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US Intervention Mod Update

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  • #46
    Re: US Intervention Mod Update

    that F-16 is beautifully done

    good job guys


    • #47
      Re: US Intervention Mod Update

      I just realized something after thinking about the camo of US soldiers in the video...They used the six-color pattern instead of the curret BF2/MARPAT. So are you planning on re-skinning the soldiers, just like the Iraqies?

      Btw, what's up with UAZ in the second screenshot? It looks like the controls are too sensitive because the right front wheel is not touching the ground.

      Also, in that video you had the Chinese FAV(I know that Editor doesn't have the MEC one), is it going to be replaced by UAZ in the first release?

      Oh, and in ven0m43's signature, you can see the 2 gunners on the Abrams. Why are they positioned so much higher above the MG comparing to BF2? I thought DICE did a great job.


      • #48
        Re: US Intervention Mod Update

        Originally posted by DoubleVee

        Btw, what's up with UAZ in the second screenshot? It looks like the controls are too sensitive because the right front wheel is not touching the ground.
        i am sure the screen was captured "mid bounce".... im not sure how a wheel off the ground in a SS is a signifier of over-sensitivity...

        looks great guys! seems as though you are getting very close to .1 release.

        on a lighter note: the guys in the UAZ looks like he is in dire need of putting the seat back lol! sunday driver!


        • #49
          Re: US Intervention Mod Update

          hmmm what ever happend to DC?


          • #50
            Re: US Intervention Mod Update

            Originally posted by DoubleVee

            Also, in that video you had the Chinese FAV(I know that Editor doesn't have the MEC one), is it going to be replaced by UAZ in the first release?
            Early Version of the Map get BF2 vehicles to test with. The Mec jeep vehicle was just to big for that map. So I think there is maybe one in it right now. Then when all of that is done it goes through another phase of testing with USI Vehicles. That way if we come across odd vehicle behavior in the Map we can determine if it's a vehicle or map issue, this worked well in the beginning with testing the T-72 so it works well now.


            • #51
              Re: US Intervention Mod Update

              Originally posted by DoubleVee
              I just realized something after thinking about the camo of US soldiers in the video...They used the six-color pattern instead of the curret BF2/MARPAT. So are you planning on re-skinning the soldiers, just like the Iraqies?

              MARPAT if I am not mistaken, is the newest camoflauge the United States military has. Remember, this mod (atleast first release ) is focusing on ODS - Operation: Desert Storm early 1990's.

              The correct skin will be on the U.S. soldiers when .1 releases.

              Originally posted by DoubeVee
              Btw, what's up with UAZ in the second screenshot? It looks like the controls are too sensitive because the right front wheel is not touching the ground.
              The screenshot was taken in the middle of a "bounce" in the sand. You can tell by the whole lift of the vehicle. As jimbob said I have no idea where you got over sensitivty from...

              Originally posted by DoubeVee
              Also, in that video you had the Chinese FAV(I know that Editor doesn't have the MEC one), is it going to be replaced by UAZ in the first release?
              The MEC light jeep is in the editor. Are you sure your looking in the right place? And I believe in the list of vehicles/weapons that were making it into .1 the UAZ was on the list...

              Originally posted by DoubeVee
              Oh, and in ven0m43's signature, you can see the 2 gunners on the Abrams. Why are they positioned so much higher above the MG comparing to BF2? I thought DICE did a great job.

              That looks like the angle is causing an exaggeration of the gunners height. The gunners on the USI M1A1 are, if I am not mistaken, exactly the same height as DICE's M1A2 gunner.

              Hope this helps mate

              Originally posted by DoubleVee
              The Hind skin looks a little dull, maybe add more contrast to it?. Also, it's too green-ish, like a woodland camo...but the rest of the stuff is great.
              We have about 5 different Hind skins IIRC. I think it's just a matter of time before we find one that best fits whatever map.


              • #52
                Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                Was it really necessary to color all my questions and then do the answers in the same way? I mean seriosly... :laugh: You are a funny kid..

                Also, what you said about the camo did not really answer my question..:|:
                You said that the current BF2 camo(the one that I saw in the video) is ACCURATE for the time period? Did you read what was in Wikipedia? The camo that is currently in BF2 is called MARPAT, I believe, and the camo that was used in First Gulf War was a Six-Pattern(Chocolate-Chip as Wiki calls it). So what are you smoking?

                About the UAZ, I just thought it looked I thought the controls were like for JSF where you can lift it with your mouse.:hmm:

                And last, I played some custom maps and I noticed that they had the Chinese Version of FAV instead of MEC one...even though the team was I figured that something was wrong with the Editor - so one day, I was playing with the Editor and went to check if there was MEC FAV and couldn't find it...and that's my story

                Oh, and about the gunners - I don't know, it still doesn't looks as BF2, maybe I just haven't played BF2 in a while.


                • #53
                  Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                  In the video.................wrong camo for we have the right camo?..Yes.................this may be an earlier version of the mod..........this may be one of the transitional builds.......things get put in and put out of builds for many reasons.........but for USI v.1..........US soldiers will be supplied with the correct digs.


