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article: iceworld

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  • article: iceworld

    Our latest author joins the fray with his look at the popular fy_iceworld. Although it may not be of interest to those of you who have played it, WillBBC realized that CS-Nation (the best site ever) had failed to mention one of the biggest movements in the CS community. So scream "fy!" and check out the article:
    Iceworld: the name itself means nothing but the map has more 24/7 servers than many of the official CS maps. Hated by many, loved by many more, Iceworld has spawned a variety of maps based off its extremely simple premise: kill or be killed. The map is nothing more than a square of snow textures with four over-sized beams making up what almost resembles a pound symbol from a bird's eye view. A variety of weapons are laid out on two ends of the map, each end being spawn zones.
    Read here. I just recently played the map myself (yeah, yeah, I love official maps) and I hated it, but the guys who were kicking my ass seemed to love it!

    Good job and welcome to the team, WillBBC!

  • #2
    Short article.... really short.... oh rizz... You've run out of story???


    • #3
      WillBBC is the author.


      • #4
        If you are playing a map with no objectives, then you aren't really playing CS at all in my opinion. Why not just go play Half Life death match instead? Ice World is just a big old noob fest.


        • #5
          Oh, and did I mention that I hate iceworld with a burning passion? The maps I like the most are the ones that I feel the most like a counter-terrorist on: as_oilrig or cs_747, for starters. Hate that raw deathmatch style of play! Also explains why I only play random map in Age of Empires, but I'll cease my incessant whining.


          • #6
            CabalSoljea™ wrote..

            Short article.... really short.... oh rizz... You've run out of story???

            ...and how long an article do you expect for Iceworld??


            • #7
              it seems WillBBC needs some practice wit his writing skills

              iceworld is fun unless the entire opposing team gets awps over a few rounds and camps the sides, i guy with a para holds off the middle and it ceases to be fun


              • #8
                dot_commie wrote..

                it seems WillBBC needs some practice wit his writing skills

                iceworld is fun unless the entire opposing team gets awps over a few rounds and camps the sides, i guy with a para holds off the middle and it ceases to be fun
                the fun ends when u have connected to a iceworld server..


                • #9
                  fy maps are an insult to CS and mappers, when I saw they play 1.6b with iceworld maps now it was as a knife in my chest.


                  • #10
                    bozer wrote..

                    If you are playing a map with no objectives, then you aren't really playing CS at all in my opinion. Why not just go play Half Life death match instead? Ice World is just a big old noob fest.
                    you know (im sure I'll get flamed for this) I would have agreed with you about half a year ago, but I have come to notice over time that CS in pubs is never playing with objectives. While clanwars are nice and a fun way to play, pubbing on de_dust with no objective ("what's that c4 icon on my screen") or pubbing on fy_iceworld makes for me no difference. The only mod that really requires teamplay, and achieves it is Natural Selection. It really is great.


                    • #11
                      'DE' maps don't stand for DEfusion or DEmolition; it's DEathmatch. 'AS' maps force players to follow objectives. Dat Shimpell!


                      • #12
                        i like to hide in the water on iceworld


                        • #13
                          LOL dm_dust LOL aztec is such a murderhole! Make some real maps!

                          Oh wait, 30,000 people are playing iceworld. The community is a fickle, ambivalent bunch of poptarts!


                          • #14
                            iceworld is shit


                            • #15
                              Edited by [user="41266"] @ [time="1045848342"]

                              iceworld is nice for a little break from all that exhausting objective play, but i never join an iceworld server on purpose.

