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US Intervention Mod Update

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  • #46
    Re: US Intervention Mod Update

    Originally posted by CheetahShrk
    Also teh models are original unlike a certain mod *cough* dcon *cough* which imported stock bf2 models *cough* m1a2 *cough* and just modified one bit and reskinned.

    Me needs dam usi mod team status on these forums before I change the code of the aavenger to target certain people :P
    Wow Mr Cheetahshrk, im impressed. It must be exciting to have no idea what the hell your talking about. Is that something you learned in 8th grade? You know,....... last year.

    The amount of crap talking (which no one understands but you girls) is funny. Im just glad I dont catch any of our registered members or crew throwing up non sense on forums. Thats not what its here for. So grow up, and keep pretending you understand such topics, I find it amusing.:laugh:


    • #47
      Re: US Intervention Mod Update

      Originally posted by CheetahShrk
      Also teh models are original unlike a certain mod *cough* dcon *cough* which imported stock bf2 models *cough* m1a2 *cough* and just modified one bit and reskinned.

      Me needs dam usi mod team status on these forums before I change the code of the aavenger to target certain people :P
      cough i am from DCON cough what is wrong with reskinning bf2 vehicles? (humvee cough) sorry if we felt tht time would be better spent developing vehicles tht couldnt be represented by current bf2 vehicles lol

      lol i can tell why you care about having a single line under your name

      nice work USI - good to see you are able to give out a release date

      EDIT hahahahaha DNC beat me to it mid post lol


      • #48
        Re: US Intervention Mod Update

        Your little bro is a flame tard.

        "just modified one bit and reskinned"


        • #49
          Re: US Intervention Mod Update

          no i believe i actually didnt say tht and i certainly dont believe we ever said that about our reskinned M1A2... are you telling me he didnt say reskinned?... just talk about your own mod fellas and leave us out of it pls we all work hard and flaming other mods is uncalled for and unethical. Good luck with your upcoming release.


          • #50
            Re: US Intervention Mod Update

            Stop this guys. No need to ruin our news thread. Cheetah that was totally uncalled for and I have no idea why you even did that. Anyways, just move on.

            Thanks for the kind words jimbob


            • #51
              Re: US Intervention Mod Update

              Stop that you drama queens! We don't want anything like that again, PLEASE! Why can't we just get along WITHOUT bashing and flaming each other?


              • #52
                Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                I do not know anything about dcon really. For some reason 2 of our devs seem to do amazing work but only when in compition and under pressure. And if this random flame crap does it then so be it but most of us at USI can not stand it. Sorry about this sh*t it is retarted but most of the highers up are getting sick of it.

                That would be a good mini mod idea though , USI vs Dcon the fight for the Gulf War... lol :laugh: Just have all USI vehicles and such on one side and D-con on the other...


                • #53
                  Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                  LOL, we didn't actually change ANY BF2 models. We didn't even reskin any of
                  them that I know of. So, the DCon release is nothing but tweaks to get the
                  BF2 vehicles and weapons to what we wanted.

                  GJ, USI.
                  DCon knows it is a hard road to get PCO's in the game.
                  Many don't know, but they are learning.


                  • #54
                    Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                    I had a ball with your CTF mode the few times I got to get around to play it but with school work girlfriend and modding time is limited for fun...:cry:


                    • #55
                      Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                      We all wish you the best and will be playing USI when it comes out, you can count on that. Im sure most of you dont like the crap talking, just like us. I normally ignore the little jabs, which I find on several forums. This time it just ****ed me off.

                      Hey markhawk, I noticed the camera and Avid in your avatar and sig. I use avid pretty regularly. I deal more with Pro-Tools now cause I concentrate on audio though. What do you do?


                      • #56
                        Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                        as tester of USI, I also look forward to play Desert Conflict

                        The only remark I have is the flag, maybe don't put it in a bubble but carried by a soldier, looks more realistic

                        But good job DCon


                        • #57
                          Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                          CTF is a fun mini mod for me too, thanks. I personally like the bubble, something new is always (almost,lol) good. We all are waiting for the whole MODs to hit the market. Being an old DC guy, DCON and USI are the two im really waiting to get some play time on.


                          • #58
                            Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                            I have been working with Avid Xpress Pro for about 3 and a half years now. I use it for school mostly but I have recently over the year become more of a compsiter. Just trying to make really nice slick motion graphics and special effects for videos. My current project is the USI teaser video which in my opinion looks as good as the loop and the opening video for Vinalla BF2. It needs more time though and with all this stress work (to make the dead line) it's been held off a little to long...

                            I take a class on Pro tools soon but for basic audio stuff I have been using Sonic Foundry (i think thats what it's called) but I want pro tools and I want the complete Avid xpress pro kit. With FX and 3d. All I have right now is Avid Pro and HD.

                            (sorry for spelling errors)


                            • #59
                              Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                              Very cool. Oddly enough, I teach Pro Tools at a media college here in Orlando.

                              IF you ever have Pro-Tools questions, that is one of my Fortes (excuse my spelling as well) lol.


                              • #60
                                Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                                Yay, see we can live in peace!

