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mailbag: CS 1.4

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  • To say that i think 1.3 was better than 1.4 is an understatement, 1.3 blew 1.4 away. I'm not saying all of 1.4 sucks, the 2 new maps are fabulous, and as everyone knows the spec mode is nice, but all through CS, since betas i have loved 2 things: Rushing in like an idiot with a pistol and jumping around while doing it. USP and DE were my fav guns in CS. I was a USP expert, id go in maps and go 22-0 with usp only. I played 1.4, and am sorely disappointed by the results. Jumping not only decreases accuracy greatly, but also slows you down horribly upon landing. Also, awp is now so much harder to dodge or make into an nonfatal hit because if you crouch jump or jump period your dead once you come down. I actually uninstalled 1.4 and now play 1.3 vs bots, and soon unless something is done I will quit CS altogether. Another really big issue is the walk speed. CUT IN HALF!!! now you walk as fast as you crouch-walk. But most of all its the jumping and pistol accuracies that tick me off. Overall id say all they had to do was keep 1.3, iron out a few bugs in it, add the anti-cheat protection and spec modes+ new maps, and put that up for DL. Dont change any of the actual gameplay. The c4 non-movement is ok, but it did slightly annoy me that T cannot move hosties. anyway, in conclusion, they could have just added a few things to 1.3 and made it better, without the jump and accuracy changes. I know people like realism, but its a Computer game, a video game. I dont play Video games to have real life realism, sure i ike realism, but games without it are fine by me too, so they should have just left 1.3 alone.


    • ok. I think 1.4 is good as far as the changes is weapon stats, maps, observer modes, etc go. The in game stuff. But it does LAG alot more, And i do hear of alot of bugs. I think its just me, but... MY COMPUTERS HAS HELLA BUGS. O, M, G, there is this one that won't let me go to console, one that will shut down the program completely, one that says it cant connect to a server or my cd key is in use. Oh, and there is this one REAAAALLLY gay one. it makes me move on its own. i could be 10 feet away from the compute, and ull see me running around like a retard. Thats right, itll even do it during the game, not just observer modes. i am REALLY getting sick of it. So the new stuff+the bugs, 1.4 SUCKS. they need to come out with a million patches, and FAST. cuz GOD im getting pissed


      • Heres stating the obvious. For those people who have actually read these posts they should be noticing that most of people that are posting long "essays" are in fact AGAINST 1.4. What does this mean? that they have nothing better to do? no. it means taht teh people who truly care about the game are pissed. Valve i truly hope you notice this and also veiw the pole. Look at those replies posted by beta veterens. All but one or two say how much cs has deteriorated. IN articles on cz it quotes representatives as saying they want to make cs easier for people to enter the game. Why let history repeat itself? as soon as counterstrike became easily avalaible to teh general public, Hackers appeared and the team play aspect of cs gradually declined and has become basically non-existent on pub servers. Now some of these changes do encourage more teamwork ill admit that. But i will gaurantee that over 70% of experienced cs players repeatedly jumped to avoid fire. This gave players the ability to evade and survive fire fights. A greater solution to all of this would have been to simply lower accuracy of all guns while jumping as youve done with pistols but allow jumping so that the system woudl not encourage camping as it now does.

        This post is getting too long so ill simply state. Cs veterans are those that are important, not those that dled half life off the internet. The veterans had a good community. Leave the veterans be. They are the ones that made cs a great game.


        • I dont know how many have Retail version of this game but console no longer works for Retail.


          • Go in your config and type cl_console 1

            I think even you Rizzuh, must admit that there has been a larger stint of outspoken people for 1.4 than 1.3. This is mainly due to the fact that 1.3 didnt make massive changes to gameplay. It's like taking out Rocket Jumping in Quake, or... whatever people do in Unreal Tournament. I didnt really like people who hopped up and down in CS, firing guns all the while, but it was a fun challenge. I took the slow walking and nerfed jump+pistol shooting as a challenge, and I have failed. I simply dont enjoy the game anymore. I've taken to finding corners to camp in, because I cant even assault snipe anymore.

            Why couldnt they done changes like no fast-walk, new spectator modes, new levels, anti-cheating, etc. They didnt NEED to change the way the game is played. Cheating is still rampant, pistols are now even harder to use, the game is slower, stealth is almost impossible, the list goes on.

