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  • CSNBits

    First of all, we're happy to open our official chat room. Please join us on in room #csnation. You can get an IRC client right here (mIRC). It's an alternative from the official CS chat room, I guess, or maybe just a room where you can bug the CSN team.

    In unrelated news, if you run a website, you can pick up our news feed right here. You'll probably have to write a custom parser or something. Notice the query string variables.

    Mailbags will now be posted on Saturdays. We found that they got about 10,000 more views when we posted then on Saturdays, because our visitors have no idea how to scroll down. Our current content schedule is new content on both Tuesday and Thursday and a mailbag on Saturday. That's three reading pieces each week for you guys; we hope you enjoy our hard work and continue to visit the site.

    As a side note, this week has been really stressful. Previously I stated that "if you don't like 1.4, leave CS-Nation." While I feel that a lot of the CS 1.4-haters are acting very immature about this by calling everyone a "nub"/"n00b" and a "fag," it's no excuse for me using a large paint brush over a large portion of those who dislike CS 1.4. You're more than welcome to visit this site if you don't like 1.4, but please respect our rules about not harassing users and posting on topic.

  • #2
    the irony of those insults is most of the people who say "nub" are actual newbies that are trying to act cool like the l33t clans

    oh and 'nub' is also quite possibly the most retarded thing I have ever heard in my life


    • #3
      Wow nice


      • #4
        Cheese for all....


        • #5
          nub? wtf?!?


          • #6
            a newbie. someone "new" to the game.

            anyways, i just think that most of the predictions, namely that 50% of the cstrike community is going to leave, are silly predictions.


            • #7
              At least %50 won't be playing the same version you are. $20 they will be using metamod and jump plugins.


              • #8
                I wonder if valve is going to change the jumping with all the negative responses to 1.4??


                • #9
                  Why didnt any of the other versions have any problems like this? i wonder why.... i like CS 1.4 just the Jump and Walk everything is AWESOME!


                  • #10
                    cs sold out to appeal to the evil newbiedoods`` baaad goose baaad


                    • #11
                      Is it just me, or do all the new players speak l337 while all the more experienced players talk normally? Do people really think leet-speak garners them any respect anymore?


                      • #12
                        CrazyNewbieGuy wrote..

                        I wonder if valve is going to change the jumping with all the negative responses to 1.4??
                        Don't count on it, they never do.


                        • #13
                          i bet they will Valve is mad and shiet...


                          • #14
                            Always a whining minority..


                            • #15
                              well, i hope to god that they change the jumping asap. can't wait for 1.5 or whatever the next version is to come out when they (hopefully) change it back to the good ole days.