                  • #54
                    Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                    Originally posted by DoubleVee
                    Was it really necessary to color all my questions and then do the answers in the same way? I mean seriosly... :laugh: You are a funny kid..
                    Wasn't Necessary but it adds a bright cheery feeling to the forums.

                    Originally posted by DoubleVee
                    Also, what you said about the camo did not really answer my question..:|:
                    You said that the current BF2 camo(the one that I saw in the video) is ACCURATE for the time period? Did you read what was in Wikipedia? The camo that is currently in BF2 is called MARPAT, I believe, and the camo that was used in First Gulf War was a Six-Pattern(Chocolate-Chip as Wiki calls it). So what are you smoking?
                    I am confused. I don't really know much about the camo at this momment. wolfi might be able to help. I'll ask him to make sure to get back to you on this. I know your not the first person to be concerned about the Camo (you and like 1200 others) So ill personally make sure.
                    (Discard Pete our leader got it)

                    Originally posted by DoubleVee
                    About the UAZ, I just thought it looked I thought the controls were like for JSF where you can lift it with your mouse.:hmm:
                    Lift with my mouse? What's the JSF I want to The UAZ drives pretty weel in game but it isn't anything compared to a humvee. In later updates I'll make sure a post with the car loaded is put up.

                    Originally posted by DoubleVee
                    Oh, and about the gunners - I don't know, it still doesn't looks as BF2, maybe I just haven't played BF2 in a while.
                    ith the Editor - so one day, I was playing with the Editor and went to check if there was MEC FAV and couldn't find it...and that's my story [/QUOTE]

                    Honestly it never struck me as odd, but I know during my next testing session I'll be loking for it. But it has never struck me as odd ingame.

                    Originally posted by DoubleVee
                    Your so cool MarkHawk
                    I know.... [Insert cool color code here]


                    • #55
                      Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                      <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by DoubleVee
                      Your so cool MarkHawk

                      LOL... :laugh:

                      p.s.: JSF is the U.S. Vertical Take-Off Jet...


                      • #56
                        Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                        Originally posted by DoubleVee
                        Was it really necessary to color all my questions and then do the answers in the same way? I mean seriosly... :laugh: You are a funny kid..

                        Also, what you said about the camo did not really answer my question..:|:
                        You said that the current BF2 camo(the one that I saw in the video) is ACCURATE for the time period? Did you read what was in Wikipedia? The camo that is currently in BF2 is called MARPAT, I believe, and the camo that was used in First Gulf War was a Six-Pattern(Chocolate-Chip as Wiki calls it). So what are you smoking?

                        About the UAZ, I just thought it looked I thought the controls were like for JSF where you can lift it with your mouse.:hmm:

                        And last, I played some custom maps and I noticed that they had the Chinese Version of FAV instead of MEC one...even though the team was I figured that something was wrong with the Editor - so one day, I was playing with the Editor and went to check if there was MEC FAV and couldn't find it...and that's my story

                        Oh, and about the gunners - I don't know, it still doesn't looks as BF2, maybe I just haven't played BF2 in a while.
                        Lol, thanks for the compliment pal! What a friend.

                        I color coded them so that you can easily see what I was answering. Do you want me to edit them and do it another way? Jesus...

                        What I meant to say about the camo is that, when .1 comes out the correct camo for the time period will be on the U.S. soliders.

                        And regarding the MEC FAV - that's because it has a mis-leading name. You have to try out everything. jep_mec_paratrooper is what is listed as.

                        [EDIT] There are you happy now? [/EDIT]


                        • #57
                          Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                          Originally posted by DoubleVee
                          I just realized something after thinking about the camo of US soldiers in the video...They used the six-color pattern instead of the curret BF2/MARPAT. So are you planning on re-skinning the soldiers, just like the Iraqies?
                          Yeah, the patterns we use is correct. Currently its the 6 color desert one for heavy soldiers and the 3 color one for light soldiers. Both were used in GW2. Actually we dont have own player models so we need to make reskins. Would be cool to have own player models but thats not planned for .1

                          Originally posted by DoubleVee
                          Oh, and in ven0m43's signature, you can see the 2 gunners on the Abrams. Why are they positioned so much higher above the MG comparing to BF2? I thought DICE did a great job.
                          Track this one back to me. I didnt know you can place/move the players in the editor so i did it by hand and this is what happened Its correct now..


                          • #58
                            Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                            Originally posted by UH60BHPilot
                            Dude calm down... just cause I answered your questions doesn't mean you have to flip out on me... I answered them and nearly all of them were correct - if not all. [/EDIT]
                            He didn't flip out?!? WTF are u talking about ... don't yell at the fans... Smacks your hand.


                            • #59
                              Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                              Didn't yell lol. Just the way he responded made it seem like he was getting... meh nvm. Markhawk you don't understand. I've known this guy for 2 years, I can tell what he's trying to do mate.

                              Oh well, it's okay


                              • #60
                                Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                                Originally posted by DoubleVee
                                About the UAZ, I just thought it looked I thought the controls were like for JSF where you can lift it with your mouse.:hmm:
                                No worries to have, the UAZ is fine. When I make the screenshots I try to have something happening in them. In that shot I drove over the lower end off sandbags. And that angle was interesting because you can see the interior off the UAZ.

