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  • #91
    Except for the change in the walking speed, and the added time to switch weapons, those are baaad as well.... But the REST of the upgrade was spectacular (oh, except for the muting text when muting on the gui-menu .. since you have no way to mute voice-comm seperate from text messages (you can ignore text message by not looking at them, but you can't selectively choose to not hear the voice-comm (aside from muting).... ) But other than that, hells yeah, 1.4 would have owned.... put the rest of the shit back to the way it was, and release 1.5 and I think they'd have a very good game back in their hands.... If they want to change something, or add new content for the sake of keeping the game from getting stale.. then add some new equipment or something... new sounds? new maps? theres plenty of other things to do.


    • #92
      The CSN team and myself have all been very objective. ShackES and have certainly not been held to our standards of objectivity and we're a fansite.

      I have kept all my opinions on jumping and walking to myself except on the comments pages.

      Get off the objectivity argument now, there is no need to personally insult me because you're unhappy with the changes. I have only complained about the extraordinary amount of flames I've gotten for no reason other than running CS-Nation.

      I hope you guys start getting better arguments than my journalistic values are keeping your movement down. You're whining about everything instead of protesting CS 1.4 or something that would have an actual effect on the community.

      Added @ [time="1019941844"]

      GonePostal wrote..

      You can still deagle jump with the current system. If you're so worried about jump kills, why don't they make the accuracies totally insane while jumping instead of stopping jumping?
      The accuracies are totally insane, it simply doesn't prevent the luck of the draw aspect. Haven't you read summerblue's CS report?


      • #93
        Edited by [user="21273"] @ [time="1019942513"]

        I just noticed something... If you have dynamic crosshairs enabled (which I don't usualy have enabled)... notice what happens when you put the silencer on the USP or Colt. That's right, the crosshair gets just a little bit bigger. I mean what the hell? Combined with the reduced walk speed I think they're trying to tell me that being quiet is bad. And I'm not a gun expert, but I don't see why putting a silencer on your weapon should make it any less accurate.

        And also, I'd like to thank Rizzuh for running this site. I know that I wouldn't have the time or patience to deal with all of this AND run one of the best CS websites out there.

        One last thing, mind linking us to that "Summerblue's CS report"?


        • #94
          Edited by [user="2345"] @ [time="1019942835"]

          rizzuh wrote..

          The accuracies are totally insane, it simply doesn't prevent the luck of the draw aspect. Haven't you read summerblue's CS report?
          Summerblue was talking about the randomness of the accuracy system under normal circumstances. Not in midair. While you are in midair, the cloud is so big, there is no way you can even come close to hitting the target. But under normal circumstances, there is a very big chance to score a random headshot because the cloud is much smaller. If Valve was so intent on eliminating the jumping deagle shots, they could have done it with the accuracy alone and not even touched the jumping.

          And the best fansite is a constructively critisizing one. By not letting your opinion on idividual things like this be heard, you're worse than the people that do because Valve and the CS team will think everything is A OK...
          Spoonman wrote..

          I just noticed something... If you have dynamic crosshairs enabled (which I don't usualy have enabled)... notice what happens when you put the silencer on the USP or Colt. That's right, the crosshair gets just a little bit bigger. I mean what the hell? Combined with the reduced walk speed I think they're trying to tell me that being quiet is bad. And I'm not a gun expert, but I don't see why putting a silencer on your weapon should make it any less accurate.
          Because in weapons, suppressors and silencers actually decrease accuracy slighty.


          • #95
            Aww man... i'm going to miss my silenced Colt


            • #96
              GonePostal wrote..

              Summerblue was talking about the randomness of the accuracy system under normal circumstances. Not in midair. While you are in midair, the cloud is so big, there is no way you can even come close to hitting the target. But under normal circumstances, there is a very big chance to score a random headshot because the cloud is much smaller. If Valve was so intent on eliminating the jumping deagle shots, they could have done it with the accuracy alone and not even touched the jumping.

