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[UTAC] and their fantastic admining.

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  • #46
    Re: [UTAC] and their fantastic admining.

    Unfortunately, you will find this individual is one of those persons who enjoys to argue for the sake of arguing.

    Just wait for the response, it's sure to come.


    • #47
      Re: [UTAC] and their fantastic admining.

      Yes! that's the one I was waiting for. The same message that was posted right before the forum debate on UTAC's servers was removed. I guess this one will be removed soon or even be locked.

      Trying to belittle someone else who has a different opinion to yourself shows how misguided your post really is Patriot.


      • #48
        Re: [UTAC] and their fantastic admining.

        I don't know who's telling porkies or not, and I don't know if the clan's overall outlook towards outsiders has changed recently (the last couple of nights proves otherwise), but P4nz3rGr3n4di3r, I've not had a problem getting into ground vehicles or jets when using their server, and have on at least a couple of occasions when in flight, totally dominated the server without an issue, as has Colony and Patriots. I've been on other clan servers and been kicked for being "too good", or some other fabricated excuse, and UTAC has yet to lower themselves to this standard of behaviour.
        Maybe rather than arguing and getting nowhere, you should consider trying to resolve any issues you have privately. As I've already pointed out, that's what I did the one time I was temp banned, and the situation was resolved very amicably.


        • #49
          Re: [UTAC] and their fantastic admining.

          Flares we haven't seen you lately, stop by more often.


          • #50
            Re: [UTAC] and their fantastic admining.

            im gonna throw my 2 cents in, I have played on their server and dont recall having any issues, I usally forgive jets for TK's regardless as i know its difficult to use the comm row's while flying, but if im the only person in the area it usually results in a punish.

            Edit: The comm rows are really hard to use especially when using a joystick

            I hear alot of people saying its their server their rules while i do agree, you also have to remember without us "pub-nub's"* as the clan who*es like to call us, alot of servers would not have enough ppl to even start the round.

            Whilst i am in a clan(multi-game), we decided to drop our server as its difficult to keep full and decided not to waste money on an empty server. so we usally pub it i guess the snobs would call it that. although in one of our other games it refers to playing in "Official Servers", not clan sponsered ones.

            So just remember while it is your server and you have the right to have your own rules, us "pubbers" keep it populated


            • #51
              Re: [UTAC] and their fantastic admining.

              Originally posted by cliffro
              So just remember while it is your server and you have the right to have your own rules, us "pubbers" keep it populated
              Cliff, I can't tell you how many times myself and the rest of the UTAC members have been very careful and extremely fair with the pubs. We take pride in treating the pubs with respect, which promotes a good well rounded game experience. If only people were on our vent and heard how we handle situations as best as we can. There are alot of teams/servers that can relate to that. I don't mean to come off as arrogant, but the majority of our members are real nice regular guys in their 30's.
              What ticks me off is when pubs load into the the server, there are several rules that clearly state for example" no arty on uncap". Well sure enough, there's arty on uncap and pubs complain. I don't think we are perfect and sure we make mistakes, but on the most part I think we do a damn good job of admining.

              Hope to see you on the server and if pubs have any specific comments or questions, please direct them to our forums at

              Thank you.


              • #52
                Re: [UTAC] and their fantastic admining.

                wow.. you guys are horrible at admining. I was playing on your server for maybe an hour. You had guys breaking your so called up enforced rules ALL the time while I was there. Not one kick or anything. I come in and arty their base twice... and without warning get kicked. Even after I apologized. You guys are horrible admins. There was more policing from the non-admins that the suppose ones that take their time and even take a hit from scoring to police this crap. Load of crap.


                • #53
                  Re: [UTAC] and their fantastic admining.

                  Originally posted by Zefram
                  wow.. you guys are horrible at admining. I was playing on your server for maybe an hour. You had guys breaking your so called up enforced rules ALL the time while I was there. Not one kick or anything. I come in and arty their base twice... and without warning get kicked. Even after I apologized. You guys are horrible admins. There was more policing from the non-admins that the suppose ones that take their time and even take a hit from scoring to police this crap. Load of crap.
                  /Hesitates to say anything further...


                  • #54
                    Re: [UTAC] and their fantastic admining.

                    Have played a couple of times on the UTAC server, running both EU and Armored Fury maps.

                    Have not experienced anything bad. I like the rules they have, so the server is perfectly for me to play on.

                    Well one thing you UTAC need on your server, is the teamswitch, so everyone can play both sides.
                    (Just my 2 cents) or what they say

                    Cheers [UTAC]


                    • #55
                      Re: [UTAC] and their fantastic admining.

                      Originally posted by Zefram
                      I was playing on your server for maybe an hour. You had guys breaking your so called up enforced rules ALL the time while I was there. Not one kick or anything. I come in and arty their base twice... and without warning get kicked. Even after I apologized.
                      In response, according to the server log from the first time you used the chat, until you where kicked eight other people were kicked and one banned (note this does not include autokick/ban, only manual).

                      Why would you apologize, if you had not been warned? Because you knew the rule and chose to break it anyway, twice by your own admission. That would lead me to believe you didn't need a warning (a warning is to let you know that you’re doing something wrong). You knew that what you were doing was against the rules and chose not to follow them. The admin who kicked you probably was in the process of kicking you when you apologized.

                      Reference my last post.
                      Just because we don’t see someone breaking the rules, doesn't give anyone license to break the rules.
                      For some reason people seem never to notice others getting kicked unless it directly affects them, like when they or a friend gets kicked. Then all of a sudden we are picking on them and letting everyone else get away with murder. I'm sorry but posts like that don't hold any water with me.


                      • #56
                        Re: [UTAC] and their fantastic admining.

                        Originally posted by Zefram
                        how about both of you take this to the UTAC forums?
                        Zefram, I love you!!!


                        • #57
                          Re: [UTAC] and their fantastic admining.

                          all I know if what I see... the same guys coming over and over again round after round to a uncappable... stealing vehicles and even spawn camping. Which is also against their rules... For at least two rounds. With tons of team members crying about it.

                          but I'm going to drop it.


                          • #58
                            Re: [UTAC] and their fantastic admining.

                            I think they notice alright, it's what has kept this thread alive for just under 3 months. The longest lasting thread of it's kind to my knowledge.


                            • #59
                              Re: [UTAC] and their fantastic admining.

                              I Am, The. Taco Bell!!!


                              • #60
                                Re: [UTAC] and their fantastic admining.

                                let it die or continue it elsewhere

