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Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

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  • #46
    Re: Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

    I just read on another Battlefields news site that they got threatened by EA.

    BF sites have to delete "non-EA-friendly" posts by the gamers on their forum. Possibly even ban them for being "EA-critical".
    Also comments in the news section were not allowed to put down EA or any of their products anymore.
    The news themselves can't be "EA-critical" either.

    If they do not comply, they will have to "face the consequences", whatever that means.

    And no, im not kidding, this happened just the other day. I have a suspicion something similar is happening to this site. Is the site's new owner, "MY-IS" aware of, maybe even involved, in this?

    I'm hoping not...


    • #47
      Re: Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

      Things to remember now.

      1. EA makes ALL the calls about the BF franchise
      2. Quality Control “might” get a little better
      3. I personally feel now that EA runs the show the franchise will take more of an arcade console based turn in the future.

      Originally posted by WarMace
      EA has a reputation of gobbling up companys just to get their intelictual property and dump their talent.

      EA has a reputation for milking sucessfull produts dry without providing much content to the fanbase, and as soon as something is not hugely profitiable they scrap it and set fire to the code so noone else can have it.

      This will only mean bad things for BF2. But its the nature of video games.

      PS. Consoles, I hate you for everything.
      Quoted for truth!


      • #48
        Re: Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

        Originally posted by Steelz
        I just read on another Battlefields news site that they got threatened by EA.

        BF sites have to delete "non-EA-friendly" posts by the gamers on their forum. Possibly even ban them for being "EA-critical".
        Also comments in the news section were not allowed to put down EA or any of their products anymore.
        The news themselves can't be "EA-critical" either.

        If they do not comply, they will have to "face the consequences", whatever that means..
        end of dice/ea, ffs, we can but hope, i dont think there is one person at either group who knows what online gaming is, let alone release a product for their chosen market that a. works. b. people really care about anymore, thanks for the game engine ea/dice, now let the modders make it what it is supposed to be, just release a new game engine each 18 months from now, let the gaming community sort the rest out, you clearly have a. any/or no idea. b. no interest in serving the community you have chosen to launch products into. you (ea) got ya fingers burnt when u launched bf'42 and found that the whole community was playing a mod of your game more than the game itself, you have failed in your little attempt to go one better than dc. ea critical, come see me, i'll fill you in on feckin critical. roll on poe/usi et al. oh yer, 5.99 for 1 tank, 1 plane, 1 helo, and 3 re touched maps, hang your lazy no good fat heads in shame, i would gladly pay that for usi/poe etc you will get no more sovs from me. mind you, one department at ea is doing really well, the budget for ****ing players off must be massive


        • #49
          Re: Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

          Originally posted by Veng3ance
          Things to remember now.

          1. EA makes ALL the calls about the BF franchise
          Correct. This is how it has been for some time, and nothing is changing.

          Originally posted by Veng3ance
          2. Quality Control “might” get a little better
          You are correct. A good friend who works in EA product quality control has been ****ed over the way DICE produces their patches. Now they will have a bit more control over what goes in and what is done.

          Originally posted by Veng3ance
          3. I personally feel now that EA runs the show the franchise will take more of an arcade console based turn in the future.
          I feel the same, and whether this is a good thing is yet to be seen. I would much rather go back to the arcade like gameplay of 42 and Vietnam. Maybe my wish will be granted.


          • #50
            Re: Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

            Blah blah blah...

            Fact takes a ton of money to build/market these games. You can blame all you want but it takes two to tango.

            Bottomline, Dice produced a successful series. They made a strategic alliance with EA and both mutually benefited from the relationship. Now what's left over, is Royalties and the direction of the BF that translates into...more royalties.

            EA and other out by offering them the Present value of their the hopes they will profit in the long run. Moreover, they gain complete control creative of the series and the proprietary software...allowing EA to this case the BF2 Engine for other titles.

            Fact is...anyone developping a Title is hoping for this scenario. They get the cash up front, usually, get a cushy job and eventually start another rinse...lather and repeat.

            1) The developpers win.
            2) The distributors win
            3) the public wins by getting great games.

            So take that Sweden.

            Oh and btw....SUCK MY KOIVU. hehe. (Hockey reference).

