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CS: Source BETA Test Date

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  • bleek wrote..

    HAHA i told you retards that lastthing was not true. Just some random guy says the beta comes out the 28th and everyone eats it up. AHHAHHAHHHHA....sigh i hate you liars giving me earlier dates.
    Who do people post things like this? They know they're not laughing hard, or actually laughing at all, yet people still find the need to put "hAHAAHAAHahahaHAH" in unfunny things.



    • wolf8218 wrote..

      azz0r your name fits you. but id also like to add "inbred" to it.
      wow wolf845634523 you are a GENIUS! Keep up the wisecrasks, maybe someday you'll be a comedian.


      • r00phie wrote..

        CZ is and has always been a dissappointment, I don't know where you get off calling it the best version of cs available. More like they are rewarding whoever is stupid enough to buy this game which I know isn't alot of people.
        Everything you just said is a matter of opinion. I own CZ and am quite satisfied with it. I'd even be inclined to agree that it's the best version available.

        Your last statement is just outright false. It's 6:30 in the morning right now, which is just about the exact opposite of peak hours, and there are 12 000 people playing CZ at the moment. That would imply that there are at least 36 000 - 48 000 CZ owners. That is, as you would say, "alot of people."


        • Edited by [user="264023"] @ [time="1090505753"]

          I have been thinking about this lately...

          there are five types of people that complain about CZ.

          #1: the people that didnt buy it and have never played it.

          #2: 1.6 people that love custom skins.

          #3: CS noobies that bought CZ expecting it to be like CS:S

          #4: 12 yr olds with no jobs that can't afford $40 and feel ripped off

          #5: People with "really" crappy computers that can't run the new detailed maps with their out-dated video cards.

          I could make this list all day, but i have a job... damn it!

          So please any satisfied CZ owners that love to hear people complain about CZ; add to this list.
          wolf8218 wrote..

          azz0r your name fits you. but id also like to add "inbred" to it.
          Wolf8218 There is no point to bashing someone's name in these forums, its not funny and it has nothing to do with CounterStrike. Once upon a time they talked about CounterStrike in CounterStrike Forums...get my point?

          About the Brightness of the maps being too much for you... turn the brightness down on your monitor, problem solved! go ahead and camp now...


          • A point should be made here about CZ and the changes to the maps that were made.... You can still play the CS 1.6 versions on CZ. They made some updates for those who may like variations of a theme. You have 2 Dusts...2 Aztecs....2 Italy's...ETC. I like the new Italy very much. Dust? Aztec? (Tired of both anyway. Why aren't the rest of you?) In CZ though, the 1.6 versions of Dust and the like have the new models, sounds and other nice little touches that make CZ a little nicer IMHO. You can still have your shadows....still have no lights in the water....but give them a nice little update.

            I, personally, like playing new maps more..and yes, I know I am a minority in that. Great new maps like de_Vostok and de_fastline look great with the detail CZ can give that CS just can't duplicate.

            To each his own though. That's why there are two CS games at the moment.


            • #4: 12 yr olds with no jobs that can't afford $40 and feel ripped off
              As a 15-year-old stuck in this capitalist pit of a country, I resent that.


              • Stagger i agree with you, the things i like about CZ are the new maps. but i think the remakes look like shit and look very fake and 'intentional' if you know what i mean.
                Schnimph wrote..

                I have been thinking about this lately...

                there are five types of people that complain about CZ.

                #1: the people that didnt buy it and have never played it.

                #2: 1.6 people that love custom skins.

                #3: CS noobies that bought CZ expecting it to be like CS:S

                #4: 12 yr olds with no jobs that can't afford $40 and feel ripped off

                #5: People with "really" crappy computers that can't run the new detailed maps with their out-dated video cards.

                I could make this list all day, but i have a job... damn it!

                So please any satisfied CZ owners that love to hear people complain about CZ; add to this list.

                Wolf8218 There is no point to bashing someone's name in these forums, its not funny and it has nothing to do with CounterStrike. Once upon a time they talked about CounterStrike in CounterStrike Forums...get my point?

