted by ghaib
              Not only great, it keeps the tempo in the game, when you die, leave your squad and join one that's closer to the enemy flags, that way you help and aren't forced to walk all the way.
              Dont we have cars and transporting helicopters for this? No need to walk, crab a vehicle and zoom to the action.

              Also, lot of idiot squadleaders are snipers, and just sit somewhere outside the friggin map... I wanna be free to leave and join a squad whenever I want to.
              Avoid such squads that have a sniper as the leader. Also you can spawn to a flag near fight, exit out of the squad, enter another squad and by car drive to him. Impossible?

              During a round at Karkand, eveytime I die I look at the squads and see where I can help and join. If a squad of two is taking a flag, I'll join instantly.
              This is the fact that they are fixing. One man shouldn't be a huge danger, as if you leave him for a minute, his buddies have already spawned to him and the danger has triple or even quadripled. This is a popular exploit/tactic in clan matches.

              It's a great part of a teambased game, if you got something against it, make a squad for you and your antisocial buddies and lock it.
              How does it even encourage teamplay? It only helps one soldier to become a insta-teleporter for the dead to the enemy terriotory. No, I think its somewhat great that you would be forced to fight your way again to the heart of enemy base.
              THis is what I think.


              • #8
                Re: Squadhopping is Great

                Originally posted by Dooshy
                Squadhopping is great, but one question:

                Why start a completely new thread about it when there are at least 2 on the front page?

                That is the true question
                No there aren't, they just say "Uhh I hope squadhopping is gone", they explain nothing

                Originally posted by Ruhanga
                THis is what I think.
                How many times have you found a car avalible? It's just not realistic.
                And when you spawn, say Karkand, no one fiddles around with the menu, be gone for a few sec and you're dead.

                That one guy can have people spawn on him is a threat, but it's the same when the other team has the samme possibility.


                • #9
                  Re: Squadhopping is Great

                  Originally posted by Ruhanga
                  This is the fact that they are fixing. One man shouldn't be a huge danger, as if you leave him for a minute, his buddies have already spawned to him and the danger has triple or even quadripled. This is a popular exploit/tactic in clan matches.
                  Right, that's what this is all about.

                  All the people who say BF2 would be SLOW just because of squadhopping being removed (you CAN still spawn at you squadleader!!!) obviously never played BF1942 or BFV. The Battlefield series was never about Quake-like game speed, but if 2 squads which both cycle their squadleader position attack the same flag, it feels to me like playing Quake.

                  Originally posted by Dooshy
                  Why start a completely new thread about it when there are at least 2 on the front page?
                  A very good question.... just to draw some attention I guess...


                  • #10
                    Re: Squadhopping is Great

                    Originally posted by MrBrown
                    Right, that's what this is all about.

                    All the people who say BF2 would be SLOW just because of squadhopping being removed (you CAN still spawn at you squadleader!!!) obviously never played BF1942 or BFV. The Battlefield series was never about Quake-like game speed, but if 2 squads which both cycle their squadleader position attack the same flag, it feels to me like playing Quake.

                    A very good question.... just to draw some attention I guess...
                    Right, that's what it's all about, attention. How pathetic you are.
                    None of those posts argument for anything, they just state "Uhh, pls take away squadhopping"


                    • #11
                      Re: Squadhopping is Great

                      Originally posted by [MyIS]IndianScout
                      well enjoy it while you can, cause with the new patch it's stopped..

                      BF ROE can you whipe out my stats, because I canne play on a knife/pistol rankend server..

                      scruw stats, tottaly worthless.

                      so whipe my stats out because I canne break the ROE

                      I love cunstom maps

                      SQUADHOPPING IS GREAT
                      people who whine about it , are those who can't handle the game.


                      • #12
                        Re: Squadhopping is Great

                        Originally posted by Terroser
                        BF ROE can you whipe out my stats, because I canne play on a knife/pistol rankend server..

                        scruw stats, tottaly worthless.

                        so whipe my stats out because I canne break the ROE

                        I love cunstom maps

                        SQUADHOPPING IS GREAT
                        people who whine about it , are those who can't handle the game.
                        Hope you like being a private then,


                        • #13
                          Re: Squadhopping is Great

                          Originally posted by Terroser
                          BF ROE can you whipe out my stats, because I canne play on a knife/pistol rankend server..

                          scruw stats, tottaly worthless.

                          so whipe my stats out because I canne break the ROE

                          I love cunstom maps

                          SQUADHOPPING IS GREAT
                          people who whine about it , are those who can't handle the game.
                          EHm what? Knife-pisotl server? Whos talking about servers?


                          • #14
                            Re: Squadhopping is Great

                            Originally posted by [MyIS]IndianScout
                            well enjoy it while you can, cause with the new patch it's stopped..
                            YEAH THATS IT focus on the useless game-play changing patches and forget about the terrible bug where you cant make a squad, but the other team has some. THAT is something that negatively affects gameplay, not the squad jumping. Heck I celebrate when someone actually joins a squad in the first place, now THEY WONT DARE TO for fear of losing the ability to squad up with other people.

                            You guys simply amaze me how much you try to ruin the game instead of FINISHING IT.

                            with every patch, I wish to play less, CONGRATS! :evil:


                            • #15
                              Re: Squadhopping is Great

                              Originally posted by DrunkenPirate
                              Hope you like being a private then,
                              it doesn't botter me because stats, did scruw the community for custom maps like strike at karkand .

                              be my guest to whipe all my 6 accounts