            You can make changes to a game like this, but if people dont like them, it's their right to complain if they want to. We are the community, and if the majority of us dont want something, we should be able to get rid of it.


            • WTF d00ds get a life.

              Stop the complaining and go play 1.4 and practice the new jumping.

              Like 1.3, the veteran CSers always complain when sumtin changes.

              Just adept ur style and stop whining. They just wanted us not 2 jump so much.

              "Jesus is dead but God still lives"


              • Its not JUST the jumping Katana, its a lot of the changes. I ping twice what I used to and have half the FPS. Not on the new maps, on ANY map. I defragged and scandisc'd to make sure it wasnt just my computer. My roommate had some wicked 4 FPS in Aztec, and he normally has 60 FPS there. What use do the pistols really have anymore? You cant jump with them, but you can jump with rifles. You cant strafe with them, but you can strafe with rifles. I realise the pistol isnt supposed to be able to stand face-to-face with an assault rifle, but there just is NO chance now. The slow walking speeds make sneaking almost impossible most of the time, and AWP'rs get a pretty easy ride when people cant jump like mofo's praying to just get hit in the leg.


                • Been playing since Beta 7ish and to be perfectly honest I don't really get annoyed with each release like most people who post seem to do - then again, if you are happy, you are happy! The only thing I did lament was the loss of crosshairs on Sniper rifles. I understood why they did it, but it made me less of a whore

                  I got DSL about a month ago and since have found that I play with the MP5 and UMP more and more. Why? I don't know! I just seem to get a tighter bullet grouping now that my ping is up to scratch. As for CS1.4 I really like it. The planting update has me constantly screaming for covering fire when I am trying to plant as I do much whilst "concentrating" on planting. Bunny hopping? I thought it was just a speed bug that was fixed, but I have noticed less of it. Spectator/Dead Player mode - drool! I love it! I love the picture in picture and am more tempted to spectate a game now! I can also see the advantage of CS's new competitor (Tactical Ops?) having an Intelligence Officer as a player who simply watches in Spectator mode with pic-in-pics for each player (ala "Aliens") and directs them when needed which I think is kinda cool.

                  CS has been changing constantly and was lamented as dying when they shipped the retail version Stop being silly and enjoy yourselves! Oh yes, Chateau rocks!

                  Added @ [time="1020272357"]

                  coRd wrote..

                  BTW my email address is obviously fake, I didn't put it down my friend who hates jews prolly messed around with it.
                  Well, you could've changed it before you posted, couldn't you? Now we have neo-Nazi's playing CS??!! I cannot believe that people are letting the hatred of 50 years ago resurface under a new guise. Of course, the hatred and bigotry has always been present, but now people "glorify" it by calling it neonazism. It really winds me up - why don't you tell your friend to take a good long look at himself in the mirror and sort himself out.


                  • whats wrong with all these peple 1.4 is the best yet. a lot of people sya its to realistic, but doesn't cs market itself as a realistic game. then other people say its unrealistic on a forum abour DOD someone said "no one dies from one bullet thats unrealistic" how about some of these people that dont do anything but play cs try looking at the real world they will realize just what realisitc is. people are way overreacting to the jump system. tell me has anyone of you ever seen footage of a real swat takedown? did any of them jump while they shot NO get used to it!


                    • ive seen more cheaters in 1.4 then there were noobs in 1.3.

                      almost looks as if seirra made the cheaters jobs easier.

                      there was every single cheat out there being used ogcs, aimbot, wall hack, silent shot and no recoil. one thing that really sucks is theres barely anywhere near as many servers as before. the servers that are there, are mostly in the europe area. everything is fine about the patch except cheaters, menu lag, and the headshots galore.


                      • i hear lots of good input from the cs community some right some totally off.... in my opinion, however rizuh or whatever he calls himself claims that the recoil system wasn't changed at all. This is far from the truth. It all comes down to the "Cs Team" made guns less accurate bunny hoping and moving..... However they made the guns a whole lot more accurate spraying close and med range. proof for this can be obtained by simply spraying a clip of any weapon into a wall. The bullets cluster in a pack and go on a predictable spray formation. Anyway i feel this new release was a step in the right direction.. in my opinion cs has been going down hill since 7.0. However the game seems to be getting back to burst fire technique and aim rather then who can spray and strafe and jump more and ect....