            Edit: Westwood is a great example...didn't the execs splinter off and just completed Empire at War? Hmmm


            • #51
              Re: Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

              the biggest benifactor to this.. is..
              Quake Wars, Enemy Territory will pick up some serious steam now.

              Hurry up Quake Wars: ET.... daddies waiting.


              • #52
                Re: Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

                hmmm EA owns 20% of Novalogic also. EA is starting to monoply the whole gaming industry. I bet the government will eventually step in and decide to get their share of their profits like they did with MickeySoft


                • #53
                  Re: Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

                  MMmmm more Battlefield glitchy fun!


                  • #54
                    Re: Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

                    Originally posted by Mr. ADHD
                    Blah blah blah...

                    Fact takes a ton of money to build/market these games. You can blame all you want but it takes two to tango.

                    Bottomline, Dice produced a successful series. They made a strategic alliance with EA and both mutually benefited from the relationship. Now what's left over, is Royalties and the direction of the BF that translates into...more royalties.

                    EA and other out by offering them the Present value of their the hopes they will profit in the long run. Moreover, they gain complete control creative of the series and the proprietary software...allowing EA to this case the BF2 Engine for other titles.

                    Fact is...anyone developping a Title is hoping for this scenario. They get the cash up front, usually, get a cushy job and eventually start another rinse...lather and repeat.

                    1) The developpers win.
                    2) The distributors win
                    3) the public wins by getting great games.

                    So take that Sweden.

                    Oh and btw....SUCK MY KOIVU. hehe. (Hockey reference).

                    Edit: Westwood is a great example...didn't the execs splinter off and just completed Empire at War? Hmmm
                    This, dear friends, is someone who GETS IT!!! This is exactly how it works. You can't be purchased if you aren't selling in the first place. Those of you who are always whining about "BIG" companies buying little companies are obviously watching this action like it's a boxing match and the small company is the underdog. Well here's a news flash, the larger company doesn't bash and destroy the smaller one. It actually makes the people who started that smaller company very wealthy. This is exactly what they are trying to do when they start a company. Big companies are what makes the world work. Hell, how many small companies exist with the sole purpose of providing a service to a larger company? As for the Swedish and their trash talking about an American company buying out a smaller company...Who gives a rat's testy what they think. It's obvious that they don't understand business in a free market society. They should stick to what they know...blondes with long legs and decent hockey players. Oh, and if they've got a second, ask them why those great hockey players bolt for the US... Not that I'm complaining. My Flyers have Forsberg. So we'll take your hockey players and your hot blonde chicks but keep your moronic opinions about how business works to least until you get a clue...


                    • #55
                      Re: Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

                      Im sure there are about 5,000 small buisness owners that would disagree with you. Or should I say, Ex-small business owners.


                      • #56
                        Re: Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

                        Originally posted by ludo75
                        May 1992 - March 2006



                        Why doesnt EA just stay a publisher and keep it's big corporate wallet away from true genius.

                        A truly truly sad day.

                        I feel the most for DICE employees, some fat cat at EA gets even richer while people in sweden lose jobs, and their dignity.

                        I sincerely hope codemasters re-employ the DICE staff and produce a bigger, better game that crushes EA's market share.


                        • #57
                          Re: Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

                          Originally posted by Veng3ance
                          1. EA makes ALL the calls about the BF franchise


                          • #58
                            Re: Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

                            Originally posted by CommandoSteel
                            as long as we show support for the BF franchise.
                            kind of hard to do when the community gets no support from the franchise.

                            Originally posted by Veng3ance
                            3. I personally feel now that EA runs the show the franchise will take more of an arcade console based turn in the future.
                            i disagree. the sales of bf on consoles has been pretty low. And there are plenty of EA games that are PC-only (or at least got their start in PC).

                            The Sims is a good example.

                            Besides - soon the console and the PC's will merge and the Consoles will simple be PC's with XP media edition and Xbox software.


                            • #59
                              Re: Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

                              Originally posted by ludo75
                              May 1992 - March 2006


                              • #60
                                Re: Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

                                Originally posted by ||Animal||
                                Well here's a news flash, the larger company doesn't bash and destroy the smaller one.
                                You havent been following the gaming scene for very long, have you?...

