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US Intervention Mod Update

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  • US Intervention Mod Update

    There is a new update posted today over at the <a href="" target="_blank">US Intervention</a> mod website. They have a ton of new media to showcase as well as a new teaser to give us. Here's what they had to say:
    Late update, but that is because MarkHawk made something extra. He made a vid to show off our custom sounds. These awesome sounds were created by Cpt.Sniper. You can view it here.

    Download Here!

    And that's not it! First we have a new model to show you; the F-16 Falcon. It was modelled by Cdr and skinned by Petemonster.

    <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_f16_998.jpg"></a> <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_f16_2_152.jpg"></a>
    <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_f16_3_166.jpg"></a> <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_f16_4_166.jpg"></a>

    Secondly our coders put the support UAZ, the Iraqi counterpart to the HMMWV, ingame.

    <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_suaz_345.jpg"></a> <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_suaz_2_128.jpg"></a>

    And last but not least we are finally showing MarkHawk's skins, very much to his approval. He brings to you; Desert and woodland Blackhawk and Mig-29 reskin (which still are DICE's models, to spare some time). He also made the desert and woodland A-10 skins and the desert Hind skin.

    <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_bh_1_696.jpg"></a> <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_bh_3_155.jpg"></a>
    <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_mig29_1_158.jpg"></a> <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_mig29_2_180.jpg"></a>
    <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_a10_128.jpg"></a> <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_a10_4_932.jpg"></a>
    <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_hind_1_158.jpg"></a> <a href=""><img src="/news/images/thumb_hind_3_137.jpg"></a>

    That A-10 firing sure is a picture of beauty, can't wait to try it out. Another great update from the USI team. To check out all of the images, visit their site <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.

  • #2
    Re: US Intervention Mod Update

    man.. I can't wait for this one to be released.. NICE


    • #3
      Re: US Intervention Mod Update

      Looks sweet and now the question is, WHEN? Last I heard it was supposed to be released this month, is that still the plan?


      • #4
        Re: US Intervention Mod Update

        I LOVE THE F-16!!!!!!!!!!! its my fav plane till the F-22 comes into full service, nice to see some pics of it

        TBH, when i loaded the page i saw "download here" and i got sooo happy, but after reading it it sorta got my hopes down but seeing the F-16 made up for it

        Nice AMRAAMs as well, looking forward to using them


        • #5
          Re: US Intervention Mod Update

          LOOOL, i see the F16 Flying each day. Will be fun to fly one myself


          • #6
            Re: US Intervention Mod Update

            That A-10's gonna be a beast. Bombs, rocket pods, A-A missiles, armor piercing rounds.


            • #7
              Re: US Intervention Mod Update

              The damn Gattling gun is overpowered at the moment, takes out anything in just a couple of seconds

              BTW. don't forget to watch the teaser, shows one hell of a fight on our map called Bahsra Streets


              • #8
                Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                That video doesn't give the custom sounds cooked up by Cpt.Sniper justice.

                And, if you guys watch that video you'll see that it's "Coming this April" .


                • #9
                  Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                  Not trying to be rude, im sure the MOD will kick butt in many ways.

                  The string\techno music was a bit annoying IMO. The sounds were ok, its nice to hear CPT sniper using new material, and not just recycling what EA had already done. The grenade sounded almost the same as that in BF2, which is fine.

                  I remember a pack of sounds put out by him a while ago, which I downloaded. I was puzzled to see that they were taken from the BF2 folders, then just EQed a bit. If your gonna do stuff like that for this mod, at least remove the EA stamp, and engineers name that made it originally. Plagerism is lame.


                  • #10
                    Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                    Yeah, they didn't sound as good as they do when your actually in 1P firing the weapons.


                    • #11
                      Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                      You need to play the game with a Subwoofer and they ground shacks when the a10 fly’s by now that’s a awesome feeling . and ya that video was hmm wired did show off the sounds very good at all. and yes that string\techno music was annoying.


                      • #12
                        Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                        Ha, that was me getting sniped and falling off the tall building at 1:45 in the video


                        • #13
                          Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                          Moldy was having great fun camping everyone, no flags left on our team, he just sits up there and kills the others....


                          • #14
                            Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                            The sounds are sweet with a subwoofer. Alot better than the normal bf2 sounds.


                            • #15
                              Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                              thats Moldy for ya