                        • Thanks fer the fast downloads CS-Nation. I got 1.4 the first day it came out. I personally like the patch . I really like the dynamic crosshairs I improved my aim alot cuz I just crouch everytime I shoot and nail the punk im aiming at. But I hate the way people can get a headshot from 70 yards away without a sniper rifle. You should be able to get a headshot with SKILL not luck.


                          • More realistic? More realistic?! That was one of the primary reasons for this new, absurd jump stall?!! Ridiculous. You wanna make CS more realistic? Take notes my friend.

                            1. Why is it you can run faster with your knife out? Do the guns somehow magically disappear lifting the extra weight off our body?

                            2. Why is it when friendly fire's on, shooting your own teammates cause less damage in similar instances than when you shoot the opposing team?

                            3. Why is it people with 1 health can run just as fast as people with 100 health? Take a lesson from Rogue Spear and know that people who've been shot at, and hit, shouldn't be able to out run someone who is fully healthy.

                            4. Since when can people just magically buy things out of thin air?

                            5. Let me get this straight, I crouch, and I can give you a boost up to the fourth floor? Sweet!!

                            6. Why is it that there's a button for walk while the default is run and not the other way around? If we get tired from jumping, shouldn't we get tired from running? Common sense.

                            7. Since when can snipers run, strafe, jump, and yet, still retain solid (not precise) aim? From my knowledge, nine times out of ten, snipers are always on their stomach, and take several minutes just to get ready.

                            If the CS creators never wanted jumping to be an integral part of the game, they never should've allowed it to become such an integral part of the game. The reason most of us are complaining is because we've learned to adapt to it. Sure, we could learn to adapt again, but I guess we all feel this change, won't be for the better. If you wanna make the game more realistic, make it all or nothing. NOt this half-ass shit. By taking away jumping, you take away part of the essence of what makes counterstrike worth playing. Change is good, yes. But too much change alters what we all fell in love with in the first place.

                            On a positive note, I adore the new maps and views. BUT i do despise this non-strafing policy the creators are trying to implement. This gives awpers a much easier target with a far less worry of getting shot. Who has time to wait for the deagle crosshairs to shrink when you just ran out of your primary bullets and gotta pull out the secondary to defend?

                            If it were up to me, I would've just added the new spectator modes, and maps, and left CS the way it is (except perhaps, making it more difficult to snipe).

                            And that's my two cents.


                            • Can't get righthand view, Config file is set to "setinfo lefthand 0" as well as in the customize panel of CS. How do I fix this?


                              • Edited by [user="25374"] @ [time="1020316148"]

                                The first night and day 1.4 came out. I came to CS nation to specifically see what people had to say about the 1.4 release. Now that I have played CS 1.4 for close to a week. I see that some of my judgements were hasty. The pistol accuracy and the jumping are the only things that bother me. Not necessarily the fact that it is harder to jump and shoot someone. Just that it is harder to jump to avoid fire when surrounded by three people, which jumping used to give you a chance at. Understanding, that Valve and the CS team are trying to make the game better, one must appreciate the update for the fact that it tried to make the game better. The truth is the headshots are more of because of the recoil and that happens to where the guns go. Also I do not know what servers you all play in, but there has honestly only been one person that I could even accuse of cheating, and I just got out of college for the summer so I have been playing a lot in many different servers. The only complaint that remains is the jumping and the slow pace of the walk, for all those help ct's get in position and just set up and wait for people to cross the fire. Hopefully, Valve and the CS team will see the flaw in totally disallowing a player to jump after one and perhaps alter it. Other than that, I see noticeable improvements in areas such as aiming. Maybe in 1.5, they can somehow give back a little accuracy to pistols and maybe just give us like 3 or 4 jumps, before slowing down and then it'd be good.

                                Seriously though, if they ever put rocket launchers in Counter-Strike that would be the day I quit CS.

                                I still see more good qualities in 1.3 than 1.4, but after playing I am understanding what exactly they wanted to do with updates.

                                1.3 + 1.4 = 2.7, errr...... perfection

