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Maps & CS 1.4

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  • Survivor, Torn and Storm have their uses. On my favorite 20 player server thats full almost 24/7 when one of these maps loads up 75% of the server quits, so other ppl can get in=)

    Also Assualt and Siege are great IMO, both old skewl but more importantly they require TEAMWORK!

    Also Oilrig is fun but i always thought it would make a good DE map instead.

    Just get rid of Vegas and all the new 1.3 maps.

    Also why was Rotterdam dropped? I thought that map was excellent and was quite pissed when i saw what replaced it=(


    • docks was good but yeah, those maps that were listed suck a bit Siege is too one side map... why always new maps suck ? hmm.. only few new maps r good..


      • I could very easily be speaking as a minority, but I think "balance" has begun to play too big of a role in MP maps for almost all games. Gone are the days when maps seemed like actual locations. Now maps are mostly symmetrical in order to ensure "balance". With all the changes coming in CS 1.4 to make it more "realistic", why are we moving to less realistic maps? If we want the game to be so realistic in terms of weapon accuracy while moving/jumping/etc why are we moving towards being less realistic with the maps? I doubt terrorists carefully select their targets in order to ensure that their opposition will have a fair chance to defeat them. I think there's a greater sense of accomplishment when you know you're on the undedog team and still manage to come out on top. It's late, and I know I'm rambling, but I sorely miss many of the old maps. Were they balanced? No. Were they fun? I thought so.


        • CS 1.4 IS OUT NOW!!!! GOGOGOGGO GEDDEM NOW!!!!111

          Added @ [time="1019629780"]

          Oh wait no it isn't.


          • JdeFalconr wrote..

            First of all, I disagree that the only way you can effect a change is to complain about it. You can also try to get involved in some way and do some work instead of sitting back and having other people work to satisfy your desires.
            Right. Let me just change the code so the weapons behave in a manner that makes sense. Oh wait, i can't. I don't have the sourcecode. Let me debate the faults of the game and how to fix them right under goose's and cliffe's nose with some of the most competent people in the community. Oh, right, that did jack shit too. Let me change the model animations so the CTs don't look like they have vibrators up their cornholes. Nope. Can't do that either.

            We've got words. We've got debate and reason. When those fail as they have, bitching is all that's left. Thank cliffe and goose for that.
            Besides, you're saying that we need people to make better decisions about what maps are included in CS releases. So why don't you make an effort to become part of that process instead of just criticizing it?! Instead of saying "someone should do this job," why don't you do the job? considering your criticisms you indicate that you've got good taste in maps.
            Make an effort how? Oh, i get it. I could start bullshitting everyone in an effort to ingratiate myself with the sacred "inner circle". Hell, i'd probably get my own forum, or at least mod status on the board. It's a tried and true formula. Sure. I c0u1d s74r7 7yp1ng 1ike 7h15, 7hat 5h0u1d m@k3 m3 v3ry p0pu1ar w1th cl1ffz0r0rzr0r. I could do that.

            Except, not.

            Cliffe-boy's known where to find me and other intelligent people, we never exactly made a secret of our existance in the community. And call us stupid, but i'm fairly sure that most of us aren't going to jump at the chance to beg cliffe to let us do his job for him. "Oh please, cl1ff0rd, let us toil to make up for your fucktarded nature". What a sweet deal that sounds like.


            • hey d00ds anyone have the time cs 1.4 will be released? we got a frickin clan match on @ 9pm and the servs gonna update lol


              • Uh-oh, trouble on finding the link.. whheres the link to download the 1.4?

