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CS 1.4 BETA!

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  • Edited by [user="17648"] @ [time="1016066084"]

    This sux0rz I don't have a credit card so i can't use this shit! FUCK can someone help?


    • anyone have the problem where your connecting, then it just locks up?


      • (sic) wrote..
        This sux0rz I don't have a credit card so i can't use this ****! **** can someone help?
        u dont need one to play beta 1.4

        also have an interesting problem.

        a few minutes after i exit 1.4 beta, i get a blue screen error and my Comp crashes. any fixes?

        and if i change certain controls (radio) it will say that my cache is damaged and will not let me play cs until i allow it to fix it.


        • hmm

          i do say this lock up bs is needing a foot in its butt...(needs fixed)


          • y0, well, i dowloaded steam and wut not, and i started to run cs 1.4. When i tried to enter one of the servers, it told me that my OpenGl mode is not supported by my video card. My video card really sux, but it always worked on 1.3. So i went back to 1.3 to check the settings, put 1.4 on those settings, and it still didn't work. Does 1.4 have new requirements, or is there something else i should do?


            • Besides for ragging or bragging on Steam, what do you guys think of the actual changes they've put into 1.4? The jump thing is extremely annoying and will damage good skill a lot I think. Not being able to jump while in combat or while being sniped at is going to make jumping a pretty worthless part of the game.

              Also, the fact that even pistols are completely inaccurate while running or even walking strikes me as really really stupid. Maybe if the accuracy diminished if you were strafing, I could understand that, but at a forward only run, guns in real life are accurate because there is no side momentum to change the path of fire. What's with that? If they are trying to make it more realistic, why do something that isn't realistic even in life?

              I'm still testing, but as more things come up, I'll probably post more


              • Edited by [user="19342"] @ [time="1016604950"]

                I installed steam and everything. Do i need to have the mod version to use this? right now i have retail


                • I'm playing for 2 days, this game is tha shit

                  and the maps are bigger than ever

                  i love chateau and havana !!!!!!!!! Peace to y'all download this shit


                  • When i am going to play i get a error! Something with a dll file =(

                    do anyone know what i can do to fix that, then please tell me!!


                    • Damn u CS-Nation!

                      i entered the Setup link and it is dead or something cuz i CANT FIND IT!!!!!!!!


                      why is it happening ???

                      i cant download the fukin SETUP

                      man someone tell me what is happening


                      • Hey this is coo but couldn't they like make the download at a web site instead of off the servers it lags them to shit. Someone should try to get them to put on a web site if they do already tell me were. Thnx EneMiGo


                        • I cant connect to a internet server. It says that could not get won aunthentication. I can connect thru the CS 1.3 but not 1.4?? WHY????


                          • what is acount ID?plz help me. do i type in my email address?the thing is that when i do it pops out numbers and letters