                About the Brightness of the maps being too much for you... turn the brightness down on your monitor, problem solved! go ahead and camp now...
                Its not the brightness, its the fakeness. The remakes look incredibly cartoony and unrealistic. And you forgot to add one important thing to why a cz owner may be disappointed.

                #6. CZ was intended for offline play single player mode. In addition, the multiplayer was supposed to feature many new weapons and equipment. There was supposed to be customizable player models in the development. However after 3 years of development which was really musical chairs with different developers, a small no-name company takes over the project and throws in new bots. This was then later thrown in with models from the deleted version and shitty remade maps. After 3 years, nothing was accomplished and a pricetag of 40 dollars was slapped on.

                I'm pretty sure thats the major reason that the people that are unsatisfied are unsatisfied. Reasons #1-#5 are bullshit.

                and for your info, 1.6 skins can be used for cz 1.2 so i have no clue wtf ur nub ass is talking about.


                • Well....I agree that Dust and Aztec both do not look as good in their remakes. That was my thought immediately when first checking the game out. I also run into tons of people who primarily play those 2 maps. I expected a outcry. That said, redone Italy and Office, I think look awesome. Militia, I still don't care for but I think they improved a bit. Now it's not "quite" as annoying to me. I love the hostages now in the rescue maps in CZ. Yes, they give your position away but the flip side is you don't have to walk all the way up to them to rescue them. Real hostages in a situation like that would probably blow your cover as well.

                  It's a matter of taste...and what one is used to.


                  • Vi3tSkl11 wrote..

                    As a 15-year-old stuck in this capitalist pit of a country, I resent that.
                    you really cant complain about not being able to get a job at the age of 15. you are making excuses and are illusioned if you think you deserve something or your special abilities as a 15 year old kid should get you a high paying, low work job.


                    • i cant wait


                      • Edited by [user="264023"] @ [time="1090596750"]

                        QuickDraw wrote..


                        Its not the brightness, its the fakeness. The remakes look incredibly cartoony and unrealistic. And you forgot to add one important thing to why a cz owner may be disappointed.

                        #6. CZ was intended for offline play single player mode. In addition, the multiplayer was supposed to feature many new weapons
                        CS is less fake than CZ? is that what your trying to tell me?

                        And by the way who promised you new weapons?

                        Every Weapon needs to have a balance... do you understand that there isn't that many guns left in real life to add to CZ that would be drastically different then the ones already in the game.

                        CS:S doesn't even have any new weapons lined up...

                        also if im a "noob" than who the hell isn't one? haha

                        Apparently there is no amount of time you can spend playing the game without someone calling you a noob.

                        if your 15 and you need a job... my lawn needs to be mowed.
                        QuickDraw wrote..

                        #6. CZ was intended for offline play single player mode. In addition, the multiplayer was supposed to feature many new weapons and equipment.

                        and for your info, 1.6 skins can be used for cz 1.2 so i have no clue wtf ur nub ass is talking about.
                        Who plays CounterStrike offline? People do that!? how

                        Well i haven't tried to use custom skins online for CZ, i was just reading about 100 posts with people saying "where did my 1.6 skins go?" though so i was going off that.

                        everyone loves the game, but the community loves to kill each other in these posts and in the actual game as well.

                        Quickdraw, what is your reason for not playing CZ? i am only curious and your the only one that will respond. Is it just the Maps?

                        How can you not love inferno... does that map look fake?


                        • yey i get to play cs source after school starts and not have all the time i want at home during summer time yey good job guys!


                          • Wicked-> wrote..

                            yey i get to play cs source after school starts and not have all the time i want at home during summer time yey good job guys!
                            Perhaps you would have liked them to say "Gosh, it's not finished yet but they sure want it anyway.....let's ship it."

                            Then all these people would be bitching because it's a bad game.

                            A good game that's late is better than a bad game that's on time.

                            Check the bargain bin at Wal-Mart to verify this.

                            You're young. Time you got used to dissapointment now. You'll be getting married someday.


                            • So everyone with CS:CZ gets the beta or only a select number? If everyone gets it I would go out and buy CZ right now. Can anyone confirm that everyone with CZ gets beta?