              Because, you tit, if you make the "cloud" larger, that means that a hit in such a situation will be by luck ALONE. By "merely" screwing with the accuracy like that, you're just allowing a "luck kill" situation to remain in the game. It doesn't matter if it's a rare occurance, even once is too much. Plus, at close range the chances of those wild bullets connecting is greatly increased, which would again make this something that scrubs would abuse at any given moment.

              Jumping restriction, on the other hand, deters them from BHing, and it does so quite efficiently. The goal was to stop BHers without intruding majorly on sensible gameplay, and that's precisely what it does. No unnecessary stamina bar crap to clutter up the HUD.

              Jesus. Are there any other rudimentary elements of gameplay you'd like us to hold your hand through? You can't grasp a concept like this, and yet you think you're capable of judging what makes CS more skill-intensive? Everyone's bitching about how random the weapons are now, and you want to add ANOTHER way to make BS kills happen?


              • #97
                Edited by [user="2345"] @ [time="1019950674"]

                mouth wrote..

                GonePostal wrote..

                Summerblue was talking about the randomness of the accuracy system under normal circumstances. Not in midair. While you are in midair, the cloud is so big, there is no way you can even come close to hitting the target. But under normal circumstances, there is a very big chance to score a random headshot because the cloud is much smaller. If Valve was so intent on eliminating the jumping deagle shots, they could have done it with the accuracy alone and not even touched the jumping.


                Because, you tit, if you make the "cloud" larger, that means that a hit in such a situation will be by luck ALONE. By "merely" screwing with the accuracy like that, you're just allowing a "luck kill" situation to remain in the game. It doesn't matter if it's a rare occurance, even once is too much. Plus, at close range the chances of those wild bullets connecting is greatly increased, which would again make this something that scrubs would abuse at any given moment.

                Jumping restriction, on the other hand, deters them from BHing, and it does so quite efficiently. The goal was to stop BHers without intruding majorly on sensible gameplay, and that's precisely what it does. No unnecessary stamina bar crap to clutter up the HUD.

                Jesus. Are there any other rudimentary elements of gameplay you'd like us to hold your hand through? You can't grasp a concept like this, and yet you think you're capable of judging what makes CS more skill-intensive? Everyone's bitching about how random the weapons are now, and you want to add ANOTHER way to make BS kills happen?
                The larger the cloud, the less chance there is in getting the luck shot dumbass. All the bullets spread evenly across the cloud, so you need more bullets to have the same chance of getting the same lucky shot. People are a lot luckier when they are shooting standing because the cloud is smaller, and there is a greater chance that lucky shot will occur. You try jumping and going full auto with the AK and see how many "luck" shots you get. Hardly any compared to the amount of luck shots you get on the ground. And you wonder why there is even more luck in the shots now? Because that cloud is a lot smaller when on the ground opposed to the air.


                • #98
                  Here's a test for you, jump with a pistol, aiming forward, and hit a tree 6 feet to your left.

                  Its not that jumping inaccuracies are bad, its the sheer AMOUNT of inaccuracy occurs.

                  I dont understand the point of jumps in the game as they are. I dont mind how they are, but why have them at all? May as well just steal the Rogue Spear lifting off the ground.

                  BTW, the DE is my least favourite gun, so the jumping inaccuracy with the pistol pleases me in some situations.


                  • #99
                    Edited by [user="2825"] @ [time="1020003207"]

                    and yeah...the deagle...any1 know what i can do to improve its accuracy when playing on the net? i mean, ive used it in lan games and its very accurate. on the net tho, with my lag (im a 56ker), my shots fooking go all over the place if im aiming at anything more than a meter away. any console commands i need to tweak perhaps?

                    sorry i know this is changing the subject, but id be real glad if any1 could help.


                    • Edited by [user="11106"] @ [time="1020112935"]

                      Spoonman wrote..

                      Aww man... i'm going to miss my silenced Colt
                      Silenced guns have always been less accurate, (since 1.3 anyways) there is nothing differant about it. 1.4 didnt change the accuracy of a silenced gun.

                      by the way, anyone know how to fix the massive ping spikes in 1.4? (i know only some of us get it)

