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US Intervention Mod Update

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  • #76
    Re: US Intervention Mod Update

    Hmmm... Nikko. Thanks I suppose - not sure if that was really nessecary, infact I know it wasn't. Keeping comments like that to yourself would be appreciated.


    • #77
      Re: US Intervention Mod Update

      Cheeta, Thank you
      Sorry I was harsh but you are harsh sometimes and like I said you have skillbut you just outlash to much and made look bad becuase you had made USI look bad.

      I wish you luck I don't hate you but either way I'll miss both you and Ice, sorry for the pressure but you weren't the only one feeling pressure (excluding the whole forums limit comments) this week. We were crunching and that's what happens.

      Originally posted by UH60BHPilot
      Hmmm... Nikko. Thanks I suppose - not sure if that was really nessecary, infact I know it wasn't. Keeping comments like that to yourself would be appreciated.
      Agree'd, No more drama because I just can not put up with it between forums and my job at the library (books and old ladies = GOSSIP 911 Oh My!)


      • #78
        Re: US Intervention Mod Update

        lol u guys r funny:laugh:


        • #79
          Re: US Intervention Mod Update

          Originally posted by icemagician296
          Ok first off little man I wasn't booted off anywhere I left for my own personal reasons. I can see the your own maturity so don't lecture me I have given the USI Team all my work up until I left. I will take this chance to publicaly apologize for anything I have said or done against DCON. I hope know that I no longer have the competition with I would like to regain something I lost a while back a friendship with Doorstop. I am truly sorry and I hope and given suggestion to USI that you two should merge. My temper was too great and my ignorance to much. Forgive me brother for attacking another volunteer modder.

          lol little man....

          if only you had taken this attitude months ago... i hope you have learnt tht modding has nothing to do with competition - we are all in this experience together... there are no winners - only great free MODS!!! i graciously accept your apology and i only hope you can accept mine

          hey - at least there arent any "rival" pirate mods rofl :laugh:

          EDIT: OH! not to FH2 noooooooooo may be seeing more of each other, ice lol


          • #80
            Re: US Intervention Mod Update

            Originally posted by MarkHawk
            Why does MarkHawk rule so much? He is an amazing Texture and Visual Effects Artist. He should be given money to go to school!

            With regard to the resources of USI, its sad to see Ice and Cheetah go as they were both very capable coders. At the end of the day, mods are for fun. If you arent having fun making one due to problems working with people or feeling your freespeech is restricted, perhaps its time to move on, sorry it didnt work out.

            FH and Pirates are both great mods, and im sure your skills will be appreciated.

            (i just hope we dont see any 'OMFG USI is the Suxxorrs!11! threads on the Pirate forums! j/k )

            Best of luck to you both, im sure you'll do well


            • #81
              Re: US Intervention Mod Update

              Enough... best of luck to all involved and life continues. Stop spreading the BS and slinging the mud. I think all people involved need to stop running off the reservation and comply with the norms. Just mind your own.. yea.. that basically puts it quite bluntly. Good luck to Ice and his compatriot. Good luck to USI and Goood Luck to DCON..

              Gentleman you all have alot of work to do. So i suggest you expend your energies where they need to be expended.. This points the finger at all involved.


              • #82
                Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                Originally posted by Doorstop

                Gentleman you all have alot of work to do. So i suggest you expend your energies where they need to be expended.. This points the finger at all involved.
                I do not quite get this part but all i have to it is "YAY FOR TACOS"


                • #83
                  Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                  Has USI gotten a new site yet?


                  • #84
                    Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                    Yes, It'll be linked in our next news update. We are taking this time to look at a few new layout designs we were thinking about before this mess. Shouldn't be to long before everything you know and love is back up.


                    • #85
                      Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                      Wow this mods lookin pretty sweet and they have a release date. What more could you ask for?


                      • #86
                        Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                        oh Lt. Miller you make me laugh.


                        • #87
                          Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                          bla bla bla! truma makes the best gulf war mod(s)


                          • #88
                            Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                            Both mods certainly have a lot to work towards, DOORSTOP's point is well made.

                            Rivalry is no bad thing if handled well, people tend to respond well to a decently judged amount of adversity and reasonable competition, but i think recent history in this regard shows just how regretable things can get if these ideals end up wandering into the wilderness of the unreasonable

                            Dcon CTF is a lot of fun, a lot of us 42DC fans look farward to DCon as much as we do USI.


                            • #89
                              Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                              thank you Clit_ Both mods are fantastic creations by very talented people. However this thread is about bashing this is about USI showing off their creative works. So far I like what i see and have always like what i have seen in the past in regards to their works. Keep up the good job. I'll be waiting at the end of it with my finger on the mouse button to DL this.


                              • #90
                                Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                                Originally posted by an army medic
                                bla bla bla! truma makes the best gulf war mod(s)
                                Ummm... they made more than one? If you didn't notice, DCon is not being produced by Trauma studios. Trauma studios was bought by EA a long time back. Get your facts straight man

