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Why are snipers hated?

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  • #91
    Re: Why are snipers hated?

    Easy kit to use ... and why is that o enlightened one? Does a player using the sniper kit use less keys on his keyboard or is it because people just present themselves in a nice single file begging to be shot. How about those homing bullets that are being fired from a M95, its fire and forget just like the Jets ...


    • #92
      Re: Why are snipers hated?

      Originally posted by IntensivCareBear
      um alcorr, i have to say that you being a sniper, overestimate the skills of your class.

      you might be decent at sniping (although i doubt it). however, that does not change 99 percent from being moronic smacktards who whine and have absolutely no skill whatsoever.

      ironically, the best snipers are people who play other classes given a sniper kit, as they perform best every time by far.

      ive noticed with guys i play with who play spec ops, support medic or other normal classes, they are amazed at how easy it is to snipe, even though almost all snipers miss and suck anyway. i tried the SVD and L96 for a while and got about 10 kills for 1 death in 20 seconds.... pathetically easy, yet the no skill snipers whine as soon as their claymore is threatened.
      please dont talk uter ******** ,you never play sniper yet according to you,with a l96 can rack up 10 kills in 20 seconds.

      get me a video of you doing this on a ranked server,so i can post you for hacking.

      there is no way you can do that with a l96.
      thats 1 kill per second not to mention reload and target identification+ all shots would have to be headshots.

      im a pretty good shot but i would not get 10 kills in 20 seconds againts bots.

      as for you stupid 99% remarks wake up smaktard there are other country's that play this game and out of all snipers 20% will be masters(probaly)20%verygood(probaly)20%good("") 20%not so good("")20%verybad

      now a stat for you.

      25% bf2 players are so good it's not funny
      25% bf2 players dont play for team no matter what class
      25% bf2 players are clueless to how the game works and the word team means players that have blue names /green names
      25% bf2 players spend all day playing the game and think they can/have the right to flame things like snipers,for being a sniper.

      sniper = steath,accuracy,range supremacy.
      decent cover fire =kill assist for sniper and a kill for team.
      with m95 all a team has to do is fire 1 pistol bullit ect.
      kill AA,mg turrets tank mg turrets,**** heli pilots off ect
      scare the **** out of a squad when one of there m8 drops=helping the team.

      but unfortunaly a lamart like youre self thinks team work is only getting a flag/assist and getting team points.
      guess what ?
      you dont get points for everything when it comes to teamwork,
      but you will get my point of view when you disrispect my fav class.

      face it there are loads of medics that dont help team,
      loads of support that dont ,
      and all the other kits,why???????

      not everbody was given the intensive care bear guide to teamwork.
      its a game ppl play it best they can,or play it the way they want.

      i can play other kits ,just becuase i chose sniper doesnt mean i cant kill a expert support guy with my pistol.
      just the same as a noob player cant kill me.

      ppl hate snipers cus....................
      if they stand still for more than 20 seconds then 10 of them will be dead from one sniper<--not
      if they stand still they get headshot-ed if they mount a mg on a buggy same happens,and they can do anything about it.


      • #93
        Re: Why are snipers hated?

        Yeah, if people just played better, then there wouldn't be whining towards snipers. I just came from a game where i got 15 kills and two deaths. The majority of my kills come from people just basking in the sun on their belly, when I pop em in the head. What is really fun is sniping enemy snipers that found you, then they get a little angry.


        • #94
          Re: Why are snipers hated?

          Hey blade.verzilli TF stay cool dude, IntensiveSmackTard isnt worth 2 secs of your time. Most of what you just posted he will probably not understand anyways :laugh:

          Btw I just remembered something this evening and you just posted again. The Kill Damage Assist is a Teamwork Score point. So I guess snipers are teamplayers after all. Pheww , /me donces ,


          • #95
            Re: Why are snipers hated?

            Originally posted by Jemme101
            Hey blade.verzilli TF stay cool dude, IntensiveSmackTard isnt worth 2 secs of your time. Most of what you just posted he will probably not understand anyways :laugh:

            Btw I just remembered something this evening and you just posted again. The Kill Damage Assist is a Teamwork Score point. So I guess snipers are teamplayers after all. Pheww , /me donces ,
            thanks for letting me no about that idiot,oh thanks for the kill assit info to great.
            i didnt no it accualy gave a point to team,i meant that it helps you team kill.but good to no it gives a point aswell


            • #96
              Re: Why are snipers hated?

              Originally posted by blade.verzilli TF
              thanks for letting me no about that idiot,oh thanks for the kill assit info to great.
              i didnt no it accualy gave a point to team,i meant that it helps you team kill.but good to no it gives a point aswell
              you are a ****ing idiot. your grammar is so pathetic and you have a command of the english language on par with a lemur.

              i didnt even try to read or com


              • #97
                Re: Why are snipers hated?

