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years of playing now i give up

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  • #31
    Re: years of playing now i give up

    You have been playing BF for years without switching to other games, it is quite normal that you seem very fed up with it. Why don't you try playing F.E.A.R.. It does support online play. SWAT 4 is an excellent game too. I would also like to suggest you playing XBOX Ghost Recon 3. If you confine yourself to 1 game, you will get pretty bored by it.

    You may come back to BF say, 6 months I am sure by then, popular mods will be available. Everyone is waiting for mods, I am one of them. I wish to see PoE ASAP!


    • #32
      Re: years of playing now i give up

      Originally posted by IntensivCareBear
      ironically, it seems the clan morons and whiners are leaving bf2.

      funny that this guy himself is in a clan.... and xsteelrainx was actually complaining in caps lock on a recent karkand game...

      really, i have played since the start of bf1942 and basically all of its great mods, and find no reason for complaint. except that claymores ruin the infantry urban maps, but mashtuur is still fun and the vehicle side still insanely fun.
      Another case of not having all the facts before posting. I love it. Clans actually are groups of friends that gt to gether to play a game. I would even go so far as to say that clans help keep the games with their heads above water. So, you think clans are morons, would you also then say the same about TBF2? They are a clan?
      You just also said that you find no reason for complaint, yet you bitch about the claymores on infantry maps, you sir are a douchebag, like none other.
      Originally posted by IntensivCareBear
      frankly, all clans have a mud reputation from my personal experience, and if theyre proving that super high scores need no skill, then i salute them.

      and EF is excellent, rather nice refuge, guaranteed to find no whiners in EF maps now. and no claners? what a bonus!
      See what I mean?


      • #33
        Re: years of playing now i give up

        I still think this is a good game. The only thing that bugs me is I still do not know if I like the arty. I know this has to do with modern warfare, but damn. Some guys use the crap out of the thing and that is kind of old.


        • #34
          Re: years of playing now i give up

          I love the game. Poor coded interface and the occasional bugs (like shooting ‘smoke’ or bad connection problems); this is what makes me angry, more than someone using a better weapon or tactics.


          • #35
            Re: years of playing now i give up

            is it just me, or are their way too many pink avatars and signatures floating around this joint?


            • #36
              Re: years of playing now i give up

              Just play for fun- go for awards and compare stats only with your friends.


              • #37
                Re: years of playing now i give up

                Originally posted by xRAMBOx
                im not in a clan??? RAMBO wouldnt work so i did x next to it -=ami=- wanted me but i like being a vigelanty like the real rambo
                I second that.


                • #38
                  Re: years of playing now i give up

                  Originally posted by Evil_Eye
                  Just play for fun- go for awards and compare stats only with your friends.
                  True. I like looking at my awards, badges and medals. Don't know any friends here who play BF. But I can imagine showing off your eagel is one way like showing off what you have got in BF. This global ranking system rocks.


                  • #39
                    Re: years of playing now i give up

                    Originally posted by Terroser

                    this community exist with many noob whiners, and stats horney people....

                    horny? wtf


                    • #40
                      Re: years of playing now i give up

                      play desert combat.


                      • #41
                        Re: years of playing now i give up

                        I like BF2. That's why I play it.

                        Since you don't like it, don't play it.

                        Buh Bye ~


                        • #42
                          Re: years of playing now i give up

                          Originally posted by Sir. Shpox
                          After mod's come out, I stop playing vanilla. I wash on 30 mins and found took a moment to figure out how bad the game had gotten in the recent patches, can't be bothered writing a huge post where only an intelligent person will read. Just wait for the mods...
                          Waiting and hoping for the mods.
                          Until then, Golf course opened up yesterday woohoo!


                          • #43
                            Re: years of playing now i give up

                            When we play the mod in the future, we are not gaining statistic or ranking from the global rank system true?


                            • #44
                              Re: years of playing now i give up

                              Stats, Bah! who wants them...... I love getting pwned by n00bs
                              That made me laugh


                              • #45
                                Re: years of playing now i give up

                                Originally posted by BF2Freak
                                When we play the mod in the future, we are not gaining statistic or ranking from the global rank system true?
                                and THAT underlies the whole problem w/ the custom mods/maps, hardly anyone is playing them. i have given several of the mini-mods/maps a chance, and you can tell there are people working hard behind those mods to bring the general public a different, potentially better bf2 experience. the modders will be what breathes new life into bf2, especially if people let go of the points system as a means of rank (highly doubt it). there are better maps out there already! of course that is a matter of opinion, but believe me, if people played more variety of maps they would probably find more enjoyment in bf2. people are treating these points as though they had transcended any meaning pertaining to gaming, and that they are a real reward ("global" points). yes, it can tell you how you performed against the other team, but many times i've had the highest score on the losing team. it happens, it's yin and yang. you cant win without losing. both are inevitable in gaming... accept it. i saw my 7 yr old nephew get so frustrated at an xbox game that i thought he was gonna have an aneurysm. so i told him to take a break from it, get some fresh air and come back to it. he did so and mastered the part of the game he was on. this game can frustrate you, the best thing you can do is to not let it.

                                sorry for the rant

