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Desert Conflict Release Dates

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  • Desert Conflict Release Dates

    The Desert Conflict mod is back again today to announce the release dates for their first version. Listen up:
    Is it time yet? I keep hearing this echo across my msn screens and in my ears on TS. First off let me begin by saying this..

    DCON was started with the thought of trying to recreate a feeling that we as BF2 players now haven't had since the days of DC. After Bf2 was dropped on us.. It felt lacking. Some of the players stuck to Bf2 happy with playing for stats and unlocks. Some felt, well, out of place. The skill that once was, was no more. The fun that once was had, disappeared. DCON heard the cries of the community early on in its development before I was here. After taking over the helm and the team growing and shrinking and growing again. We pressed on with the single goal of making BF2 fun once again. We started working on CTF.. A game mode that wasn't included with BF2. The fans downloaded it and played it.. Enjoying it. However it was lacking.. It was lacking that which was. Vehicles and weaponry and maps that are all familiar to us all who had played DC. So we started our work on getting those things together. The current team faced alot of criticism for inheriting a mod that was trying to bring back the game play of DC.. We've taken our knocks and kept going. YOU the community was there for us right from the start.. You guys have been a pivotal part of what DCON is.. You the Fans! This was made for you.. This was made to give you back something that has been lost for nearly 2 yrs. This was made so that you can dust off you bf2 discs that you've tucked away cause you were waiting for this moment to dust them off. THIS WAS MADE FOR YOU!

    As of tomorrow evening at 7pm est I will be releasing the server files to the public. FRIDAY March 30th I will be releasing the client files at 4pm est. Read more...

    To check out the entire update, click here. Only a little longer now!

  • #2
    Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates

    yay for dcon,i get out of school early on friday to,excellent.


    • #3
      Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates

      Woohoo! Even a better reason to look forward to a weekend.


      • #4
        Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates

        Ommmgggg all these mods are going to kill my social life. Cant wait until friday. I'm trying to imagine what vehicle i'm gonna whore first. Hind? Frogfoot? The Iraqi rocket truck (arty)? AC130's Howitzer?

        Or maybe I should bring MiG ramming back in style? Remember when the MiGs used to ram the Apaches in DC? Good times!


        • #5
          Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates

          Originally posted by Fishw0rk
          Ommmgggg all these mods are going to kill my social life. Cant wait until friday. I'm trying to imagine what vehicle i'm gonna whore first. Hind? Frogfoot? The Iraqi rocket truck (arty)? AC130's Howitzer?

          Or maybe I should bring MiG ramming back in style? Remember when the MiGs used to ram the Apaches in DC? Good times!
          im def going for that ac-130 along with my whoel team probably!


          • #6
            Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates

            Another great mod hitting the public. GJ.


            • #7
              Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates

              It's finally time. Iver been waiting for this my entire BF2 career. YAY!


              • #8
                Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates

                I posted this on the dcon forums, but I wanted to echo it here

                Im looking forward to playing w/ a ton the public players. It's been good times with the devs and testers, but it will soon be a whole new ballgame. Big props to showNOmercy for taking a lot of the vehicle models and getting them game worthy, it was a LOT of work. Also a huge thanks to all of the other devs and the testers for making this mod a reality. Its been a very bumpy ride at times, but it will soon be proven worth it


                • #9
                  Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates



                  • #10
                    Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates

                    ya i can just see the smacktards out that day for sure.


                    • #11
                      Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates

                      very professional to announce a release date !well done Dcon team .now any word on a size?roughly


                      • #12
                        Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates

                        I cant wait! You guys have done one hell of a good job!


                        • #13
                          Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates

                          4pm EST thats way to late for us european guys waaahahahaha ... will download it and host it on our clans website !!

                          looks good cant wait to play !!


                          • #14
                            Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates

                            :rock: :rock: :rock:
                            :banana: :banana: :banana:
                            :shock: :shock: :shock:

                            That just about sums it up.


                            • #15
                              Re: Desert Conflict Release Dates

                              For file sizes:
                              Server files should be just under 60MB.
                              Client files will be just under 700MB.

                              And, we'll have enough bandwidth and mirrors, throughout the world. Torrents as well.

                              Also, one of the testers made a post in our testers section that I'd like to share. It pretty much sums up many of our experiences creating this mod.
                              Originally posted by -=TCC=-Poseidon
                              As I watched the Promotional Video last night, I sat there in front of my monitor and I actually started feeling a chill down my back..I laughed at myself and asked myself... why am I feeling this if I was in that video?..see thats me in the vid for one split second..the guy in the technical... As the video progressed i started seeing why i felt that way...I realized the inmensity of this mod..I realized that I was part of something that would entertain hundreds of guys (& girls) Something that for some, would be a world away from reality...Something that would make people laugh, get mad, frustrated and at the end of the night, after shutting down the PC,,,, lay there in bed and think damn... that was fun. The more the video went on, the more excited i was getting ....I've played these maps, I've flown the apache, the planes and tanks but still I'm thinking...I can't believe it, I can't wait...Damn these maps look awesome...The sounds, the skins. The shock and awe factor for me was awesome....I can imagine how much more it will get the fans stoked for the release.
                              I am a DCON Beta Tester...and proud and humble to be a part of this grand family. I know that many have dedicated countless hours in front of the computer or while at work, the mind wandering on how and what i can do to change or better the mod. Lots of you have deprived yourselves of cherished family time, of sleep or even going out with the buds for a beer....To everyone I just want to say Thank you!, Awesome job! There will be nothing more satisfying but to see the positive feedback from fans, the full servers, Once again the match ladders and to know we (DCON TEAM) made this possible once again.
                              Know this, you have found a friend in Poseidon, a blood and sweat brother and even after my testing days are over, I hope we can always remain buds thru xfire, email or in game...I got yo back ho's and if you happen to kill me i...remember my words and watch out for me because I'll be coming back for you .....with my rusty knife in hand... ;-)
                              Peace out.... -=TCC=-Poseidon
                              This is what drives us Devs to do what we do. It's the fans.
                              I couldn't put it better myself. Thanks Po!

