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Maps & CS 1.4

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  • Maps & CS 1.4

    First of all, no maps will be cut from CS 1.4. Survivor, Storm, Torn, Siege, Vegas, and Vertigo will still be in CS 1.4. I'm not saying they suck, but the community sure as hell thinks so. Oh, and by the way, those maps suck.

    Valve basically ignored maps for CS 1.4 and cliffe had little involvement with the beta test (cliffe selects maps for the mod version usually, newer maps would have to be bought by Valve to ship with the retail version). Because of this, de_comrade was never even tested, so there's no way it's going to be in CS 1.4.

    The map has been done for a while, so it's sad that Valve nor cliffe gave it a fair shot, but CS 1.5 isn't that far off assuming that Counter-Strike: Condition Zero comes out in the coming months. For 1.5 let's hope that Valve and cliffe decide to open the floor to some newer maps and delete the maps that don't deserve to be included with the official release.

    Torn, Siege, and Survivor: I'm looking at you.

    CS 1.4 will include things not listed in the change list, by the way. Accuracies for the P90 and PARA have been changed a bit, the sniper rifles have been improved as far as I've heard, and hostage navigation is improved. Let's hope it's a cool release, it sure sounds like it has some cool updates.

  • #2
    I want docks back.


    • #3
      That's a big negative on Siege sucking, but yes away with the others. Siege has too much history to be cut.


      • #4
        yeah, lets not forget assault


        • #5
          Edited by [user="2579"] @ [time="1019588105"]

          What's wrong with Vertigo? I think it's a really fun map to play, once you get around the huge problems of hearing footsteps and voicecomm from the floor above you. As for the rest of them, (including Seige, although it gets pts for being old-school) I'd say they belong in the crapper along with the rest of the...uh...stuff that normally goes in toilets.


          • #6
            Sounds to me like Valve is cheap and Cliffe is a dumbass. The maps torn, vegas, vertigo, and survivor(especially) suck ass, major ass. Havana and Chateau aren't all that great anyway. de_comrade SHOULD have been included with 1.4. Thank you Cliffe, we appreciate your fine work. Nice goin there buddy. BIG thumbs up.



            • #7
              I really do not understand this hatred with torn. I think it is a quality map with excellent gameplay, giving Ts plenty of options and ensuring a different round each time.


              • #8
                I agree 100% (except for Vertigo) and I also think that Cliffe is takin CS to hell...well, that is until he realizes his mistakes and fixes them in 1.5 (which I think will be a lot like 1.3)



                • #9
                  Hey give cliffe a break, he's taking his finals right now and rightly spending time studying. Just because he's PR for the worlds most sucessful multiplayer game ever, doesn't mean he should sacrifice his education for a few maps.


                  • #10
                    Curve wrote..

                    That's a big negative on Siege sucking, but yes away with the others. Siege has too much history to be cut.
                    You have to be kidding me. The map has absolutely no balance. "History" shouldn't make the map stay in CS.

                    And what history does the map have? It was in BETA 1? Wow!! So was cs_mansion and I don't see it in CS. Siege has horrible gameplay, no flow, no focus, no anything. We're discussing the maps and not the authors, so don't even think about talking about N0TH1NG.

                    Added @ [time="1019588839"]

                    narby wrote..

                    Hey give cliffe a break, he's taking his finals right now and rightly spending time studying. Just because he's PR for the worlds most sucessful multiplayer game ever, doesn't mean he should sacrifice his education for a few maps.
                    I agree with narby. It sucks that this happened, but cliffe has a life like the rest of us.


                    • #11
                      Edited by [user="2579"] @ [time="1019589224"]

                      How interesting that some of you feel justified to badmouth Cliffe now that you've decided some aspects of CS aren't to your liking anymore. Have you ever taken the time to tell Cliffe and the rest of the CS team what they've done well?

                      By the way, if you feel Cliffe isn't doing enough work for you, then you could step up and try to get involved. Don't like the system? Work to change it. Write e-mails to Valve. Do some mapping on your own if you feel the included maps aren't good enough. Do anything, but please don't complain without earning the right to do so.


                      • #12
                        What CS needs is an official map with drivable vehicles. The only reason Siege didn't work too well with the APC is because of the place it was put(10ft away from a cliff), and the fact that the T's don't get a vehicle.


                        • #13
                          Rizzuh, It's not just in certain maps sucking but it's in the look and feel of some of the older maps. I like assault but it could really use a graphical facelift let alone some design tweaks. Looking back on CS I'm really surprised more of the maps haven't had major tweaks done to them, the only ones I can think of are Italy, Office and 747.


                          • #14
                            Whats wrong with the way italy looks?


                            • #15
                              narby wrote..

                              Whats wrong with the way italy looks?
                              solid awp & ak users can really dominate.