                Originally posted by IntensivCareBear
                you are a ****ing idiot. your grammar is so pathetic and you have a command of the english language on par with a lemur.

                i didnt even try to read or com
                ok you have trouble reading its ok,the bit i wanted answerd was youre q's to....
                I CAN KILL 10 PPL IN 20 SECONDS WITH A L96

                please go on a ranked server and record youreself doing this.

                i recomend the free version of fraps it gives 30 seconds,you should get 15 kills in that time.

                you are 11-13 arnt you?

                oh as for youre q's (look for big letters above)
                that got to be the most bullsheet thing i ever heard.

                as for my spelling well..(some ppl have probs spelling i.e me)
                just like some ppl have a need to flame ppl over and over and over i.e you!!!!

                p.s i would rather have bad grammer than attitude like your's


                • #98
                  Re: Why are snipers hated?

                  Lets be honest Snipers are lazy.
                  I used to hate snipers because they'll snipe you while your in a firefight with a squad and just seemed at the time pathetic.
                  However I've used the Sniper kit alot recently.
                  It's lazy maybe a tad pathetic but it is fun!!!!


                  • #99
                    Re: Why are snipers hated?

                    Christ carebear, you're getting dumber by the second.

                    It is pretty obvious you are 11-13 as verzzili just said, you act like a complete noob. Maybe instead of flaming, making things bold, and generally not thinking through, or backing up your arguments with facts, you could stfu and think about what your saying.

                    None of the snipers here are whining about the claymore as you imply, in fact, I for one believe the claymore should be destructable by nades as it once was (its giving the class a bad name).

                    As for you're accusation of being able to kill 10 ppl in 20s, grow up please. Many snipers are very skilled at doing what they do, you on the other hand, are most likely either a PKM, or vehicle whore. I for one bet you killed 2 people the whole round you played as sniper, before saying its "noobish" and going off to find a tank.


                    • Re: Why are snipers hated?

                      Snipers are hated because most of the regular ground pounders dont notice the little things that we do.

                      A squad rolls up to an enemy flag and comes under heavy fire. The squad leader brings up his map and calls in artillery on the enemys position, obliterating them and allowing the squad to move up and capture the flag. Thank the sniper who has been knocking down the enemy Spec Ops before they could destroy your artillery.

                      Your teams flyboys are able to take off and provide air support for the ground troops without constantly having an enemy aircraft on their six. Thank the sniper who is cracking off shots into the enemy pilots before they can take off.

                      Your tank is able to roll through the city and hold down the enemy flag while your assaulters capture it. Thank the sniper who is smacking down those pesky Anti-Tankers and C4ers before they can blow you to hell.

                      Sure, Snipers arnt running through the alleyways tearing up **** with our automatic weapons, tossing frags and knifing every other guy in the face. But I can guarantee that your BF2 lives would be much more difficult without a sniper to cover you everywhere you go.


                      • Re: Why are snipers hated?

                        Alot of people ignorantly believe that snipers are worthless to the team. Whenever I snipe I average about 30-40 kills. That's 30-40 tickets that the other team lost. I love to spot jets and other vehicles until someone comes around and bombs the sob. This is tickets lost for the enemy team too as well as tickets that my team did not have to give up because of that jet/attack chopper/apc etc spawn camping us. Another thing that happens quite often is that some people will get very mad after being sniped so many times and make it their mission to destroy you for the whole round. That's one more nub wasting his teams time trying to find a good sniper.

                        Sniping AA whores is another thing you can do to help your team out greatly. After a few deaths most people are afraid to jump in the AA seat. Keeping your aircraft in the sky should be top priority for the team.


                        • Re: Why are snipers hated?

                          Silvur and Bitvomit added some good points also. GG guys


                          • Re: Why are snipers hated?

                            The best way to get back at a sniper is to go behind them and knife them like I've done before. Sometimes I spawn as a sniper and shoot them in the body so they can go "Oh no...where is that sniper at"? Then boom, killed by ACE4U pops on the screen, which is really awesome when they just sniped me and do not have a clue where I am, enough know I am no more then 50 feet away:laugh:


                            • Re: Why are snipers hated?

                              This thread inspired me to at least explain how useful a sniper can be.

                              Explained here:


                              • Re: Why are snipers hated?

                                Im a wicked sniper and i always come tops of all the snipers in the game. enemy or friendly.

                                i make the enemy team lose tickets by killing them

                                i break up squads. i kill enemy squad members who get so irritated they break off just to hunt me. then they just get killed out there in the open

                                i make enemy players curse me on chat because im a stubborn thorn in their ass

                                i make enemy players disconnect in disgust complaining that snipers are overpowered

                                i defend flags and eliminate the best enemy snipers to protect my team, its points and its players

                                i neuralize all igla sites within view distance

                                im the hated sniper that my team loves

                                im ExsessiveMasturbator

                                p.s i dont always play sniper. i change kit depending on mission requirements.

