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Desert Conflict Release Dates

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  • #46
    Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates

    I'm retired from the team (over a year now), and I just want to say thanks to the guys that stayed in there and brought it to us. It was really rough at times, and I know from my own personal experience that it wasn't easy for the DCon team to do this. This is certainly going to breathe new life into BF2 for me, and I am very excited.

    Thanks again, and cheers to a job well done!!


    • #47
      Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates

      Finally the sandstorm is here Cant wait to play it.
      Scud and MLRS.... cant wait to see how its firing :evil: :evil:

      (I loved the Promo video, was like a real movie)


      • #48
        Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates

        Congrats guys.

        I'm up at 4:45am saturday morning for work. Will i be going to bed friday night now. HEEEEEELLLLL NOOOOOOOOO.

        I'll be out to buy the red bulls tomorrow


        • #49
          Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates

          speaking of the arty and whatnot....

          if you can say, anyone from the DCON team...can you follow the arty and missle shots after they are fired to adjust your shot?, and if so what did you guys do to keep someone from bombarding the uncaps?


          • #50
            Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates

            Originally posted by Nikko
            I'm retired from the team (over a year now)
            yea, where have you been hiding man? glad to see youre still alive

            Originally posted by ctz
            fantastic news, can't wait to play! congratulations kiff and the rest of the dcon team!
            thanks, looking forward to fh2. im interested to see first-hand some of your coding miracles!

            Originally posted by BRUTALITEEEEEEEEE
            can you follow the arty and missle shots after they are fired to adjust your shot?, and if so what did you guys do to keep someone from bombarding the uncaps?
            yes, for the most part its the old style dc/'42 style arty camera/spotter system. i put a LOT of work into it and it seems to have paid off. You can read the (wip) tut/manual here:


            as far as uncap raping: it would probably be fairly easy to write an script to punish for/prevent it, but wouldnt that take out 1/2 the fun of it? imagine 73 Easting w/o arty whoring :O


            • #51
              Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates

              oh I wasn't worried about GETTING base raped

              I was a bastard with the arty before and now it's time to reprise my role.....:evil:

              Friday can't come soon enough


              • #52
                Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates

                i will feel relived and revived when i get my hands on that Jolly Roger F-14 tomact..hopefully in the next release....

                but for now, i just want to congraduate the accomplishment of the dcon team.. door stop (or was it hoofer) had a saying back more bloody peashooters on the battlefield...

                i am impressed by the media release sofar...i hope weapons and vheciles will be un-noobified in which EA has done to our BF2.


                • #53
                  Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates

                  i didnt mean to double post...


                  • #54
                    Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates

                    hehe, i know i posted this before but can any of the devs confirm if there will be a NZB file on release day so the people who use newsgroups can get them? just need a confirmation, since i cant freaking wait!!

                    man, ive been posting this release date on irc channels i frequently go to, totally unrelated to fps games, but i dont care lol, im the resident super battlefield fan in those channels and its getting really annoying to them to hear me talk about this upcoming mod so much lol. but im sure i got a few of them to try the mod, so expect me and a few other people i have convinced.

                    im sooooo excited daam it!! it feels like im gonna play the real BF2 for the first time (what it should have been)


                    • #55
                      Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates

                      I'll ask my Release Manager, DVShadow about that, and try to get an answer for you.


                      • #56
                        Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates

                        Originally posted by Sgt.polka
                        I CANT WAIT! UNTIL FRIDAY! *builds a time machine*
                        almost done with my time macine. lol


                        • #57
                          Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates

                          Originally posted by Sgt.polka
                          almost done with my time macine. lol
                          Hit me up when you are done, I'll cruise with...


                          • #58
                            Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates

                            Friday?, release it in 15 minutes, we will not bother about bugs, lazy moders, BF2 was released two years ago, damn it
                            J/K, J/K :laugh:


                            • #59
                              Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates

                              Originally posted by Lobo[FH]
                              Friday?, release it in 15 minutes, we will not bother about bugs, lazy moders, BF2 was released two years ago, damn it
                              J/K, J/K :laugh:
                              You show me yours and I'll show you mine. HEHEHEHEHEEEE LOL


                              • #60
                                Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates

                                One hell of a Friday night coming!!
                                Way to go guys.

