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Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

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  • Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

    A press release by DICE today, annouced the merge of Digital Illusions CE into Electronic Arts. What this means, is DICE will be working directly with EA on ideas, and certain tools / features.
    The Board of Directors of DICE believes that the current ownership situation creates uncertainty for DICE and its employees as the partial ownership prevents DICE from accessing EA’s tools, technology and financial resources. The board also believes that the current ownership structure will in the long term make it difficult for DICE to retain and attract talented employees and has led to an illiquid stock with insufficient research coverage.

    Recognizing these challenges EA proposed to merge DICE into EA’s subsidiary EA Holding. After thorough deliberation and extensive exploration of alternative options, the Board of Directors of DICE has agreed that such a merger is in the best interest of DICE’s shareholders, DICE and its employees. Following completion of the merger EA will be able to share tools and technology with DICE, which will help DICE to navigate console transition as well as transition to next-generation platforms. In addition, DICE and its employees would become part of a group with significant financial resources, which will be necessary in order to be successful in the coming years as game development is becoming increasingly costly and competitive.
    Could this be the end of DICE as we know it? You be the judge! Read the full story here.

  • #2
    Re: Digital Illusions CE AB To Merge Into Electronic Arts

    now mabey they'll manage to get thier act together and make non buggy games


    • #3
      Re: Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

      lets not forget what happend to last company.
      Westwood studio had the same fate but i dont think we should see dice going anytime
      soon as long as we show support for the BF franchise.


      • #4
        Re: Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

        but EA'll fire some DICE peeps for sure....


        • #5
          Re: Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

          It was always going to happen, not sure I really like the idea from a selfish game consumer point of view


          • #6
            Re: Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

            it's EA's mentality - they see company and peeps with great ideas - and they buy them. It's the only way to go nowadays.....


            • #7
              Re: Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

              Trauma studios - bought over then disbanded.

              From the creators of DICE, great financial move for them - they will make there money from this.

              For the game consumer - not so sure.

              Best of luck DICE on your new venture with EA - hope it works well in your favour and the suits dont f*ck it up for you.


              • #8
                Re: Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

                Perhaps they realised that BF 2042 won't have any future, let's hope they choose another scenery.


                • #9
                  Re: Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

                  yes i know some about this stuff first they will trow out some imporetant people then they start talking that the rest is useles and after 2-4 yers they will close new Hq ye like sierra company


                  • #10
                    Re: Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

                    I don't like this. I hope for the best, but have a sinking feeling in my stomache.

                    Will DICE be known as DICE anymore? Or just 'EA'?


                    • #11
                      Re: Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

                      It means the next Battlefield game will be both developed and published by EA.


                      • #12
                        Re: Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

                        Wierd. I thought this had already happened? I don't get it.


                        • #13
                          Re: Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

                          Originally posted by Apostle
                          Will DICE be known as DICE anymore? Or just 'EA'?

                          prob EA


                          • #14
                            Re: Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

                            That will be the end of DICE, and BF2 will change and become another game inmop


                            • #15
                              Re: Death of DICE or uprising of a new empire?

                              Well I added my Sig that I use over at the forums here now, I miss westwood. Command and conquer generals was great but the fact I lost any chance of a on going command and conquer series killed EA for me a long time ago. I will always hold a grudge over them for it. I love the BF series but compition is heading it's way. I know for a fact Mod support is down and i doubt the MErging with EA will make it any higher. Response times lowerd, Games Rushed, and another good developer dies ....

                              Did I mention I miss westwood.

